But every time I come up with some suggestion, atleast a couple of
people will
point of how wrong I am, and the result is that we stand still. I
this very frustration, since I feel that we should act now so we
have working BIOS in half a year or so. No one will be happy
by us
sitting here arguing without reaching anywhere.
Hello, Umm, I personally don't really know much about what's involved in writing a BIOS, so I can't really contribute on the initial design and requirements generation ( I am opionless ). However, if someone would like to point me in a direction, I would love to start writing some code. Regards, Jim
I've just recently gotten on this mailing list, but it appears we have a startup problem. The tools necessary to write and test code for the BIOS seem to be lacking. Or maybe we have the tools but we don't know how to utilize them properly. Suggestions are great, but as my grandfather use to say, "don't tell me what you're gunna do, tell me what you tried so far." Well, I for one can't try something. I don't know step one. I have tools here, eeprom burners, variable power supplies, and other neat lab stuff. How do I use this stuff (all the way back at step one: plug in power supply) so we can "get some product out the door"? Is there anyone on the mailing list that can tell us what to do?
Karl Oehling
================================== "A king is not always a bad idea" ==================================