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Th ATI Driver Update extension from 9.2.2 has these ‘NDRV’s for the Rage128.
ATY,Rage128k ATY,Rage128Pk ATY,Rage128Ps ATY,Rage128s ATY,Rage128y ATY,Rage128Pd ATY,Rage128P2ks
I thought I was able to use them in a very limited mode, however checking the IOReg I see the display “NDRV’ from the Mac OS ROM. So the Rage128 ‘NDRV’s try to load, but at some point they abort and never get built in the device tree for the card.
So maybe the FCode can fix these issues.
BTW does anyone know how to trail the serial output of Qemu?
May debug trace of “ate*” and “pci*" is longer than the line buffer of my terminal and I’d like to be able to save it as a text file.
Something like -serial stdio > atidebug.txt.
On Jul 20, 2019, at 4:53 PM, BALATON Zoltan balaton@eik.bme.hu wrote:
On Sat, 20 Jul 2019, Howard Spoelstra wrote:
I used Graphiccelerator ( http://thomas.perrier.name/graphiccelerator.html
This page lists compatibility with these ROMs:
Rage 128 Pro OEM, rev 108, 110, 125, 130 and 136 Rage 128 OEM, rev 108, 112, 116 and 204
So I think there are ROMs (and NDRVs) for Rage128 which are not compatible with the ati-vga emulation as that's for a Rage128 chip and there are ROMs/NDRVs for Rage 128 Pro of which we have 110 and 136 (there are other versions as well but these two are probably enough). So we should not try yo use a Rage128 ROM/NDRV only Rage 128 Pro one.
For the RV100 emulation maybe these could work (eventually, as rv100 emulation is very incomplete yet but in case you want to try anyway):
Radeon 7000 Mac Edition, rev 119, 208, 218 and 226 Radeon 7000 OEM, rev 109 and 110
although we really emulate a Mobility Radeon 7000 aka M6 chip as that's what is found on the fulong2e board also emulated by QEMU but these are probably not much different on the register level. I'm not sure this is correct though and don't know what the other Radeon ROMs are without a specific model number on that page. But the above are probably the only ROMs (and corresponding NDRVs) that are supposed to work, anything else is not useful for testing.
(The rv100 emulation is less likely to work because its drivers usually try to talk to the card via memory buffers and assume 3D is there but none of these are emulated yet, so trying it would likely only confirm this but not get you anywhere currently.)
Regards, BALATON Zoltan