There's no current standard way to communicate memory size info from linuxbios boot code to the kernel. My kernel was dying because of a hard-coded size in arch/i386/kernel/setup.c:
ALT_MEM_K = 254*1024;
The quick fix for now:
ALT_MEM_K = 62*1024;
I was about to test this when my flash ram stopped programming, I am now waiting on an order for more.
Try it on your version.
We need a standard way to get PARAM to the kernel, now that the BIOS is no longer there to do it. The 0x90000 PARAM won't work, since that set of locations is managed in code we don't even run (from arch/i386/boot). Ideas welcome.
ron p.s. I'd appreciate seeing 'make' errors from anybody. Please remember though that for linuxbios you have to: cd freebios/linuxbios/<mainboard-name>, e.g. cd freebios/linuxbios/SIS630
Then type make
Make from the top level of freebios does not work.
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