* Blue Swirl blueswir1@hotmail.com [060504 21:44]:
Adding device aliases helped a bit, now the system attempts to load a kernel!
Very cool! You're making really good progress! I've commited your patch to r4 in svn.
qemu-system-sparc -L . -kernel /dev/null -nographic boot arg = 0x0
Checksum invalid (ba854bc8)!
Can you check what the checksum really is
Not a bootable ELF image
Because IO is unimplemented, the ELF image is not right.
You seem to have some stuff in there that looks pretty complete..
Now the device tree is flawless, including correct SCSI device names: 2 > show-devs -2c3700 /
I think the next step is to make real disk I/O (which needs DVMA allocation).
what's dvma?