Author: stepan
Date: 2006-10-14 22:31:53 +0200 (Sat, 14 Oct 2006)
New Revision: 91
testsuite 1.0.0
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValues.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValues.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValues.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../LocalValues/GlobalLocalValues.fth
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValues.fth
Name: svn:special
+ *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValuesDevel.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValuesDevel.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValuesDevel.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../LocalValues/GlobalLocalValuesDevel.fth
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/GlobalLocalValuesDevel.fth
Name: svn:special
+ *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../LocalValues/LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth
Name: svn:special
+ *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesSupport.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesSupport.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesSupport.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../LocalValues/LocalValuesSupport.fth
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/LocalValuesSupport.fth
Name: svn:special
+ *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TestArgs
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TestArgs (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TestArgs 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Automated Test Arguments file for TokBrack category
+# (That's short for "Tokenizer Bracket";
+# it refers to the Tokenizer Escape state.)
+# Valid lines have four comma-separated fields:
+# Test-file base-name
+# Result-file label
+# Extra command-line switches
+# A script-command with arguments (but no commas).
+# Lines that have no label, no switches, and no script
+# do not need any commas.
+# Updated Wed, 08 Mar 2006 at 19:11 PST by David L. Paktor
+# Might as well get the date-and-time one out of the way first...
+TokBrkTst_02 , , -i -l
+TokBrkTst_01 , , -i
+TokBrkTst_01 , alwyshdr , -i -f ALWays-heADers
+TokBrkErrTst_01 , , -i
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkErrTst_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkErrTst_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkErrTst_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+\ Test of tokenizer[ ]tokenizer scope Error-Detection
+\ Updated Fri, 17 Feb 2006 at 10:15 PST by David L. Paktor
+ h# 30
+ emit-byte
+ rummidge
+ 10 emit-byte
+ 10 emit-byte
+ d# 10 emit-byte
+ o# 10 emit-byte
+ h# 10 emit-byte
+ 802 next-fcode
+ h# 1020 next-fcode
+ h# 3682 emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+decimal 50 constant gummidge
+tokenizer[ gummidge
+ rummidge
+ ]tokenizer
+ h# 30 emit-byte
+100 constant pele_yoetz_ne'ema'an_anochi_hu_ha'omer_v'oseh_v'ain_c'moni_bchol_ha_aretz
+pele_yoetz_ne'ema'an_anochi_hu_ha'omer_v'oseh_v'ain_c'moni_bchol_ha_aretz 2 * constant clone
+ 30 swap emit-byte
+ d# 20 emit-byte
+ o# 20 emit-byte
+ h# 20 emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+h# defeca8e constant poopoo
+h# beeffece constant moopoo
+ ]tokenizer
+ alias merde poopoo
+ alias couterde moopoo
+ merde fliteral
+ ]tokenizer
+ couterde fliteral
+ fcode-push
+ fliteral
+ a# Fink
+ fcode-pop
+ ]tokenizer
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\ Elementary test of the tokenizer[ ]tokenizer scope functions
+\ Updated Fri, 21 Oct 2005 at 16:01 PDT by David L. Paktor
+ 10 emit-byte
+ d# 10 emit-byte
+ o# 10 emit-byte
+ h# 10 emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+100 constant pele_yoetz_ne'ema'an_anochi_hu_ha'omer_v'oseh_v'ain_c'moni_bchol_ha_aretz
+pele_yoetz_ne'ema'an_anochi_hu_ha'omer_v'oseh_v'ain_c'moni_bchol_ha_aretz 2 * constant clone
+12 c,
+tokenizer[ 12 fliteral
+ ]tokenizer l,
+12 c,
+: yuttzer 14 tokenizer[ 14 fliteral hex 14 fliteral ]tokenizer 14 ;
+80 constant this_name_has_a_whole_lot_of_syllables_and_so_would_not_be_a_good_ingredient_in_ice_cream_but_at_least_you_know_what_it_means
+ f[ 1cec6ea3 constant a_name_with_too_many_letters_should_not_matter_in_tokenizer_escape_mode
+ ]f
+: brand-x-ice-cream \ Because it uses ingredients with too many syllables
+ pele_yoetz_ne'ema'an_anochi_hu_ha'omer_v'oseh_v'ain_c'moni_bchol_ha_aretz
+ dup 20 - do i . loop cr
+ ." Nameless one..." this_name_has_a_whole_lot_of_syllables_and_so_would_not_be_a_good_ingredient_in_ice_cream_but_at_least_you_know_what_it_means ." equals " . cr
+ ." But everyone likes an "
+ f[ a_name_with_too_many_letters_should_not_matter_in_tokenizer_escape_mode
+ f] fliteral .
+ clone . cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+\ Secondary test of tokenizer-escape mode functions
+\ Updated Thu, 02 Mar 2006 at 17:47 PST by David L. Paktor
+[macro] where-from ." This came from " [input-file-name] type ." line " [line-number] .d cr
+[macro] in_what ." In " [function-name] type cr
+[macro] mess_in_what f[ [function-name] ]f
+fload revlev.fth
+h# 020000 constant eithernet \ Class Code: 0x020000 (Ethernet)
+h# 5417 constant deviouce \ Device ID: 0x5417
+h# 17d5 constant vanitor \ Vendor ID: 0x17d5
+ vanitor deviouce eithernet
+ i-got-a-Rev-Level
+ false
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+d# 10 constant triumph
+ o# 40 constant trophy
+ h# 80 constant trumpet
+ ]tokenizer
+ 10 emit-byte
+ triumph emit-byte
+ trumpet emit-byte
+ trophy emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+ h# de h# fe h# ca h# 8e
+ 2swap swap
+ emit-byte emit-byte
+ swap emit-byte emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+h# defeca8e constant poopoo
+h# beeffece constant moopoo
+alias couterde moopoo
+h# defeca8e constant poopoo
+h# beeffece constant moopoo
+alias couterde moopoo
+ couterde poopoo
+ ]tokenizer fliteral
+ fliteral
+ f['] moopoo \ Can't f['] couterde just yet
+ couterde poopoo
+tokenizer[ h# feedbac4 ]tokenizer \ Leave something extra on the stack...
+: merde
+ ['] moopoo \ Can't ['] couterde just yet, either
+ ' poopoo
+ couterde
+ ascii b char e [char] f
+[message] About to tokenize run-time date and time stamps. Twice!
+ ." Date " [fcode-date] type
+ ." Time" [fcode-time] type cr
+ ." Time" [fcode-time] type
+ ." Date " [fcode-date] type cr
+f[ [fcode-date] [fcode-time] ]f
+ in_what where-from mess_in_what
+ascii f
+ char e
+ [char] c
+: terde
+ in_what where-from mess_in_what
+\ save-image chalupa.fc
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_03.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_03.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/TokBrkTst_03.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\ Test new Aliasing algorithm
+\ Updated Tue, 31 May 2005 at 12:05 by David L. Paktor
+\ emit-date
+\ alias dte emit-date
+alias dq ."
+dq This is a message"
+\ dte
+h# 00030000 constant goodmeat
+goodmeat fliteral
+alias goodeats goodmeat
+goodeats fliteral
+ ]tokenizer
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/revlev.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/revlev.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokBrack/revlev.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+\ Fake out an FLOAD-able constant
+h# f2ed constant i-got-a-Rev-Level
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/BooBalah.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/BooBalah.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/BooBalah.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ FLoadable body for various conditional tests, based on the value of
+\ a constant named "boobalah?" (Okay, so I was running out of ideas...)
+." Begin Nested ""Constant"" Test Test"
+f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+[message] The TRUE path has wisely been chosen, Boobalah!
+ ." Is True, level 1"
+ f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+ " Is True and is True, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is True but is Not True. What?"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of level 2"
+ f[ boobalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is True and is False. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is True and is Not False, level 2"
+ [then]
+[message] Oy, Boobalah. You have foolishly chosen the FALSE path.
+ ." Is Not True, level 1"
+ f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+ " Is Not True but is True. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not True, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of Not level 2"
+ f[ boobalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is Not True and is False, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not False. What?"
+ [then]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondAlias.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondAlias.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondAlias.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\ Test aliasing of Conditional directives. Use Command-line-definition
+\ Updated Tue, 20 Dec 2005 at 16:15 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ Symbol moogoo is either defined true (-1) or false (0), or is absent
+alias [dowegotit?] [ifdef]
+alias [ifyouaintgot] [ifndef]
+alias [izzatso?] [if]
+alias [udderwise] [else]
+alias [donewidit] [then]
+ f[ alias mess( .(
+ alias mess" ."
+ f]
+[ifyouaintgot] moogoo
+ f[
+ mess( Y'gotta define MooGoo on da command-line.)
+ mess" "n"tIt's eider -D moogoo=true or -D moogoo=false"
+ f]
+ f[
+ mess( Hey! Y'got MooGoo! Good for you!)
+ [defined] moogoo [izzatso?]
+ mess" And guess what! It's TRUE! Drinks all around!"
+ [udderwise]
+ mess( So wut's it gonna be? You gonna be FLASE to me?)
+ [donewidit]
+ f]
+[dowegotit?] moogoo
+ f[
+ mess( Hey! Did I menshun dat we got MooGoo?)
+ mess" "n"tYeah? Well, so wut if I did? I'm gonna menshun it again!
+ WE GOT MooGoo!!!"
+ f]
+ f[
+ mess" "n"tCuz if ya don' got dat MooGoo, it don't mean a t'ing..." f]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\ Test Conditionals and Locals with Macros and Aliases
+\ without (intentional) errors, this time...
+\ Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 at 14:26 PST by David L. Paktor
+fload GlobalLocalValues.fth
+alias // \
+alias ((( (
+alias loc{ {
+alias [whatden] [endif]
+alias [younwhudahmy] [else]
+[macro] [donewidit] [whatden]
+[macro] [udderwise] [younwhudahmy]
+alias [isitdere] [ifexist]
+alias [ifitaint] [ifnexist]
+[macro] doIgotit [isitdere]
+[macro] Iaintgotit [ifitaint]
+[macro] [ifitis] Iaintgotit gumblefritz
+\ Don't define gumblefritz
+[message] Didn't define gumblefritz
+[ifitaint] gumblefritz
+ #message" Can't ignore fload. What if it's got a balancing [endif] ?"
