At 05:00 PM 2/26/99 -500, you wrote:
..... How do I use this stuff (all the way back at step one: plug in power supply) so we can "get some product out the door"? Is there anyone on the mailing list that can tell us what to do?
Welcome to the list. Sounds like you are pretty much in the same position that I am. I have a pretty good background in Motherboard design, some software design experience and no BIOS design experience. So I am working on getting past square one, which is - how do I compile code and burn it into a prom. I do have the prom programmer. I just need to figure out how to get my Microsoft compiler to generate x86 code that can be put into an EPROM. I have been told by a number of people that it can be done. As soon as I learn how I will post it to the list.