well, curiouser and curioser.
There's a flash with a 20-bit address space. There's an 8086 addressing mode with 20 bits. There's lots of ISA and VGA and other junk populating that 20 bit space, leaving either 64k, 128k, or at most 256k of address space for the flash (see the 440gx bridge manual: you can go with standard 64k bios, extended bios, or some other mode which lets you get a 256k bios).
OK, so how the heck do you read/write flash? The utility runs in DOS mode. What's it doing? Is 75% of that flash memory wasted? (hard to believe ...) Is there a bank register somewhere? Also, how do you get to address 0 on flash if the only addresses you can use are f0000, e0000, and c0000? does intel remap address lines? Anybody found a reference schematic for this motherboard? developer.intel.com is short on specifics ...
This is all very odd. DEC sure got it right on their motherboards, at least according to the devbios driver.
Anybody know of a cheap nvram for the PCI bus so we can continue testing while we figure this out?
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