+ [message] Or a balancing [else]
+ fload CondMacAlias_01.fth
+ #message" Dis ain't gonna show even if it has an [endif] "
+ [message] Dere's an [endif] here too
+create gumblefritz
+[message] Just defined gumblefritz
+doIgotit gumblefritz
+ fload CondMacAlias_01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondMacAlias_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+\ Test Conditionals and Locals with Macros and Aliases
+\ without (intentional) errors. Common code...
+\ Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 at 17:18 PST by David L. Paktor
+( File that floads this will have to define // as an alias to \ and
+ also ((( as an alias to ( (open-paren)
+((( That last also acts as the close-paren that finishes the two-line
+ comment above. Funny... We also need a macro called [ifitis]
+ whose meaning may change but which will always begin the "true"
+ segment of a conditional, a macro called [udderwise] which will
+ be the equivalent of [else] and one called [donewidit] which
+ will be the equivalent of [then] )
+// Oh, yeah. And loc{ as an alias to { (open-curly-brace)
+// we will also have various comments, remarks and messages
+\ with embedded false [else]'s and the like...
+ #message" Dis is da TROO side of da test. What [else] ya gonna do?
+ Da message goes on ta heayuh!"
+ f[ .( Yuh got anuddah message.
+ What [then] chum? ) ]f
+ [ifitis]
+ #message" Now yer in da TROO o' da TROO. What [then] ?"
+ [udderwise]
+ #message" Yer in da FLASE o' da TROO. Yer in trubble, chum!"
+ [donewidit]
+ #message" Back to da foist level o' da TROO. Let's try sump'in'..."
+ : contralto ((( tony vinnie looie -- marie )
+ #message" No warning for multiline decl'n and none for comment"
+ multi-line
+ loc{ _ay_tony
+ multi-line ((( He's da ringleadah
+ Y'know, da leader of da pack! )
+ _ay_vinnie // He's da mussel
+ _ay_bobby ( He's got da ringwoim )
+ | _ay_marie ((( She's my goil! )
+ }
+ _ay_tony _ay_bobby + _ay_vinnie *
+ -> _ay_marie
+ #message" Multiline warning for this comment"
+ ( Dey're all outa roo'beah!
+ Y'wanna Doctah Peppah instea'? ) \ Got used by dis instea'?
+ _ay_marie
+ ;
+ : alto ((( sis boom bah -- hahaha )
+ #message" Warning for multiline decl'n but not comment"
+ loc{ _sis _boom
+ _bah multi-line ((( What is this anyway?
+ Oh, right... ) | _hahaha
+ }
+ #message" Warning for this multiline comment" ((( What is this?
+ It is a whiz. )
+ _sis _bah * _boom - dup -> _hahaha
+ ;
+ : tenor ( jose placido luciano -- enrico josef )
+ #message" No warning for multiline decl'n, but one for comment"
+ multi-line
+ loc{ _jose ((( Can you see?
+ Buy the Donzerly light! )
+ _placido _luciano
+ | _enrico _josef
+ }
+ _placido _luciano + _jose / -> _josef
+ ;
+ #message" Dis is da FLASE side of da test. What ya gonna do [then] ?
+ Ya gonna let da message go on ta heayuh!"
+ f[ .( So dis is anuddah message.
+ What [else] chum? ) ]f
+ [ifitis]
+ #message" Dis is da TROO o' da FLASE. Y'shouldn'a'ought'a evuh be heayuh..."
+ f[ ." Let's try some spurious [else] action, whaddya say?" ]f
+ : [else] ." Don't do it" ; [message] Fake [else] got through
+ create [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ h# defeca8e constant [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ h# beeffece value [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ d# 64 buffer: [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ struct
+ /l field [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ variable [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ defer [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ ['] [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ to [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ ['] [else]
+ is [else] [message] Fake [else] got through
+ : say-what ( tony vinnie looie --
+ -- marie )
+\ multi-line \ Should refer to the loc's decl'n, not to the comment
+ loc{ _ay_tony
+ multi-line \ Y'want this to refer to the comment
+ // but when ignoring, what happens?
+ ((( He's da ringleadah
+ Y'know, da leader of da pack! )
+ _ay_vinnie // He's da mussel
+ [else] [message] Really bad fake [else] got through
+ _ay_bobby ( He's got da ringwoim )
+ | _ay_marie ((( She's my goil! )
+ }
+ _ay_tony _ay_bobby + _ay_vinnie *
+ -> _ay_marie
+ ( Dey're all outa roo'beah!
+ Y'wanna Doctah Peppah instea'? ) \ Got used by dis instea'?
+ _ay_marie
+ ;
+ .( What does an [else] do in dot-parens? ) [message] Fake [else] got through
+ ." What does an [else] do in dot-quotes?" [message] Fake [else] got through
+ s" What does an [else] do in Ess-quote?" [message] Fake [else] got through
+ " What does an [else] do in dbl-quotes?" [message] Fake [else] got through
+ [udderwise]
+ #message" Dis is da FLASE o' da FLASE. Yer [then] should be absawbed bot' ways."
+ [donewidit]
+ [message] Y'should be back to the FLASE side. Okay, [then]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondOpInIgndMssg.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondOpInIgndMssg.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/CondOpInIgndMssg.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\ Here we will demonstrate the fate of Conditional-Operators
+\ that occur in the text-body of user-messages that occur
+\ in conditional-compilation sections that are being ignored.
+\ We will also test whether aliases to comment-delimiters are recognized:
+\ in Normal mode
+\ in Tokenizer-escape mode
+\ inside conditional-compilation sections
+\ Updated Wed, 22 Feb 2006 at 12:52 PST by David L. Paktor
+ alias // \
+\ #message" This is cleanly commented-out and will be ignored"
+// #message" This, too, will be ignored"
+f[ \ #message" Comment safely ignored in Tok-esc mode"
+ // #message" Aliased comment in Tok-esc mode. Should be ignored."
+ ]f
+[ifnexist] dup
+ \ This section should be ignored consistently
+ \ #message" This conditional commented-out message will be ignored"
+ [message] The next message has a brack-then
+ [message] [then] #message" Should be ignored but isn't"
+ #message" Re-balance the conditional..." [ifnexist] dup
+ // Unprocessed Aliased comment. [then] #message" Faked-out" [ifnexist] dup
+ #message" This will not be ignored."
+ // #message" Aliased comment in unignored section"
+garblegarblegarble // Force an error.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\ Test Command-line-defined conditional
+\ Updated Wed, 11 May 2005 at 09:45 by David L. Paktor
+\ Symbol moogoo is either defined true (-1) or false (0), or is absent
+[ifndef] moogoo
+ f[
+ .( Y'gotta define MooGoo on the command-line.)
+ ." "!"
+ ." X
+a line." ." Another on the line."
+ ." "t(Lower-case will be okay, too)"
+ f]
+ #message Use -D moogoo=true or -D moogoo=false
+ [message] or even -D moogoo=-1 or -D moogoo=0
+ [#message]
+ f[
+ [defined] moogoo
+ f]
+fload TokConstCondTst01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DefCondTst2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+\ Modified Command-line-defined conditional test.
+\ Using it to create anomalies for the detokenizer...
+\ Updated Wed, 29 Jun 2005 at 13:43 by David L. Paktor
+\ Symbol moogoo is either defined true (-1) or false (0), or is absent
+[ifndef] moogoo
+ f[
+ .( Y'gotta define MooGoo on the command-line.)
+ ." "!"
+ ." X
+a line." ." Another on the line."
+ ." "t(Lower-case will be okay, too)"
+ f]
+ #message Use -D moogoo=true or -D moogoo=false
+ [message] or even -D moogoo=-1 or -D moogoo=0
+ [#message]
+h# feeb \ Bogus Rev-Level
+h# 1fad \ Vendor
+h# c0ed \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 90210 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+ f[
+ [defined] moogoo
+ f]
+fload TokConstCondTst02.fth
+ reset-symbols
+ ]tokenizer
+ f[
+ [defined] moogoo 0=
+ f]
+fload TokConstCondTst02.fth
+." De-tokenize THIS, wise-guy!"n"
+ 0 emit-byte \ Fake a premature end0
+ 6 emit-byte \ Just to be confusing!
+ h# 77 emit-byte
+ ]tokenizer
+h# 2a55 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+ last-image
+h# 5afe \ Vendor
+h# 1991 \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 10203 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+tokenizer[ reset-symbols true ]tokenizer
+fload TokConstCondTst02.fth
+ \ Fake Fcode-Block header in the middle of things...
+ h# f1 emit-byte \ Fake start-byte
+ 8 emit-byte \ Fake format
+ h# 21 emit-byte \ Fake checksum
+ h# 95 emit-byte
+ 0 emit-byte \ Fake length
+ 0 emit-byte
+ 0 emit-byte
+ h# 12 emit-byte
+ reset-symbols
+ false
+ ]tokenizer
+ reset-symbols
+fload TokConstCondTst02.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadBody.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadBody.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadBody.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+\ Source file that controls duplicate loading of itself
+\ Updated Thu, 27 Jul 2006 at 15:24 PDT by David L. Paktor
+f[ [ifnexist] DupLoadBody.fth
+ true constant DupLoadBody.fth f]
+." Just this one time, eh!" cr
+f[ .( Go ask your mother) ]f
+f[ [endif] f]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/DupLoadTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\ Test for being able to control duplicate loading of a source file
+\ Updated Thu, 27 Jul 2006 at 15:23 PDT by David L. Paktor
+." Going once," cr
+fload DupLoadBody.fth
+." Going twice." cr
+fload DupLoadBody.fth
+." Gone!" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgFT.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgFT.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgFT.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ Multiple FCode images under one PCI header
+\ False, then True
+\ Updated Wed, 01 Jun 2005 at 14:51 by David L. Paktor
+h# fa57 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+h# cede \ Vendor
+h# 193a \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 95014 \ Bogus Class Code
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+fload TokConstCondTstF.fth
+ reset-symbols
+ ]tokenizer
+fload TokConstCondTstT.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgTF.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgTF.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimgTF.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+\ Multiple FCode images under one PCI header
+\ True, then False
+\ Updated Wed, 01 Jun 2005 at 14:51 by David L. Paktor
+h# fa57 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+h# cede \ Vendor
+h# 193a \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 95014 \ Bogus Class Code
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+fload TokConstCondTstT.fth
+fload TokConstCondTstF.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+\ Another test of conditionals and multiple FCode blocks.
