Hello Mozygeek,
On 19.03.23 02:12, mozygeek@outlook.com wrote:
Hi, please I need your help, after venturing for the first time to reprogram the BIOS chip EON EN25F64 with CH341A device to incorporate a NVME upgrade I had a nightmare day, I can read it but not write/verify it, is the chip defective, would a newer chip with the same specs work with a SOIC-to-DIP adapter?
looking at your log, there are only a few bytes failing verification. If you are lucky, this is just a random failure of the programmer (e.g. bad connection, power issues). I would first do another verification run to see if it gives the same error and byte counts, i.e.
Verifying flash... FAILED at 0x006a9108! Expected=0x00, Found=0xff, failed byte count from 0x00000000-0x007fffff: 0x168
If that stays the same I would try to write again and see if the failed byte count gets lower.
A new chip should work better if the chip is to blame at all. Be aware that there are many "DIP" adapters around that use square pins too big for regular DIP sockets (you can get them in but they may damage the socket if you have to plug the adapter more often). I think I've seen some adapters with thin, round pins, those should be better.