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dcinege@fuckthejunkmailers.org said:
Stephane Boyer wrote:
we already have a 16bit bios! and they work well enough. if you dual-boot dos/Linux , fine stay with a 16bit bios, but if you only use Linux, wouldn't you want a bios that was specificaly made for it.
No. I have several linux servers here. Durign the rarity that they reboot I could care less about the BIOS.
On my own workstation I have DOS, NT, 2 installs of OS/2, and Linux. That's where I need the flexablity of a new BIOS (with boot loading features, etc)
Agreed. We should (IMnsHO) concentrate on getting the normal BIOS up and running before adding the esoteric new features - we want to change one thing at a time. Getting it to work at all is going to be complex enough, without changing the kernel boot procedure at the same time.
Clean 32-bit boot functions are a reasonable goal, but we need the basics first, and we need to formulate a proper specification for the 32-bit interface before we even think about implementing it. Let's leave it till later, and try to design something that other OS's will consider using.
---- ---- ---- David Woodhouse, Robinson College, CB3 9AN, England. (+44) 0976 658355 Dave@imladris.demon.co.uk http://dwmw2.robinson.cam.ac.uk finger pgp@dwmw2.robinson.cam.ac.uk for PGP key.
--- OpenBIOS -- http://www.linkscape.net/openbios/ openbios-request@linkscape.net Body: un/subscribe Problems? dcinege@psychosis.com