+\ This is the "Wrapper" file.
+\ Updated Wed, 10 Aug 2005 at 10:57 by David L. Paktor
+[ifndef] moogoo
+ f[
+ .( Y'gotta define MooGoo on the command-line.)
+ #message Use -D moogoo=true or -D moogoo=false
+ f]
+ tokenizer[
+ h# 5afe \ Bogus Rev-Level
+ h# beef \ Vendor
+ h# c0de \ Bogus Device ID
+ h# 90210 \ Beverly Hills ZIP Code. Now that's a _Class_ Code!
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+ f[
+ [defined] moogoo
+ constant boobalah?
+ f]
+ fcode-version2
+ fload MulFCimg_01_Body.fth
+ fcode-end
+ f[
+ reset-symbols
+ [defined] moogoo
+ 0=
+ constant boobalah?
+ f]
+ fcode-version2
+ fload MulFCimg_01_Body.fth
+ fcode-end
+ pci-header-end
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01_Body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01_Body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulFCimg_01_Body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\ Another test of conditionals and multiple FCode blocks.
+\ This is the "Body" file.
+\ Updated Wed, 10 Aug 2005 at 11:12 by David L. Paktor
+: whatziz
+ ." This is the "
+ f[ boobalah? [if] f] ." True " f[ [else] f] ." False" f[ [then] f]
+ ." side of the test." cr
+: wherezis
+ fload BooBalah.fth
+: whoozis whatziz wherezis ;
+: whyzis whoozis wherezis whatziz ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCI_FC.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCI_FC.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCI_FC.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\ Another multiple PCI and FCode test
+\ Updated Fri, 10 Jun 2005 at 09:06 by David L. Paktor
+[ifndef] first-path \ Check to see if the symbol was defined?
+ F[
+ ." "n"n"tAdd a command-line switch:"n"t"t-d ""first-path=<true|false>""
+ "tthen run this again."n"n"
+ F]
+ F[
+ b00b c0ed 90210 pci-header
+ [defined] first-path
+ F]
+[message] Loading first pass
+ not-last-image
+ fload TokConstCondTst01.fth
+ pci-header-end
+F[ reset-symbols
+ b00b fece 07112 pci-header
+ [defined] first-path 0=
+ F]
+[message] Loading second pass
+ last-image
+ fload TokConstCondTst01.fth
+ pci-header-end
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCIhdr.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCIhdr.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/MulPCIhdr.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+\ Create an image with multiple PCI headers
+\ and then let's see what still we need to do
+\ Updated Mon, 23 May 2005 at 16:17 by David L. Paktor
+h# f2a7 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+h# 1fed \ Vendor
+h# 9009 \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 20109 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+fload TokConstCondTstT.fth
+h# ea57 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+ last-image
+h# deaf \ Vendor
+h# 9021 \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 10902 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+fload TokConstCondTstF.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TestArgs
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TestArgs (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TestArgs 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Automated Test Arguments file for TokCondl category
+# (That's short for "Tokenizer Conditional";
+# it refers to the Conditional Tokenization directives.)
+# Valid lines have four comma-separated fields:
+# Test-file base-name
+# Result-file label
+# Extra command-line switches
+# A script-command with arguments (but no commas).
+# Lines that have no label, no switches, and no script
+# do not need any commas.
+# Updated Thu, 27 Jul 2006 at 15:20 PDT by David L. Paktor
+TokExstCondTstY , , -l
+TokExstCondTstN , , -l
+TokExstCondNadaTst , , -i -f Trace-Conditionals
+TokCondErrs , , -i -f Trace-Conditionals
+TokConstCondTstT , , -l
+TokConstCondTstF , , -l
+DefCondTst , , -l
+MulPCIhdr , , -l
+MulPCIhdr , BERev , -f Big-End-PCI-Rev-Level
+MulFCimgTF , , -l
+MulFCimgFT , , -l
+MulPCI_FC , , -l
+MulPCI_FC , fpT , -l -d first-path=true
+MulPCI_FC , fpF , -l -d first-path=false -f Trace-Conditionals
+TokDefCondTst , NotDef
+TokDefCondTst , Def , -d NEStTest
+DefCondTst , NotDef , -l
+DefCondTst , DefTrue , -d 'moOGOO=TRue' -l
+DefCondTst , DefFalse , -d 'MOOGoo=faLSE' -l -f Trace-Conditionals
+DefCondTst2 , NotDef , -l
+DefCondTst2 , MeT , -d 'MOOgoo=true' -l
+DefCondTst2 , MeF , -d 'moogOO=FalsE' -l -f Trace-Conditionals
+CondAlias , NotDef , -i
+CondAlias , MeT , -d 'MOOgoo=true' -i
+CondAlias , MeF , -d 'moogOO=FalsE' -i -f Trace-Conditionals
+CondMacAlias , , -I . -I .. -I ../TokoLoco
+CondMacAlias , NoSpc , -f Trace-Conditionals -I. -I.. -I ../TokoLoco
+MulFCimg_01 , NotDef , -l
+MulFCimg_01 , MeT , -d 'moogoo=TRUe' -l
+MulFCimg_01 , MeF , -d 'moogoo=false' -l
+DupLoadTst , , -f Trace-Conditionals
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondErrs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondErrs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondErrs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\ Nested Conditionals Erorrs test
+\ Updated Fri, 07 Apr 2006 at 15:04 PDT by David L. Paktor
+create NestTest
+." Begin Nested Erorrs Test"
+ ." Exists, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Exists and exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists but doesn't exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Resumes existence, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Exists but not exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists and doesn't not exist, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still exists, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't exist, level 1"
+ ." Dubble elst, Wazzat?"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't exist but exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist and doesn't exist, level 2"
+\ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't exist and not exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist but doesn't not exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't exist, level 1"
+." Middle of Nest Test Test"
+[ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists but exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists and doesn't exist, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Extra Else where it should be ignored, pass 2, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists and not exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists but doesn't not exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Extra Else where it should never be seen, pass 2, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't not exist and exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist but doesn't exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes not non-existing, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't not exist but not exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist and doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [else]
+ ." And has an extra Else where it will be seen, pass 2, level 1"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+." End Nest Test Test"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondMinTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondMinTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokCondMinTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\ Minimal Nested Conditionals test
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 15:55 by David L. Paktor
+create NestTest
+." Here is one."
+[ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Here is another."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\ Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ for Nested "Constant" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Sun, 09 Apr 2006 at 00:22 PDT by David L. Paktor
+\ File that FLOADs this has already put TRUE or FALSE on the stack.
+f[ constant boobalah? f]
+: whatziz
+ ." This is the "
+ f[ boobalah? [if] f] ." True " f[ [else] f] ." False"
+ f[ [then] f] ." side of the test." cr
+fload BooBalah.fth
+: whoozis whatziz ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTst02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\ Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ for second Nested "Constant" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 29 Jun 2005 at 13:41 by David L. Paktor
+\ File that FLOADs this has already put TRUE or FALSE on the stack.
+f[ constant boobalah? f]
+: whatziz
+ ." This is the "
+ f[ boobalah? [if] f] ." True " f[ [else] f] ." False" f[ [then] f]
+ ." side of the test." cr
+: tell-me
+ ." Begin Nested ""Constant"" Test Test"
+ f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+ [message] The TRUE path has wisely been chosen, Boobalah!
+ ." Is True, level 1"
+ f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+ " Is True and is True, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is True but is Not True. What?"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of level 2"
+ f[ boobalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is True and is False. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is True and is Not False, level 2"
+ [then]
+ [else]
+ [message] Oy, Boobalah. You have foolishly chosen the FALSE path.
+ ." Is Not True, level 1"
+ f[ boobalah? f] [if]
+ " Is Not True but is True. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not True, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of Not level 2"
+ f[ boobalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is Not True and is False, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not False. What?"
+ [then]
+ [then]
+: whoozis whatziz ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstF.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstF.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstF.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ "False" side of Nested "Constant" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 20 Apr 2005 at 11:14 by David L. Paktor
+f[ false f]
+fload TokConstCondTst01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstT.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstT.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokConstCondTstT.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ "True" side of Nested "Constant" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 20 Apr 2005 at 11:14 by David L. Paktor
+f[ true f]
+fload TokConstCondTst01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokDefCondTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokDefCondTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokDefCondTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+\ Stand-alone version of Nested "Defined" Conditionals test
+\ looking for command-line or [define] def'n of NestTest
+\ Updated Wed, 27 Apr 2005 at 17:59 by David L. Paktor
+." Begin Nest Test Test"
+[ifdef] NestTest
+ ." Is defined, level 1"
+ [ifdef] NestTest
+ ." Is defined and is defined, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Is defined but isn't defined. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Resumes defined-ness, level 1"
+ [ifndef] NestTest
+ ." Is defined but is not defined. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Is defined and isn't not defined, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still is defined, level 1"
+ ." Isn't defined, level 1"
+ [ifdef] NestTest
+ ." Isn't defined but is defined. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Isn't defined and isn't defined, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-defined-ness, level 1"
+ [ifndef] NestTest
+ ." Isn't defined and is not defined, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Isn't defined but isn't not defined. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still isn't defined, level 1"
+." Middle of Nest Test Test"
+[ifndef] NestTest
+ ." Is not defined, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifdef] NestTest
+ ." Is not defined but is defined. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Is not defined and isn't defined, pass 2, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-defined-ness, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifndef] NestTest
+ ." Is not defined and is not defined, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Is not defined but isn't not defined. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still is not defined, pass 2, level 1"
+ ." Isn't not defined, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifdef] NestTest
+ ." Isn't not defined and is defined, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Isn't not defined but isn't defined. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes not non-existing, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifndef] NestTest
+ ." Isn't not defined but is not defined. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Isn't not defined and isn't not defined, pass 2, level 1"
+ [then]
+ ." Still isn't not defined, pass 2, level 1"
+." End Nest Test Test"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNadaTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNadaTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNadaTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+\ What happens to "Exists" Conditionals test when the
+\ target isn't on the same line?
