On 10/06/11 23:31, Pete Batard wrote:
regarding the man page patch:
-can be any of +can be one of
how is that better (non-native speaker here...)?
Non native speaker either, but I think (feel) "any of" is better applied to very short lists, whereas "one of" is better applied to long ones, and our list has grown long. As the matter above, just a matter of individual perception.
As someone who is a native English speaker I would say that "one of <list>" implies you can select one item from <list> (only one) and "any of <list>" implies you can select one or more option from <list>. I have had a brief look in 'man flashrom' and I would suggest removing "any of" in all places and "one of" in one place, they don't seem needed.
Best explained in a patch, so I have attached one. Signed-off-by: Andrew Morgan ziltro@ziltro.com
I left “one of -h, -R, -L, -z, -E, -r, -w, -v or no operation.” because those options are mutually exclusive.