* Swamy@soc-soft.com Swamy@soc-soft.com [040921 13:20]:
- When I enter a command (e.g. dup) on openbios prompt,how does it get
linked to corresponding c function fdup()? I understand that the entered command goes through the outer-interpreter and is finally executed using forth word "execute". I am not able to understand how this "execute" gets linked to fdup().
See enterforth(). The primitives are kept in an array words[] in primitives.c that is referenced in the dictionary. This creates an abstraction between native code and forth code.
- Please let me know how the forth files are compiled and executed? I
understand that all the forth source files (*.fs) are converted to (.dict) files using "./bootstrap" executable and is linked to the kernel. Kindly provide some input with regard to this.
forthc -D destination.dict -d source.dict file1.fs file2.fs ... fileN.fs
Can you please provide some link/document with respect to above
Read the source, Luke! If anyone has time and resources to create an appropriate in-depth documentation, I will gladly include it on the web page.
Some in-depth documentation is already available in the source tree.