# 14th September 2023, 6.00-7.00am UTC+0
Attendees: Stefan, Anastasia
## Decision summary
* Renaming flashrom branch from "master" to "main" in the very near future. All patches in Gerrit will be converted with the script.
## Agenda
* [Stefan] Renaming flashrom branch from "master" to "main" (coreboot did it already, no issues) * We can switch all pending patches in gerrit via the script, no issues with that * Let's send two announcements: 1) we are renaming the master branch to main at DD/MM 2) after this is done on DD/MM, send a second announcement "this is done, here are instructions how to update local repo". * Stefan will do all of that * nothing to do for developers right now, and then after the second email sent follow the instructions in that email * aklm will update dev guide (git commands)