+\ "Exists" side of test
+\ Updated Tue, 21 Feb 2006 at 15:33 PST by David L. Paktor
+create HotNasty
+fload TokExstCondNada_01.fth
+ alias [yestest] [ifexist]
+fload TokExstCondNada_01.fth
+ alias [notest] [ifnexist]
+fload TokExstCondNada_01.fth
+\ Here we will test:
+\ Whether aliases to comment-delimiters are recognized:
+\ in Normal mode
+\ in Tokenizer-escape mode
+\ inside conditional-compilation sections
+\ We will also re-demonstrate the fate of Conditional-Operators
+\ that occur inside conditional-compilation sections that are
+\ being ignored.
+ alias // \
+\ #message" This is cleanly commented-out and will be ignored"
+// #message" This, too, will be ignored"
+f[ \ #message" Comment safely ignored in Tok-esc mode"
+ // #message" Aliased comment in Tok-esc mode. Should be ignored."
+ ]f
+[ifnexist] dup
+ \ This section should be ignored consistently
+ \ #message" This conditional commented-out message will be ignored"
+ [message] The next message has a brack-then
+ [message] [then] #message" Should be ignored but isn't"
+ #message" Re-balance the conditional..." [ifnexist] dup
+ // Unprocessed Aliased comment. [then] #message" Faked-out" [ifnexist] dup
+ #message" This will not be ignored."
+ // #message" Aliased comment in unignored section"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+\ What happens to "Exists" Conditionals test when the
+\ target isn't on the same line?
+\ Or the "Defined" Conditionals, for that matter
+\ Preliminary test before FLoading Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ Updated Tue, 21 Feb 2006 at 15:33 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ File that FLoads this must define a pair of macros or aliases
+\ called [yestest] and [notest] respectively, that are
+\ inverses of each other.
+f[ false ]f
+[ifnexist] [yestest]
+ [if] [endif] \ Until we have a better way to drop in tok-esc mode
+ f[ true ]f
+[ifnexist] [notest]
+ [if] [endif] \ Until we have a better way to drop in tok-esc mode
+ f[ true ]f
+[#message] got this far
+ [#message] \ Must define macros or aliases called [yestest] and [notest] respectively
+[#message] are we here
+ fload TokExstCondNada_02.fth
+[#message] we are here
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondNada_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+\ What happens to "Exists" Conditionals test when the
+\ target isn't on the same line?
+\ Or the "Defined" Conditionals, for that matter
+\ Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ FLoaded only after necessary preliminary test.
+\ Updated Tue, 21 Feb 2006 at 15:58 PST by David L. Paktor
+." Begin Nest Test Test"
+ ." Exists, level 1"
+ [yestest]
+ ." Exists and exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists but doesn't exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Resumes existence, level 1"
+ [notest]
+ ." Exists but not exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists and doesn't not exist, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still exists, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't exist, level 1"
+ [yestest]
+ ." Doesn't exist but exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist and doesn't exist, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, level 1"
+ [notest]
+ ." Doesn't exist and not exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist but doesn't not exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't exist, level 1"
+." Middle of Nest Test Test"
+ ." Not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ [yestest]
+ ." Not exists but exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists and doesn't exist, pass 2, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, pass 2, level 1"
+ [notest]
+ ." Not exists and not exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists but doesn't not exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [yestest]
+ ." Doesn't not exist and exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist but doesn't exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes not non-existing, pass 2, level 1"
+ [notest]
+ ." Doesn't not exist but not exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist and doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+." End Nest Test Test"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTst01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTst01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTst01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+\ Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ for Nested "Exists" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 14:45 by David L. Paktor
+." Begin Nest Test Test"
+[ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Exists, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Exists and exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists but doesn't exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Resumes existence, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Exists but not exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Exists and doesn't not exist, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still exists, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't exist, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't exist but exists. What? Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist and doesn't exist, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't exist and not exists, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't exist but doesn't not exist. What? Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't exist, level 1"
+." Middle of Nest Test Test"
+[ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists but exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists and doesn't exist, pass 2, level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes non-existence, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Not exists and not exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Not exists but doesn't not exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Still not exists, pass 2, level 1"
+ ." Doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't not exist and exists, pass 2, level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist but doesn't exist. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [then]
+ " Resumes not non-existing, pass 2, level 1"
+ [ifnexist] NestTest
+ ." Doesn't not exist but not exists. What? Pass 2, Level 2"
+ [else]
+ ." Doesn't not exist and doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+ [then]
+ ." Still doesn't not exist, pass 2, level 1"
+." End Nest Test Test"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstN.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstN.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstN.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\ "Doesn't Exist" side of Nested "Exists" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 14:45 by David L. Paktor
+create NotTasty
+fload TokExstCondTst01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstY.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstY.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokCondl/TokExstCondTstY.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\ "Exists" side of Nested "Exists" Conditionals test
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 14:45 by David L. Paktor
+create NestTest
+fload TokExstCondTst01.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AbrtQuot.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AbrtQuot.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AbrtQuot.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\ Test of Abort" with various switches, JTMS.
+\ Throw in a few other misc goodies while we're at it...
+h# defeca8e constant poopoo
+h# beeffece constant moopoo
+alias couterde moopoo
+: gotta_try_it
+ gumfritsch \ Let's see how an unknown word is treated, before.
+ { \ What does this do?
+ } \ Or let's see what this does...
+ couterde poopoo = abort" Should be different. "
+ ." poopoo is " f['] poopoo .h cr
+ ." couterde is " f['] couterde .h cr
+ ." And its XT is: " ['] couterde
+ strumburkle \ Let's see how an unknown word is treated after.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AllMacros.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AllMacros.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/AllMacros.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+\ Quick test for all single-function macros that have just been moved...
+\ This code isn't executable in any sense; but a detokenization
+\ should show that each "original" function is displayed twice
+\ (With the exception of the last pair, which takes a little more...)
+" Start of simple pairs"
+ not
+ invert
+ <<
+ lshift
+ >>
+ rshift
+ na1+
+ cell+
+ /c*
+ chars
+ /n*
+ cells
+ flip
+ wbflip
+ version
+ fcode-revision
+ true
+ -1
+ false
+ 0
+ struct
+ 0
+ eval
+ evaluate
+ u*x
+ um*
+ xu/mod
+ um/mod
+ x+
+ d+
+ x-
+ d-
+ attribute
+ property
+ xdrint
+ encode-int
+ xdr+
+ encode+
+ xdrphys
+ encode-phys
+ xdrstring
+ encode-string
+ xdrbytes
+ encode-bytes
+ decode-2int
+ parse-2int
+ map-sbus
+ map-low
+ name
+ device-name
+ get-my-attribute
+ get-my-property
+ xdrtoint
+ decode-int
+ xdrtostring
+ decode-string
+ get-inherited-attribute
+ get-inherited-property
+ delete-attribute
+ delete-property
+ get-package-attribute
+ get-package-property
+ wflips
+ wbflips
+ lflips
+ lwflips
+" End of simple pairs."
+0 if " Last phrase-item"
+ endif
+0 if " Last phrase-item"
+ then
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/Almost_a_Buffer_of_Beer.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/Almost_a_Buffer_of_Beer.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/Almost_a_Buffer_of_Beer.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,2582 @@
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BasicCont.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BasicCont.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BasicCont.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+\ Test Basic Control Constructs
+\ Updated Mon, 02 May 2005 at 15:39 by David L. Paktor
+: mishka
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." -1 if" -1 if
+ exit
+ ." else" else 0 drop
+ ." then" then
+ ." again" again
+ ." Donshka vith Mishka"
+: moose
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." 0 while" 0 while
+ ." repeat" repeat
+ ." Done Vith Moose."
+: minski
+ ." 1 0 do" 1 0 do
+ ." i drop" i drop
+ ." Please leave" leave
+ ." loop" loop
+ ." Donesky vith Minski"
+: goofsky
+ ." 0 case" 0 case
+ ." 1 of"
+ 1 of ." 1 endof" 1 endof
+ ." 2 of"
+ 2 of ." 2 endof" 2 endof
+ ." 3 of"
+ 3 of ." 3 endof" 3 endof
+ ." default 0" 0
+ ." endcase"
+ endcase
+ ." Donesky vith goofsky."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BatchTst.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BranchOverNewBuffer.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BranchOverNewBuffer.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/BranchOverNewBuffer.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\ Test case: a normal-size branch that takes place across the point
+\ where the output buffer was expanded.
+\ We will use a body generated by the "Verbal Bottles of Beer" script
+\ To just almost but not quite fill up the buffer.
+\ A parameter of 645 does it
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+\ Try various tricks to force an allocation of the space
+\ just above the output buffer so that the realloc of
+\ the output buffer will be forced into a new space
+ fload LotsOfAliases.fth
+ f]
+: a-lot-of-beer
+ ." We're about a third of the way into a school-bus trip" cr
+ ." that started with a thousand bottles." cr
+fload Almost_a_Buffer_of_Beer.fth
+ 0 if
+fload No_Beer.fth
+ then
+ ." It's so over."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/CaseTkns.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/CaseTkns.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/CaseTkns.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+\ Test the new Upper-Case-Token-Names and Lower-Case-Token-Names flags
+\ Updated Tue, 27 Jun 2006 at 11:32 PDT by David L. Paktor
+hex headers
+123 constant MiXeD-uP-CaSes-natch
+#flag Lower-Case-Token-Names
+456 constant MiXeD-uP-TO-LoWeR-Case
+." But This sTrInG KeePS ItS MIxeD CaSEs."
+#flag Upper-Case-Token-Names
+789 constant Up-mIxEd-tO-uPPer-cASe
+." THis StRiNG KeEpS ItS MiXeD CaSeS tOO."
