===================================================================== sboyer@smegheads.montreal.qc.ca Tel: (514)-457-6124 root@smegheads.montreal.qc.ca Stephane Boyer L I N U X 691 Surrey ------------------------------- Baie d'Urfe, Quebec the choice of a GNU generation. CANADA H9X-2E8
On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Pavel Machek wrote:
what is really needed, is a a true 32bit bios for people that single boot Linux. this bios should boot directly into protected mode (this way it can load uncompressed kernels).
Why is it needed? Linux can live with current bioses. There's no need for 32bios. Linux can do that things itself. What is needed is 16bit bios.
we already have a 16bit bios! and they work well enough. if you dual-boot dos/Linux , fine stay with a 16bit bios, but if you only use Linux, wouldn't you want a bios that was specificaly made for it.
--- OpenBIOS -- http://www.linkscape.net/openbios/ openbios-request@linkscape.net Body: un/subscribe Problems? dcinege@psychosis.com