Hi All,
May I make a suggestion, simply saying 'OpenBIOS is doomed' is not a good attitude, the purpose of this list, and the project is to build an opensource BIOS. I think that there are a _number_ of open source projects with proprietary code pieces used in them. I wouldn't be at all suprised if some are not the result of copyright theft. However have these projects been closed? I don't recall any.....
Obviously, this doesn't mean we should steal others' code, but we should not let it stop us writing ours. We are part of an Open Project, made up of a hugely diverse group of people, who would be held culpable in the event of inadvertantly duplicating someone elses code?
<Start $0.02 worth> When it comes to large companies and Open Projects, the current BIOS manufacturers are unlikely to chase a hundreds email addresses to attempt to prove that a copyright was stolen - baring in mind that if they succeeded, they wouldn't actually be able to get any pennies out of people, as most are skint students, or idiots like me who spend all their money on pizza, coffee and contacts. No the other BIOS companies are more likely to implement some of our code within their BIOS's. Mainly because with all successful Open Source projects, (Think about Apache, whilst this is the other end of the proverbial stick..) the result is better, more efficient (and cheaper) code. </Start $0.02 worth>
-- Yours
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Accept that some days you are a pigeon, and some days you are the statue.