On 18.06.2011, at 13:11, Andreas Färber wrote:
Am 18.06.2011 um 01:03 schrieb Alexander Graf:
On 17.06.2011, at 21:51, Andreas Färber wrote:
Am 17.06.2011 um 02:55 schrieb repository service:
- b call_dsi_exception
- b call_isi_exception
I don't like the naming "real_xxx".
Feel free to just commit a patch that changes the naming.
The way I see it, we no longer need call_*si_exception (which are located in front of the vectors) or could name real_* call_*_exception, to avoid another redirection. Even drop space-optimized exception_return if we like.
Yup. Is it worth the hassle? :) Direct branches are fast, so the only thing it'd help with is code readability. Does the code become much more readable then? Not sure. Either way, I'm fairly indifferent on this - it's a very very minor issue IMHO. If you feel that it's unpretty, please just change it.