Hi all,
I work with kontron based COM boards. We currently use their home (DOS) tools fptup and jidacmos to update the bios of our boards. These tools work correctly but they must be run separatly from the rest of the "factory" tools used to prepare the machines. Our current factory tools use Linux to correctly update the different firmwares and softwares we run on the machines. The only missing part is the BIOS.
So I am searching a way to integrate the BIOS update procedure to our standard update procedure to simplify to whole process.
That being said, I tried the flashrom utility. I works for updating the BIOS image, but doesn't seem to be able to update the configuration part of the BIOS. The result is an updated BIOS version with a wrong configuration (which fails to boot correctly).
Searching a little deeper, I found that to succesfully update the BIOS on these boards, you not only have to update the BIOS image but you also need to "pre-configure" it correctly. This is done by executing the jidacmos DOS utility using the following cmds:
jidacmos rtc /clean jidacmos eep /clean
So my question is: What is this jidacmos utility? Kontron doesn't give much details about it.
You guys have any idea of how I could reproduce the behaviour of the jidacmos utility (cleaning the rtc and EEPROM I suppose)?
Any info would be appreciated!
Tech info: Board model: SU9300 Chipset: ICH9M The board uses the: AT25DF321 chip.