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www.acl.lanl.gov/linuxbios, just suck down the link in the latest news (in 10-15 minutes or so ... it gets copied out via crond).
A few notes: 1) Don't even bother getting it unless you are comfortable with assembly code and hardware 2) I only support two motherboards. PLEASE read the notes in bios/freebios. To make a linuxbios for one of the two supported motherboards, you:
cd bios/freebios/linuxbios/L440GX make
or cd bios/freebios/linuxbios/SIS630 make
Now, for L440GX, it can build a set of files to be loaded onto the Intel phlash disk. You need to get that disk first. You need to learn now to 'recovery load' a bios. If you don't have an Arium or other ICE, you're dead!
For the SIS630, it builds a 512K rom image that you burn with a burner. In each directory there are ROOTDOIT scripts to show you what happens next.
Please follow this structure! It makes it simpler to host multiple motherboards. There are some subtleties in places, feel free to ask questions.
linuxbios is now hosted from majordomo@lanl.gov, and is open to all to join. Feel free to join if your main interest in this is linuxbios.
questions to me.
Current issues: SDRAM config on L440GX and SIS630. PCI config.
But it is *close*.
- To unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@freiburg.linux.de with 'unsubscribe openbios' in the body of the message
Ronald G Minnich wrote:
www.acl.lanl.gov/linuxbios, just suck down the link in the latest news (in 10-15 minutes or so ... it gets copied out via crond).
Unforutnately, I got: Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /linuxbios/code/export.tgz on this server.
Apache/1.3.9 Server at www.acl.lanl.gov Port 80
What's happening ??
Ollie - To unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@freiburg.linux.de with 'unsubscribe openbios' in the body of the message