I have a PC Engines apu2d4 running NetBSD 8 (amd64), and would like to update coreboot/etc. on it. I searched the list (perhaps not well) and didn't find any reports of success, although I realize things are generally expected to work so success might well go unreported.
I am using flashrom 1.1 as built from pkgsrc.
I was able to read the existing bios without issues as: flashrom --programmer internal -r 20200301-readflash.rom
Before I try to write, I am wondering if anyone has successfully done an apu2 bios update with flashrom under NetBSD 8 amd64?
(I have a debricking adaptor (spi1a) and will prepare a Linux flashing image on USB before trying myself, whether I not a get a report of success.)
Thanks, Greg