Hi Carl,
I'd have answered sooner, but right now I'm switching net providers and have only very sporadic access to email.
Auf 10.12.2010 21:43, Carl Worth schrieb:
I was delighted to find flashrom when I needed to recently flash a chip with a Dediprog SF100 and I googled for "dediprog linux". [...] Is there some further testing I could help do before this support is enabled by default?
Here is the todo list for the Dediprog driver in flashrom: - Implement fast write support. I know how to do most of it, but I won't have time to tackle that before January at the earliest. That would give you native write speed. I'd tell you how to do it, but that would be roughly as difficult as writing it myself (I only have lots of USB traces and some reverse engineered data). - Check _every_ SPI chip if it can handle the FAST READ (0x0b) command and mark the ones which can't, because the Dediprog driver uses FAST READ by default, and all other SPI programmer drivers use the standard READ (0x03) command, so a read test for any given chip with the Dediprog is useless for all other programmer drivers... - Hook up speed setting support (dediprog_set_spi_speed needs to be handled the same way as dediprog_set_spi_voltage, and that also means it should take the frequency as parameter instead of some obscure frequency ID).
The speed setting is optional (nice feature, but not essential), but the first two points on the TODO list are necessary to ensure that everything works as designed without people having to wait for ages (up to an hour in the write case) and without people getting garbage on read for older chips.
IIRC two people on IRC (dashcloud and NTU) were interested in helping out with the verification that all SPI chips support the FAST READ 0x0b command. It's fairly simple. Search for 0b in a flash chip datasheet and check if any occurence mentions that it is the FAST READ command.
Regards, Carl-Daniel