+defeca8e constant NoShiT,sHerLocK!
+#flag Lower-Case-Token-Names
+0abc constant mIXeD-BaCk-To-Lower-CAsE
+#flag noUpper-Case-Token-Names
+0def constant mIxEd-BuT-StIlL-To-Lower
+#flag noLower-Case-Token-Names
+0fed constant BaCk-To-tHe-MiX
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+\ Another test of cunningly contrived Erroneous Control Constructs.
+\ This one doesn't pass the "Old" tokenizer, even though
+\ it doesn't have the check for Control-Structure matching,
+\ because the way it does its case .. of .. endof ... endcase
+\ is completely incompatible with the way it does its if ... then
+\ Updated Wed, 04 May 2005 at 16:26 by David L. Paktor
+\ We can't fake this to the "Old" tokenizer, because
+\ it does its case .. of .. endof ... endcase
+\ in a way that's completely incompatible with
+\ the way it does its if ... then
+\ So just test this with the "New".
+: garfield
+ ." if" if
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." Question-Leave?" ?leave
+ ." 0 if unloop exit then" 0 if unloop exit then
+ ." Would you be leave..." leave
+ ." loop?" loop
+ ." Done with garfield"
+: jon
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." if" if
+ ." endof" endof
+ ." again" again
+ ." then" then
+ ." ouch"
+: nermal
+ ." begin noop" begin noop
+ ." if" if
+ ." endof" endof
+ ." loop" loop
+: liz-the-vet
+ ." No concluding semicolon"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+\ Another test of Erroneous Control Constructs.
+\ Contrived to completely crash the tokenizer...
+\ Updated Wed, 03 Aug 2005 at 09:49 by David L. Paktor
+\ Seven dwarves:
+\ Happy Grumpy Sleepy Sneezy Dopey Bashful and Doc
+\ Their disfavored cousins:
+\ Crappy Dumpy Sneaky Sleazy Gropey Trashful and Schlock
+: crapsky
+ ." 0 case" 0 case
+ ." 1 of"
+ 1 of ." 1 endof" 1 endof
+ ." 2 of"
+ 2 of ." 2 endof" 2 endof
+ ." 3 of"
+ 3 of ." 3 endof" 3 endof
+ ." default 0" 0
+ ." resolve case w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 3 endof w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 2 endof w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 1 endof w/ then" then
+ ." Donesky vith crapsky."
+: dumpsky
+ ." 0 if" 0 if
+ ." free-floating endcase"
+ endcase ." And no then"
+: sneaksky
+ ." Free-floating else" else
+ ." And notsnik aftervards."
+ : gropsky
+ ." A typo. 0 of not 0 if"
+ 0 of
+ ." Misbalanced by a then?"
+ then
+ ." Goobar... Guwno?"
+ ;
+: trashsky
+ ." Another typo..."
+ ." 0 case " 0 case
+ ." 10 if not 10 of"
+ 10 if
+ ." Misbalanced by endof."
+ endof
+ ." Not my default."
+ endcase
+ ." That was an endcase just in case"
+: schlocksky
+ ." Like trashsky but without final balancer..."
+ ." Another typo..."
+ ." 0 case " 0 case
+ ." 10 if not 10 of"
+ 10 if
+ ." Misbalanced by endof."
+ endof
+ ." No endcase here"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr3.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr3.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ContErr3.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+\ An even more severe test of Erroneous Control Constructs.
+\ Updated Fri, 28 Jul 2006 at 14:28 PDT by David L. Paktor
+\ Seven dwarves:
+\ Happy Grumpy Sleepy Sneezy Dopey Bashful and Doc
+\ Their disfavored cousins:
+\ Crappy Dumpy Sneaky Sleazy Gropey Trashful and Schlock
+: crapsky
+ ." 0 case" 0 case
+ ." 1 of"
+ 1 of ." 1 endof" 1 endof
+ ." 2 of"
+ 2 of ." 2 endof" 2 endof
+ ." 3 of"
+ 3 of ." 3 endof" 3 endof
+ ." default 0" 0
+ ." resolve case w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 3 endof w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 2 endof w/ then" then
+ ." resolve 1 endof w/ then" then
+ ." Donesky vith crapsky."
+: dumpsky
+ ." 0 if" 0 if
+ ." free-floating endcase"
+ endcase ." And no then"
+: sneaksky
+ ." Free-floating else" else
+ ." And notsnik aftervards."
+ ." While by itself, outside of def'n"
+ while
+ : gropsky
+ ." A typo. 0 of not 0 if"
+ 0 of
+ ." Misbalanced by a then?"
+ then
+ ." Goobar... Guwno?"
+ ;
+: trashsky
+ ." Another typo..."
+ ." 0 case " 0 case
+ ." 10 if not 10 of"
+ 10 if
+ ." Misbalanced by endof."
+ endof
+ ." Not my default."
+ endcase
+ ." That was an endcase just in case"
+: schlocksky
+ ." Like trashsky but without final balancer..."
+ ." Another typo..."
+ ." 0 case " 0 case
+ ." 10 if not 10 of"
+ 10 if
+ ." Misbalanced by endof."
+ endof
+ ." No endcase here"
+." We need to be able to detect Leave out of context."
+." Let's see if this can fool it..."
+." 1 0 DO" 1 0 do
+: stinsky
+ ." if leave then "
+ if
+ leave
+ then
+." 1 begin" 1 begin
+." 1 - ?dup while" 1 - ?dup while
+." What the hey? Loop ?" loop
+." 1 begin" 1 begin
+." 1 - ?dup while" 1 - ?dup while
+." again then ought to match..."
+." How about IF BEGIN without WHILE then REPEAT..."
+." 0 if" 0 if
+." There's an IF ; where's the WHILE?" #message" There's an IF ; where's the WHILE?"
+." That compiles..." #message" Won't be easy to catch."
+." How about BEGIN without WHILE then REPEAT..."
+." begin" begin #message" BEGIN without WHILE then REPEAT..."
+." Where's the while?" #message" Where's the while?"
+." repeat without precedent..." repeat
+." loop without precedent" loop
+." 1 0 DO" 1 0 do
+." What???"
+." repeat..." repeat
+#message" Definitions within a loop" ." ...within a loop"
+: test_something ( indx -- targ true | false )
+ ." Stub" 2 = dup if h# 1923 swap then
+4 0 do
+ i test_something if
+ ( targ ) value targ ( klingon-pet )
+ : funny_stuff
+ 1 0 do targ u.
+ #message" Error here..." j
+ #message" But not here" 1 0 do j . loop
+ loop test_something
+ ;
+ then
+#message" Same line as a loop" ." ...Same line as a loop"
+4 0 do i test_something if to targ : runny_stuff begin
+ 1 0 do targ u. #message" Error here, too..." j
+ #message" But not here either" 1 0 do j . loop
+ loop true #message" Missing an until"
+then loop
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+\ Test and confirm behavior of encode-file and embedded end0
+\ Updated Mon, 27 Jun 2005 at 16:35 by David L. Paktor
+encode-file EncodeSrc
+: whatnot
+ if ['] end0 execute then
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodeSrc
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodeSrc (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/EncodeSrc 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This is the symphony that Schubert wrote and never finished
+This is the symphony that Schubert wrote and never ...
+Alma, tell us, all modern women are jealous.
+Which of your magical wands got you Gustav and Walter and Franz?
+Away out here they got a name for rain and wind and fire.
+The rain is Tess, the fire's Joe and they call the wind Mariah.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExamAllMacs.scr
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExamAllMacs.scr (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExamAllMacs.scr 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#! /bin/csh -f
+# Examine the results of the AllMacros detokenization.
+# All but the last items are in pairs...
+set ExamFil = AllMacros.DeTok
+if ( ! -f $ExamFil ) then
+ echo Missing Examination-target file -- $ExamFil
+ exit 237
+# Get the line number that starts the simple pairs,
+# identified by a text message.
+set firstlin = `grep -n 'Start of simple pairs' $ExamFil | awk -F: '{print $1+1}'`
+set lastlin = `grep -n 'End of simple pairs' $ExamFil | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
+# Get the line numbers of the final phrase-item pair,
+# identified by a text message.
+set lastphrase = `grep -n 'Last phrase-item' $ExamFil | awk -F: '{print $1+1}'`
+# We'll need a pair o temp-files
+# First, repository for one of each pair of lines
+set reposfil = /tmp/$0:t.1.$$
+# Second, accumulation of differences
+set accumfil = /tmp/$0:t.2.$$
+# Set up to compare two by two.
+# Start with the final phrase-item pair
+set flin = $lastphrase[1]
+set slin = $lastphrase[2]
+set linnum = $firstlin
+while ( $linnum < $lastlin )
+ sed -n ${flin}p $ExamFil | sed -e 'sX^ *[0-9]*: XX' > ${reposfil}
+ sed -n ${slin}p $ExamFil | sed -e 'sX^ *[0-9]*: XX' | diff - ${reposfil} | tee -a ${accumfil}
+ set flin = $linnum
+ @ linnum++
+ set slin = $linnum
+ @ linnum++
+if ( ! -z ${accumfil} ) then
+ cp -p ${accumfil} ./$0.Results.$$
+ echo Errors seen in $ExamFil. See ./$0.Results.$$ for diffs
+rm -f ${reposfil} ${accumfil}
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExamAllMacs.scr
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExtCont.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExtCont.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/ExtCont.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\ Test extended-control constructs
+\ Updated Tue, 03 May 2005 at 12:40 by David L. Paktor
+\ First, something ordinary
+: goose
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." 4 until" 4 until
+ ." Done with goose"
+ ;
+ : caboose
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." 5 while" 5 while
+ ." repeat" repeat
+ ." Done with caboose"
+: fusbat
+ ." begin" begin
+ ." 1 while" 1 while
+ ." 2 while" 2 while
+ ." 3 until" 3 until
+ ." 2 then" then ( 2 )
+ ." 1 then" then ( 1 )
+ ." Done with fusbat"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagSet.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagSet.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagSet.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Special-Feature Flags test
+\ Updated Mon, 08 Aug 2005 at 18:22 by David L. Paktor
+#flag help
+#flag nohelp
+#flag Local-Values
+#flag noLocal-Values
+#flag LV-Legacy-Separator
+#flag noLV-Legacy-Separator
+#flag LV-Legacy-Message
+#flag noLV-Legacy-Message
+#flag ABORT-Quote
+#flag noABORT-Quote
+#flag Sun-ABORT-Quote
+#flag noSun-ABORT-Quote
+#flag String-remark-escape
+#flag noString-remark-escape
+#flag Hex-remark-escape
+#flag noHex-remark-escape
+#flag C-Style-string-escape
+#flag noC-Style-string-escape
+#flag Always-Headers
+#flag NoAlways-Headers
+#flag Always-External
+#flag NoAlways-External
+#flag Warn-if-Duplicate
+#flag noWarn-if-Duplicate
+#flag MoreGimmeMore!
