This is a philosophical question that I am posing here for discussion.
What should the purpose of the BIOS be?
In my mind, the BIOS should be a minimal piece of code, used only to initialize the hardware to the extent needed to boot the system. This would include initializing the memory space and boot device, reading the first block of code from the boot device and turning control over to that block of code. This "boot block" would then finish initializing the hardware, loading API's, OS's or whatever, from the boot device.
I believe that all API level services should be provided by the boot block code that is loaded by the BIOS and not by the BIOS itself.
The idea of the BIOS providing an API is something that developed in the early days of PC's when each card had its own BIOS/API supplied in ROM on the card. IBM and the clone makers quickly tried to consolidate these separate BIOS blocks into a single EPROM. The problem with this solution is that the BIOS is not flexible, it is very hardware dependent, is optimized for a single OS and is very complex.
A simple BIOS, whos only task is to initialize the CPU/Memory/Boot Device, then load and execute a boot block (from the boot device) would be preferable to trying to replicate the "BIOS as an API" model that is used in todays PC's.
I think that the "BIOS as a boot loader" model is simple and flexible enough that it will be easy to maintain (especially in a free software environment) and easier to evolve as the hardware and software environments change. All of the intelligence (system initialization and API's) reside within the code stored on the boot block (rather than in the BIOS code stored in EPROM/EEPROM).
Using this approach you would not have to worry about optimizing the BIOS code for any specific OS. The BIOS's only job would be to load/execute the first block from the boot device and then get out of the way. The first block stored on the boot device could then contain low level hardware initialization and API's (if needed) that are optimized for the OS that is going to be used.
Once control passes from the BIOS boot loader you have complete flexibility. You could set the system in any mode, load any OS, load a multiple OS loader, even load an old fashioned 16 bit BIOS into shadow and act like a legacy PC clone. But none of this code has to be in the BIOS itself.
The BIOS as boot loader would also be well suited for embedded applications because it is small, lightweight and can be specifically implemented to boot from things such as flash, EPROM, network cards, radio modems or other unusual boot devices.
In all cases the code would simply initialize the hardware then load/execute the boot block from the boot device. The BIOS would only need to be as complex as the hardware deems necessary. Support for new and custom hardware (non boot devices) would only have to be implemented once, in the OS. Not twice, once in the BIOS and once in the OS.
Thoughts, comments?