* preet preet14@hotmail.com [060408 08:39]:
Hi. Recently cleared the BIOS of my Abit IS7-V2 motherboard. And the result was my system wont display anything on the screen. I can hear the cpu running that is the POST has loaded but not the BIOS. Is that possible that the BIOS has completely lost and is there a way to restore it...
Hi Preet!
You can find some information here: http://www.linuxbios.org/index.php/FAQ#How_do_I_.28re-.29flash_the_BIOS.3F
If you have a working system with a similar/same bios chip, you can do bios hot swapping and burn it there, but this might damage your hardware.
Some companies offer bios flash services for a couple of bucks, that might be a good option for you.