"David J. Coffin" wrote:
You will need some sort of debugging output long before
you figure out how to turn on the the video card.
I use three ISA postcards displaying I/O writes to ports
80h, 84h, and 300h. Unicore has stopped selling these cards, so these few leftovers are very precious to me. They bear the inscription "ORCHID UNIO993 REV B". If they can't be bought, I'll write up a design spec and post it.
MicroPose (MicroProse?) - do the Micro2000, which is a rather useful POST probe.....
It's not cheap, but well worth it for the usefulness, it is listening address configurable, and will provide extra diagnostics like Osc check, clock check tri state logic probe, and of course all the voltages....
One thing tho.. don't ask me how to get hold of the company, I haven't dealt with them for a _long_ time, they are US based with an office here in the UK...