Hi all,
A slightly off-topic question, however there may be some people on the list who will know the answer to this: what was the number of the Brooktree IC used on the cg3 framebuffer? According to various sources, it looks like the BT458 was used on the cg6 - is this the same as the cg3?
Not an answer to your question, but perhaps helpful:
Alan Coopersmith managed to get the source for XSun released, and it includes the cg6 driver. You can see it here: http://dlc.sun.com/osol/x/downloads/openXsun/
Hi Bob,
I found the email where Alan announced this, but don't see a license off hand. I think it was a BSD-like don't-take-credit-don't-point-fingers-use-at-own-risk but don't see anything. Hopefully Alan isn't too sideswiped by this and can chime in. http://mail.opensolaris.org/pipermail/xwin-discuss/2010-July/004624.html
As I recall with the announcement, one of the restrictions on releasing the source was that only the cg6 driver would be provided, since it was already part of the vendor SDK.
The Xsun sources we released via opensolaris.org have the licenses listed in the source files. Everything there should be MIT/X11 licensed, or a close equivalent such as BSD - certainly everything under Sun copyright was released under the MIT/X11 license, other sources mostly came from upstream X Consortium releases.
The cg3 driver wasn't present in the sources this release came from, since I released the last Xsun sources from the Solaris Nevada development train, many years after cg3 support was removed from Solaris.
-Alan Coopersmith- alan.coopersmith@oracle.com Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc
On 04/11/12 11:53 AM, Nathan Kunkee wrote:
On 11/04/12 20:48, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
In terms of trying to implement a cg6 buffer emulator for QEMU, would there be a problem with just studying the code to determine the behaviour of the hardware blitter? I expect it would be extremely unlikely that any direct code copying would take place with the exception of a few defined constants for programming the hardware.
Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
Nothing's off-topic to the Spanish Inquisition :-)
Found one in a SPARCstation IPC in the museum. "Campus Color Frame Buffer" FCC ID GWV76CG3, bearing a Bt458LPJ110.
On 4/10/2012 12:03 PM, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
From the pictures on http://www.sunshack.org/data/sunpix_sbus.html ,
both the 501-1415 (cg3) and 501-1672 (cg6) use the BT458.
On 10/04/12 18:03, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
Brilliant! Thanks to everyone who replied and confirmed this for me!