On 03.07.2010 15:29, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
Please apply this patch to the latest flashrom svn (subversion) tree, recompile and then run flashrom -V This command should be reasonably safe (it only tries to identify your flash chip), but if you don't have a way to recover from a bad flash, please don't try it. Then please mail the output from the command above to the flashrom mailing list (preferably as reply to this mail). Doing this on your boards with newer (last 5 years) Nvidia nForce chipsets would be highly appreciated.
my first mail was this: [1]
Find attached the output of "flashrom -V" after applying the patch.
HTH -Kjell
[1] http://www.flashrom.org/pipermail/flashrom/2010-May/003113.html