Acked-by: Uwe Hermann uwe@hermann-uwe.de
but please see below for a review.
On Thu, Sep 01, 2011 at 01:37:48AM +0200, Stefan Tauner wrote:
- add P7H55-M LX to the list of supported boards although flashrom works correctly, it is marked as not ok, because flashing the vendor image will break the LAN interface.
Hm, dunno if this is what we want to do, the "board loses MAC address" issue happens for other boards too and is not strictly flashrom related.
Feel free to commit, that should probably be another thread discussing how we want to handle the "board loses MAC address" cases.
- add Intel D865GLC to print.c
"add Intel D865GLC to print.c as non-working (ICH5 with BIOS lock enable)"
- add Zotac GeForce 8200 to the list of supported boards
"ZOTAC" as per vendor website, they use that spelling pretty consistently there (you correctly used "ZOTAC" in the source code already).
- add preliminary X79 (patsburg) PCI IDs 0x1d40 was reported already as working (not archived in our pipermail?)
One of the X79 entries is marked OK, the relevant mail for that report is http://marc.info/?l=flashrom&m=130683026218257&w=2 I think, please mention that here.
- rename some chips that had gratuitous "probing" suffixes:
- M25P05.RES
- M25P10.RES
Please mention the reason / mail / URL for that here.
- fix Asus P4P800-E Deluxe detection The original board enable was added before DMI matching and used the IDs of a Promise controller as secondary PCI ID set. The controller could be disabled in the BIOS which would make the board not match. This patch uses the SMBUS controller instead and
- B("Shuttle", "FH67", 1, "http://www.shuttle.eu/products/mini-pc/sh67h3/specification/", NULL),
^^^^ I'd add "Used in the Shuttle SH67H3 barebone." (or similar) here.
And/or make the board name "FH67 (SH67H3)", but that's probably not such a good idea.
- B("Tyan", "S2912 (Thunder n3600R)", 1, "http://www.tyan.com/product_board_detail.aspx?pid=157", NULL),
^^^^ Maybe add "Tested on the S2912G2NR model (without SAS)." or similar.