On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 10:40:33PM +0100, BALATON Zoltan wrote:
I still think that including the actual copyright string (even if obfuscated) is legally more questionable than using a string that is clearly for compatibility only as suggested before in these posts:
http://www.openfirmware.info/pipermail/openbios/2015-May/008703.html http://www.openfirmware.info/pipermail/openbios/2015-June/008710.html
I think Apple expected the year part to be updated every year so it can be expected that those chars are not checked and if we ever find a Mac OS version that does, we could change it then.
That would have to be a new Mac OS version, one that doesn't exist yet!
This would also avoid the unnecessarily complicated obfuscation that may not have any usefulness against legal problems and just make this a one line forth patch.
Yes. The obfuscation makes it seem like we cannot include the "real thing", which we actually *can* (and no, IANAL either); but we do want to indicate this is not an Apple firmware to *help our users*.