Stefan Reinauer schrieb:
- Klaus Seegebarth [020624 10:06]:
A faster completion of a task only leads to longer idle periods :-)
this is true in embedded systems for all tasks except booting. There it means in case of a failure you can reduce the time until the machine is able to fulfill it's tasks in 22% less time.
Yes, absolutely true :-)
But i never used more than 10 minutes of my day for booting (except the old VAX/VMS days). So a speedup of 22% will only save me 2 minutes and some seconds. Thats why i say: _i_ dont care. I want to save one _hour_ per day, this is what counts for me :-)
And that is why i am arguing: please make it simple enough, that i can really _use_ it. If it gets too complicated, i will need more time to make it running than i will gain by its usage.
Sorry for beeing so obstinate ;-)
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