* Armistead, Jason Jason.Armistead@otis.com [060607 02:24]:
Stefan wrote:
Generally you can start with using http://openbios.org/~stepan/proll.elf as a replacement for the default proll.elf file that came with qemu.
Do you keep this proll.elf (which is really OpenBIOS) up to date with the latest SVN snapshot ?
I'll keep it updated manually until its integrated in qemu.
NOTE: This one only works with -nographic, as the framebuffer handling code keeps most OS boots hanging.
On Windows, starting QEMU with -nographic is not possible because it keeps on saying
qemu: could not open monitor device 'stdio'
Ok, the latest version works fine without -nographic. you need to specify "console=tty1" to boot linux and it still chokes on the other OSes (though a lot later now, see my status mail)