For a scientific space project I'm thinking about including an FCode interpreter into the onboard software. The target system is a Leon3 processor (Sparc-V8) in FPGA with serial port(s), spacewire and a few other interfaces. I'm able to compile & run bare C applications (gcc cross-compiler), so it seems to me that I don't need a real BIOS.
Having some experience with Forth I would like to include a FORTH interpreter for - interactive hardware implementation & testing via the serial port - executing FORTH code (precompiled bytecode ?) via telecommands during flight.
Ideally the complete FORTH system should be in the range of 32-40 kBytes... I'm completely new to OpenBios & FCode. Any suggestions are appreciated: - where to start - how to strip down the OpenBios code - etc.
Thanks & regards, Rolf.