+#flag noMorePleaseNoMore!
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagsHelp.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagsHelp.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlagsHelp.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+\ Empty file to test various cammand-line options relating to Flags Help
+[message] Nothing to be done.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[message] Flipping many switches
+[flag] Local-Values
+[flag] noLV-Legacy-Separator
+[flag] noLV-Legacy-Message
+[flag] noABORT-Quote
+[flag] noSun-ABORT-Quote
+[flag] noString-remark-escape
+[flag] noC-Style-string-escape
+[flag] Always-Headers
+[flag] noWarn-if-Duplicate
+[flag] noObsolete-FCode-Warning
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[message] Flipping a few switches
+[flag] noLocal-Values
+[flag] noHex-remark-escape
+[flag] noAlways-External
+[flag] Obsolete-FCode-Warning
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/FlgReset_2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+[message] Flipping no switches at all
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/HeadrSettings.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/HeadrSettings.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/HeadrSettings.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\ Play games with state of header-ness...
+." Default is headerless" cr
+10 constant ten-ten-a-big-fat-hen
+." Specifying headers hex" cr
+headers hex
+20 constant henty-plenty
+" Specifying external" cr
+40 constant chirkken-keetchee
+: use-it-all ten-ten-a-big-fat-hen henty-plenty chirkken-keetchee ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/LotsOfAliases.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/LotsOfAliases.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/LotsOfAliases.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+alias a_70_swap swap
+alias a_69_swap swap
+alias a_68_swap swap
+alias a_67_swap swap
+alias a_66_swap swap
+alias a_65_swap swap
+alias a_64_swap swap
+alias a_63_swap swap
+alias a_62_swap swap
+alias a_61_swap swap
+alias a_60_swap swap
+alias a_59_swap swap
+alias a_58_swap swap
+alias a_57_swap swap
+alias a_56_swap swap
+alias a_55_swap swap
+alias a_54_swap swap
+alias a_53_swap swap
+alias a_52_swap swap
+alias a_51_swap swap
+alias a_50_swap swap
+alias a_49_swap swap
+alias a_48_swap swap
+alias a_47_swap swap
+alias a_46_swap swap
+alias a_45_swap swap
+alias a_44_swap swap
+alias a_43_swap swap
+alias a_42_swap swap
+alias a_41_swap swap
+alias a_40_swap swap
+alias a_39_swap swap
+alias a_38_swap swap
+alias a_37_swap swap
+alias a_36_swap swap
+alias a_35_swap swap
+alias a_34_swap swap
+alias a_33_swap swap
+alias a_32_swap swap
+alias a_31_swap swap
+alias a_30_swap swap
+alias a_29_swap swap
+alias a_28_swap swap
+alias a_27_swap swap
+alias a_26_swap swap
+alias a_25_swap swap
+alias a_24_swap swap
+alias a_23_swap swap
+alias a_22_swap swap
+alias a_21_swap swap
+alias a_20_swap swap
+alias a_19_swap swap
+alias a_18_swap swap
+alias a_17_swap swap
+alias a_16_swap swap
+alias a_15_swap swap
+alias a_14_swap swap
+alias a_13_swap swap
+alias a_12_swap swap
+alias a_11_swap swap
+alias a_10_swap swap
+alias a_9_swap swap
+alias a_8_swap swap
+alias a_7_swap swap
+alias a_6_swap swap
+alias a_5_swap swap
+alias a_4_swap swap
+alias a_3_swap swap
+alias a_2_swap swap
+alias a_1_swap swap
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MinPCIHtst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MinPCIHtst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MinPCIHtst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+\ Minimal basic PCI-Header test.
+\ Updated Tue, 24 May 2005 at 11:22 by David L. Paktor
+ c020
+ dec1 \ Vendor
+ c0ed \ Device ID
+ a8d2e1 \ Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+ : bogo " This is a test." ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.DOS.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.DOS.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.DOS.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+\ Obvious pun intended...
+\ Updated Tue, 31 May 2005 at 12:07 by David L. Paktor
+alias // \
+// What is this?
+char G emit
+control G emit
+control [ emit
+: bell
+ [char] G dup
+ control G 3drop
+: factl recursive ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1
+ else dup 1- * factl
+ then
+: factl ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1 factl
+ else dup 1- recurse *
+ then
+variable naught
+defer do-nothing
+20 value twenty
+30 value thirty
+40 buffer: forty
+50 constant fifty
+create three 0 , 00 , h# 000 ,
+4 field >four
+constant /four
+: peril
+ ['] noop is do-nothing
+ 100 is thirty
+ 5 is naught
+ thirty dup - abort" Never Happen"
+: thirty ( new-val -- )
+ dup to thirty
+ alias .dec .d \ Should this be allowed?
+ ." Dirty" .dec
+alias fliteral1 fliteral // This should be a harmless remark.
+h# deadc0de ]tokenizer fliteral1
+: droop ( -- )
+ twenty
+ tokenizer[
+ alias .x .h \ Should this generate a warning?
+ ]tokenizer
+ 0 ?do i .x loop
+: ploop ( -- )
+ fifty 0 do i drop 2 +loop
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeatures.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+\ Obvious pun intended...
+\ Updated Fri, 10 Feb 2006 at 15:53 PST by David L. Paktor
+alias // \
+// What is this?
+char G emit
+control G emit
+control [ emit
+\ Each dev-node will create its own debug-flag and alias it to debug-me?
+\ Each dev-node will create a macro called my-dev-name giving its device-name
+ [macro] .fname&dev [function-name] type ." in " my-dev-name type
+ [macro] name-my-dev my-dev-name device-name
+ [macro] .dbg-enter debug-me? @ if ." Entering " .fname&dev cr then
+ [macro] .dbg-leave debug-me? @ if ." Leaving " .fname&dev cr then
+\ Top-most device, named billy
+[macro] my-dev-name " billy"
+variable debug-bell? debug-bell? off alias debug-me? debug-bell?
+: bell
+ .dbg-enter
+ [char] G dup
+ control G 3drop
+ .dbg-leave
+: factl recursive ( n -- n! )
+ ." Entering First vers. of " [function-name] type cr
+ ?dup 0= if 1
+ else dup 1- factl *
+ then
+ ." Leaving First vers. of " [function-name] type cr
+: factl ( n -- n! )
+ ." Entering Second vers. of " [function-name] type cr
+ ?dup 0= if 1 factl
+ else dup 1- recurse *
+ then
+ ." Leaving Second vers. of " [function-name] type cr
+variable naught
+defer do-nothing
+20 value twenty
+30 value thirty
+40 buffer: forty
+50 constant fifty
+create three 0 , 00 , h# 000 ,
+4 field >four
+constant /four
+: peril
+ .dbg-enter
+ ['] noop is do-nothing
+ 100 is thirty
+ 5 is naught
+ thirty dup - abort" Never Happen"
+ .dbg-leave
+: thirty ( new-val -- )
+ .dbg-enter
+ dup to thirty
+ alias .dec .d \ Should this be allowed?
+ ." Dirty" .dec
+ .dbg-leave
+alias fliteral1 fliteral // This should be a harmless remark.
+h# deadc0de ]tokenizer fliteral1
+\ First subsidiary device, "child" of billy
+ instance variable cheryl
+ [macro] my-dev-name " cheryl"
+ name-my-dev
+ instance
+ \ Third-level device, "grandchild" of billy
+ new-device
+ [macro] my-dev-name " meryl"
+ name-my-dev
+ variable beryl
+ variable debug-meryl? debug-meryl? off
+ alias debug-me? debug-meryl?
+ : meryl
+ .dbg-enter
+ cheryl
+ alias .deck .dec
+ alias feral cheryl
+ alias .heck .h
+ .dbg-leave
+ ;
+ finish-device
+ \ Now we're back to "cheryl"
+ variable debug-cheryl? debug-cheryl? off
+ alias debug-me? debug-cheryl?
+ : queryl
+ .dbg-enter
+ over rot dup nip drop swap \ Not the most useful code... ;-}
+ .dbg-leave
+ ;
+\ And we're back to billy.
+: droop ( -- )
+ .dbg-enter \ This will display Entering droop in billy
+ twenty
+ tokenizer[
+ alias .x .h \ Should this generate a warning?
+ ]tokenizer
+ 0 ?do i .x loop
+ .dbg-leave
+: ploop ( -- )
+ .dbg-enter
+ fifty 0 do i drop 2 +loop
+ .dbg-leave
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesCopy.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesCopy.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesCopy.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+\ Obvious pun intended...
+\ Updated Tue, 19 Apr 2005 at 17:28 by David L. Paktor
+char G emit
+control G emit
+control [ emit
+: bell
+ [char] G dup
+ control G 3drop
+: factl recursive ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1
+ else dup 1- * factl
+ then
+: factl ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1 factl
+ else dup 1- recurse *
+ then
+variable naught
+defer do-nothing
+20 value twenty
+30 value thirty
+40 buffer: forty
+50 constant fifty
+create three 0 , 00 , h# 000 ,
+4 field >four
+constant /four
+: peril
+ ['] noop is do-nothing
+ 100 is thirty
+ 5 is naught
+: thirty ( new-val -- )
+ dup to thirty
+ alias .dec .d \ Should this be allowed?
