On 11/04/12 20:48, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
The Xsun sources we released via opensolaris.org have the licenses listed in the source files. Everything there should be MIT/X11 licensed, or a close equivalent such as BSD - certainly everything under Sun copyright was released under the MIT/X11 license, other sources mostly came from upstream X Consortium releases.
The cg3 driver wasn't present in the sources this release came from, since I released the last Xsun sources from the Solaris Nevada development train, many years after cg3 support was removed from Solaris.
-Alan Coopersmith- alan.coopersmith@oracle.com Oracle Solaris Engineering - http://blogs.oracle.com/alanc
In terms of trying to implement a cg6 buffer emulator for QEMU, would there be a problem with just studying the code to determine the behaviour of the hardware blitter? I expect it would be extremely unlikely that any direct code copying would take place with the exception of a few defined constants for programming the hardware.