On 10/21/2010 07:43 PM, Hugh wrote:
I recent attempted to update the BIOS on my netbook and bricked it. The netbook uses a MX25L4005A http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/267915/MCNIX/MX25L4005AM2C-12G.html serial flash chip and I have a Bus Pirate that I am trying to use to verify that I can talk to the device in question. I'm using the following command:
Are you trying this on the motherboard itself or have you removed the part? If you are on the motherboard then are you sure that the motherboard allows for in-circuit reprogramming? You have to make special provisions on the motherboard for on-board reprogramming.
If you have the part removed from your board then what speed is your spi bus clocking at? With manually wired SPI connections you may need to slow down the clock speed to make it work.
Verify your miso/mosi connections and try swapping them many times its very confusing what side is what.