+ ." Dirty" .dec
+: droop ( -- )
+ twenty
+ tokenizer[
+ alias .x .h \ Should this generate a warning?
+ ]tokenizer
+ 0 ?do i .x loop
+: ploop ( -- )
+ fifty 0 do i drop 2 +loop
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesXtra.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesXtra.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MiscFeaturesXtra.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\ See if names from a previous tokenization linger in a subsequent one.
+\ Updated Wed, 06 Apr 2005 at 11:32 by David L. Paktor
+: peril ( new-val -- )
+ dup to twenty
+ ['] peril is do-nothing
+ d# 17 is naught
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\ Test creating multiple device-nodes
+\ Let's contrive this to (almost...) pass the "Original" tokenizer as well,
+\ and display the contrast.
+\ Updated Mon, 30 May 2005 at 19:44 by David L. Paktor
+alias // \
+// Funny kind of comment. What? C-Plus style? Not even a "B"...
+create (sis 6 c, 8 c, 12 c,
+: err-shoot) ( -- 0 ) h# defeca8e .h ;
+: eatit( h# feedface .h cr ;
+: open ( -- success )
+ err-shoot)
+ ." No dice, Cholly." cr
+ eatit(
+ false
+" sis" encode-string " name" property
+: eatit( h# 900df00d .h cr ; \ This should be a new definition
+: open ( -- success )
+ err-shoot) \ This should be an "Unknown Word"
+ ." I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that." cr
+ eatit( \ This should be the above
+ \ new definition in any case.
+ false
+" boombah" encode-string " name" property
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\ Test multiple device-nodes with injected erorrs... ;-}
+\ Updated Thu, 04 Aug 2005 at 16:42 by David L. Paktor
+alias rc! rb!
+[message] Top-Level (root) device-node
+create achin 12 c, 13 c, 14 c,
+: breakin achin 3 bounds do i c@ . loop ;
+: creakin 0 if breakin then ;
+: deacon achin creakin drop breakin ;
+[message] Subsidiary (child) device-node
+create eek! 18 c, 17 c, 80 c, 79 c,
+: freek eek! 4 bounds ?do i c@ . 1 +loop ;
+: greek -1 if freek then ;
+[message] About to access method from parent node
+: hierareek
+ eek!
+ freek
+ achin
+ greek
+: ikey hierareek freek greek ;
+[message] about to end child node
+[message] We can access methods from the root node now
+: jeeky
+ achin
+ 3 type
+[message] create sibling node
+0 value inky
+: kinky
+ " "( \
+ \ value offset
+ 03 22 \ Comm Params (offset 22) = parity check (bit 0) even (bit 1)
+ 4 17 \ Plex (offs 17) = full (bit 2)
+ b7 0e \ Bells (offs 0e) = Bits 7,6,4,2,1,0 (No church or Gamelon)
+ 7f 0f \ Bell volume (offs 0f) = Just under halfway
+ 89 10 \ Whistles (offs 10) = Foghorn, Train, Piccolo (Bits 7,3,0)
+ ff 18 \ Foghorn duration (offs 18) = maximum
+ 22 14 \ Train-whistle (offs 14) = two short blasts
+ 03 11 \ Piccolo = mercifully short
+ )"
+ bounds do i c@ i 1+ c@ inky + rc! 2 +loop
+[message] creating nephew node
+: open kinky true ;
+[message] creating great-nephew node
+: open
+ jeeky
+ kinky
+ true ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/MulDev_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+\ Test multiple device-nodes with injected erorrs... ;-}
+\ MulDev_02.fth -- slight variant relative to MulDev_01.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 15:36 PST by David L. Paktor
+ alias rc! rb!
+[message] Top-Level (root) device-node
+create achin 12 c, 13 c, 14 c,
+: breakin achin 3 bounds do i c@ . loop ;
+: creakin 0 if breakin then ;
+: deacon achin creakin drop breakin ;
+[message] Subsidiary (child) device-node
+create eek! 18 c, 17 c, 80 c, 79 c,
+: freek eek! 4 bounds ?do i c@ . 1 +loop ;
+: greek -1 if freek then ;
+[message] About to access method from parent node
+: hierareek
+ eek!
+ freek
+ achin
+ greek
+: ikey hierareek freek greek ;
+[message] about to end child node
+[message] We can access methods from the root node now
+: jeeky
+ achin
+ 3 type
+[message] create sibling node
+0 value inky
+: kinky
+ " "( \
+ \ value offset
+ 03 22 \ Comm Params (offset 22) = parity check (bit 0) even (bit 1)
+ 4 17 \ Plex (offs 17) = full (bit 2)
+ b7 0e \ Bells (offs 0e) = Bits 7,6,4,2,1,0 (No church or Gamelon)
+ 7f 0f \ Bell volume (offs 0f) = Just under halfway
+ 89 10 \ Whistles (offs 10) = Foghorn, Train, Piccolo (Bits 7,3,0)
+ ff 18 \ Foghorn duration (offs 18) = maximum
+ 22 14 \ Train-whistle (offs 14) = two short blasts
+ 03 11 \ Piccolo = mercifully short
+ )"
+ bounds do i c@ i 1+ c@ inky + rc! 2 +loop
+[message] creating nephew node
+: open kinky true ;
+[message] creating great-nephew node
+: open
+ jeeky
+ kinky
+ true ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/No_Beer.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/No_Beer.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/No_Beer.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.DeTok
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.DeTok (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.DeTok 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+\ Welcome to the OpenBIOS detokenizer v0.6.1
+\ detok Copyright(c) 2001-2005 by Stefan Reinauer.
+\ Written by Stefan Reinauer, <stepan(a)>
+\ This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
+\ the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty.
+\ (C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+ 0: start1 ( 0x0f1 ) ( 16-bit offsets)
+ 1: format: 0x08
+ 2: checksum: 0xf891 (Ok)
+ 4: len: 0x0302 ( 770 bytes)
+ 8: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) garfield 0x800
+ 20: b(:) ( 0x0b7 )
+ 21: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=2 )
+ " if"
+ 25: type ( 0x090 )
+ 26: b?branch ( 0x014 ) 0x004e ( =dec 78 dest = 105 )
+ 29: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=5 )
+ " begin"
+ 36: type ( 0x090 )
+ 37: b(<mark) ( 0x0b1 )
+ 38: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x15 [21 bytes] )
+ " 0 if unloop exit then"
+ 61: type ( 0x090 )
+ 62: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 63: b?branch ( 0x014 ) 0x0005 ( dest = 69 )
+ 66: unloop ( 0x089 )
+ 67: exit ( 0x033 )
+ 68: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 69: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x15 [21 bytes] )
+ " Would you be leave..."
+ 92: type ( 0x090 )
+ 93: b(leave) ( 0x01b )
+ 94: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=5 )
+ " loop?"
+ 101: type ( 0x090 )
+ 102: b(loop) ( 0x015 ) 0xffbf ( =dec -65 dest = 38 )
+ 105: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x12 [18 bytes] )
+ " Done with garfield"
+ 125: type ( 0x090 )
+ 126: b(;) ( 0x0c2 )
+ 127: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) odie 0x801
+ 135: b(:) ( 0x0b7 )
+ 136: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=7 )
+ " 0 0 ?do"
+ 145: type ( 0x090 )
+ 146: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 147: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 148: b(?do) ( 0x018 ) 0x005b ( =dec 91 dest = 240 )
+ 151: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=6 )
+ " i drop"
+ 159: type ( 0x090 )
+ 160: i ( 0x019 )
+ 161: drop ( 0x046 )
+ 162: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x18 [24 bytes] )
+ " zero if unloop exit then"
+ 188: type ( 0x090 )
+ 189: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 190: b?branch ( 0x014 ) 0x0005 ( dest = 196 )
+ 193: unloop ( 0x089 )
+ 194: exit ( 0x033 )
+ 195: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 196: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x15 [21 bytes] )
+ " Who would be leave..."
+ 219: type ( 0x090 )
+ 220: b(leave) ( 0x01b )
+ 221: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=5 )
+ " again"
+ 228: type ( 0x090 )
+ 229: bbranch ( 0x013 ) 0xffb1 ( =dec -79 dest = 151 )
+ 232: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=4 )
+ " then"
+ 238: type ( 0x090 )
+ 239: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 240: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xe [14 bytes] )
+ " Done with odie"
+ 256: type ( 0x090 )
+ 257: b(;) ( 0x0c2 )
+ 258: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x11 [17 bytes] )
+ " Outside of colon"
+ 277: type ( 0x090 )
+ 278: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=6 )
+ " 1 0 do"
+ 286: type ( 0x090 )
+ 287: 1 ( 0x0a6 )
+ 288: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 289: b(do) ( 0x017 ) 0x004b ( =dec 75 dest = 365 )
+ 292: i ( 0x019 )
+ 293: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) what? 0x802
+ 302: b(constant) ( 0x0ba )
+ 303: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x28 [40 bytes] )
+ " This is actually supposed to be legit..."
+ 345: type ( 0x090 )
+ 346: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=5 )
+ " again"
+ 353: type ( 0x090 )
+ 354: bbranch ( 0x013 ) 0xffc1 ( =dec -63 dest = 292 )
+ 357: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=4 )
+ " then"
+ 363: type ( 0x090 )
+ 364: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 365: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x17 [23 bytes] )
+ " Was that awful or what?"
+ 390: type ( 0x090 )
+ 391: b(lit) ( 0x010 ) 0x5000
+ 396: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) /DHCP-SCRATCH 0x803
+ 413: b(constant) ( 0x0ba )
+ 414: /DHCP-SCRATCH ( 0x803 )
+ 416: b(') ( 0x011 ) alloc-mem ( 0x08b )
+ 418: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x16 [22 bytes] )
+ " dhcp-scratch alloc-mem"
+ 442: type ( 0x090 )
+ 443: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 444: .s ( 0x09f )
+ 445: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 446: catch ( 0x217 )
+ 448: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1c [28 bytes] )
+ " catch dhcp-scratch alloc-mem"
+ 478: type ( 0x090 )
+ 479: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 480: .s ( 0x09f )
+ 481: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 482: ?dup ( 0x050 )
+ 483: b?branch ( 0x014 ) 0x003b ( =dec 59 dest = 543 )
+ 486: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x13 [19 bytes] )
+ " alloc-mem Failed!!!"
