On 24/04/16 18:24, Programmingkid wrote:
Sadly most PROMs are limited in the amount of memory mapped for them on real hardware, so this is likely impossible. What is the current dictionary size for your PPC image and why do you need to increase it? 700K is starting to sound almost too big.
I haven't been able to increase the dictionary size. It is currently at the default of 512K. Apple's bootscript does attempt to allocate 672,751 bytes. That is why we see the Dictionary Space overflow messages. Tests done on a Macintosh show Apple's allot word can allocate a lot more than 700k.
Last time I checked the MacOS 9.2 bootscript, the allot was done as a function of subtracting from a value taken from the r-stack. Given that we already know the r-stack has been corrupted at this point, I suspect that the value you get back is bogus which is why you see an attempt for such a large allot.