On 06/07/2020 22:28, NJONGSSI KOUAM Esaïe Ledoux wrote:
please i need documentation, link or many other things because i'm newbie on this project to contribute on it as developer in C and Assembly ....
I don't believe that the project has an official TODO list (other than what people's time/interest allows), but the first thing to do is to have a read of the basics on https://www.openfirmware.org/ and decide which architecture you would like to study. Normally this is influenced by people who want to boot a particular OS under QEMU which is currently the main user for OpenBIOS for SPARC and PPC32.
The next step is to find or build yourself a suitable cross-compiler if working on x86 for which there are plenty of guides on the internet such as https://wiki.osdev.org/GCC_Cross-Compiler and then see if you can checkout the OpenBIOS code from github and build it successfully.