Anybody here have ever used a CH341A with a MX25L6405D?
(my English is not very good, it may sound a little weird)
I'm having problems because it can't find the MX25L6405D.
I know that the programmer works, since I was able to make goods dumps of a MX25L8006 that was on a old router, but I was not able to detect a MX25L6405D that was on my Thinkpad X200 (it could not even find a chip). I know it is not a problem with the SOIC16 clip that I used since I was able to use it on a rayer_spi device.
I not really sure if this is correct but, I saw that could be a bug on the code of the program that the CH341A port was based on:
I still didn't tried this version of the ch341prog because right now i don't have the time, but I will do eventually.
I used the 0.9.9 of flashrom.
Sorry if I caused any problems, Potato