+ 507: type ( 0x090 )
+ 508: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 509: .s ( 0x09f )
+ 510: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 511: throw ( 0x218 )
+ 513: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x16 [22 bytes] )
+ " This is also worng..."
+ 537: type ( 0x090 )
+ 538: exit ( 0x033 )
+ 539: bbranch ( 0x013 ) 0x0029 ( =dec 41 dest = 581 )
+ 542: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 543: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xf [15 bytes] )
+ " alloc-mem okay."
+ 560: type ( 0x090 )
+ 561: .s ( 0x09f )
+ 562: cr ( 0x092 )
+ 563: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) DHCP-SCRATCH 0x804
+ 579: b(constant) ( 0x0ba )
+ 580: b(>resolve) ( 0x0b2 )
+ 581: named-token ( 0x0b6 ) crazy-aces 0x805
+ 595: b(:) ( 0x0b7 )
+ 596: b(case) ( 0x0c4 )
+ 597: 0 ( 0x0a5 )
+ 598: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0000 ( dest = 599 )
+\ Error: Unresolved offset.
+ 601: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xd [13 bytes] )
+ " And a-nutt'n'"
+ 616: type ( 0x090 )
+ 617: 1 ( 0x0a6 )
+ 618: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0000 ( dest = 619 )
+\ Error: Unresolved offset.
+ 621: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=9 )
+ " And a-won"
+ 632: type ( 0x090 )
+ 633: 2 ( 0x0a7 )
+ 634: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0000 ( dest = 635 )
+\ Error: Unresolved offset.
+ 637: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=9 )
+ " And a-too"
+ 648: type ( 0x090 )
+ 649: 3 ( 0x0a8 )
+ 650: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0000 ( dest = 651 )
+\ Error: Unresolved offset.
+ 653: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xa [10 bytes] )
+ " And a-tree"
+ 665: type ( 0x090 )
+ 666: b(lit) ( 0x010 ) 0x4
+ 671: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0000 ( dest = 672 )
+\ Error: Unresolved offset.
+ 674: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xa [10 bytes] )
+ " and afford"
+ 686: type ( 0x090 )
+ 687: b(lit) ( 0x010 ) 0x5
+ 692: b(of) ( 0x01c ) 0x0028 ( =dec 40 dest = 733 )
+ 695: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0xb [11 bytes] )
+ " Dat's enuff"
+ 708: type ( 0x090 )
+ 709: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x14 [20 bytes] )
+ " It's not my default!"
+ 731: type ( 0x090 )
+ 732: b(endcase) ( 0x0c5 )
+ 733: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x20 [32 bytes] )
+ " Just in case you end up here..."
+ 767: type ( 0x090 )
+ 768: b(;) ( 0x0c2 )
+ 769: end0 ( 0x000 )
+\ Detokenization finished normally after 770 bytes.
+End of file.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.Log
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.Log (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.Log 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Welcome to toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer v0.6.8
+Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan(a)>
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty.
+toke: checksum is 0xf891 (770 bytes)
+toke: wrote 770 bytes to bytecode file 'ContErr0.OldTkzr.fc'
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.fc
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.OldTkzr.fc
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/ContErr0.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+\ Test Erroneous Control Constructs, cunningly contrived
+\ to pass the "Old" tokenizer, which doesn't have the
+\ check for Control-Structure matching.
+\ Updated Thu, 29 Jun 2006 at 14:52 PDT by David L. Paktor
+: garfield
+ ." if" if
+ ." begin" begin
+ \ \ Leave this out because Old tokenizer duzzent dew it rite....
+ \ ." Question-Leave?" ?leave
+ ." 0 if unloop exit then" 0 if unloop exit then
+ ." Would you be leave..." leave
+ ." loop?" loop
+ ." Done with garfield"
+: odie
+ ." 0 0 ?do" 0 0 ?do
+ ." i drop" i drop
+ ." zero if unloop exit then" 0 if unloop exit then
+ ." Who would be leave..." leave
+ ." again" again
+ ." then" then
+ ." Done with odie"
+." Outside of colon"
+." 1 0 do" 1 0 do
+ i constant what? ." This is actually supposed to be legit..."
+." again" again
+." then" then
+." Was that awful or what?"
+\ Snippet similar to something in Firmworks manual
+h# 5000 constant /DHCP-SCRATCH
+/DHCP-SCRATCH ( size ) ['] alloc-mem
+." dhcp-scratch alloc-mem" cr .s cr
+." catch dhcp-scratch alloc-mem" cr .s cr
+?dup if
+ ." alloc-mem Failed!!!" cr .s cr
+ throw
+ ." This is also worng..." exit
+ ." alloc-mem okay." .s cr
+ ( vaddr )
+ ( vaddr ) constant DHCP-SCRATCH
+\ A CASE statement where the ENDOFs are missing
+\ still passes the "Old" tokenizer.
+: crazy-aces ( n -- )
+ case
+ 0 of ." And a-nutt'n'"
+ 1 of ." And a-won"
+ 2 of ." And a-too"
+ 3 of ." And a-tree"
+ 4 of ." and afford"
+ 5 of ." Dat's enuff"
+ ( default ) ." It's not my default!"
+ endcase ." Just in case you end up here..."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.DeTok
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.DeTok (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.DeTok 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\ Welcome to the OpenBIOS detokenizer v0.6.1
+\ detok Copyright(c) 2001-2005 by Stefan Reinauer.
+\ Written by Stefan Reinauer, <stepan(a)>
+\ This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
+\ the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty.
+\ (C) Copyright 2005 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+ 0: start1 ( 0x0f1 ) ( 16-bit offsets)
+ 1: format: 0x08
+ 2: checksum: 0x8805 (Ok)
+ 4: len: 0x0187 ( 391 bytes)
+ 8: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x2e [46 bytes] )
+ " Let's also test a few string-escape sequences:"
+ 56: type ( 0x090 )
+ 57: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x2c [44 bytes] )
+ " "( 09 )ab"( 0a )ew-line""uote"( 0d )eturn"( 0c )orm-feed"( 08 )ackspace"( 07 )ell"
+ 103: type ( 0x090 )
+ 104: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x20 [32 bytes] )
+ " "( 03 )ontrol-D:ontrol-brace is Escape"
+ 138: type ( 0x090 )
+ 139: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x1c [28 bytes] )
+ " First try these two in hex:"
+ 169: type ( 0x090 )
+ 170: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x2b [43 bytes] )
+ " Backslash-n"( 0a )NewLine"( 09 )TabJd-a-OneTwoThreeFour"
+ 215: type ( 0x090 )
+ 216: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x29 [41 bytes] )
+ " Backslashes on both ends:4OneTwoThreeFour"
+ 259: type ( 0x090 )
+ 260: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x24 [36 bytes] )
+ " Try them again, but now in decimal:"
+ 298: type ( 0x090 )
+ 299: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x2c [44 bytes] )
+ " Backslash-n"( 0a )NewLine"( 09 )Tab"( d2 )nd-a-OneTwoThreeFour"
+ 345: type ( 0x090 )
+ 346: b(") ( 0x012 ) ( len=0x29 [41 bytes] )
+ " Backslashes on both ends:"( d2 )OneTwoThreeFour"
+ 389: type ( 0x090 )
+ 390: end0 ( 0x000 )
+\ Detokenization finished normally after 391 bytes.
+End of file.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.Log
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.Log (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.Log 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Welcome to toke - OpenBIOS tokenizer v0.6.8
+Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Stefan Reinauer <stepan(a)>
+This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License. This program has absolutely no warranty.
+toke: checksum is 0x8805 (391 bytes)
+toke: wrote 391 bytes to bytecode file 'SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.fc'
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.fc
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.OldTkzr.fc
Name: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OldTkzr/SimplStrEscs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ A few simple string-escape sequences.
+\ See which ones the "Old" tokenizer handles differently...
+." Let's also test a few string-escape sequences:"
+." "ttab"nnew-line""quote"rreturn"fform-feed"bbackspace"!bell"
+." "^Dcontrol-D"^{Control-brace is Escape"
+." First try these two in hex:"
+." Backslash-n\nNewLine\tTab\1234And-a-OneTwoThreeFour"
+." Backslashes on both ends:\1234\OneTwoThreeFour"
+." Try them again, but now in decimal:"
+." Backslash-n\nNewLine\tTab\1234And-a-OneTwoThreeFour"
+." Backslashes on both ends:\1234\OneTwoThreeFour"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/OneBeer.fc
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fld.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fld.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fld.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\ We seem to have stumbled on another bug, manifested by
+\ a string at the end of an "floaded" file, i.e.,
+\ no blank line after a string at the end of that file.
+\ This is the "floadable" file.
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 16:34 by David L. Paktor
+\ Make sure there's no blank line after this next line:
+." Hi!"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrAtEof.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\ We seem to have stumbled on another bug, manifested by
+\ a string at the end of an "floaded" file, i.e.,
+\ no blank line after a string at the end of that file.
+\ Main file to test it
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Apr 2005 at 17:50 by David L. Paktor
+fload StrAtEof.fld.fth
+." Try "^a"^b"^c"^d"^[ and "^aand"^band"^cetc.?"
+." Are we still processing strings okay?"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\ String-Escapes test...
+\ Updated Mon, 11 Jul 2005 at 16:44 by David L. Paktor
+headers hex
+." What about "( 1c cd e6 \ The rest of this line should be a comment
+ c7 )?"
+." Is "\ the rest of this line a comment?"
+X and a new start " \ This should do it.
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+." Or a way to get a "\ backslash?"
+ Y not " \ Or not...
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StrEscs_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\ It's not about the unterminated String
+\ it's about the lack of fcode-end
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Jul 2005 at 09:58 by David L. Paktor
+headers hex
+\ What if we don't have an fcode-end here?
+." Why not?"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.DOS.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.DOS.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.DOS.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\ Test of various formats of strings
+\ Updated Tue, 12 Jul 2005 at 17:19 by David L. Paktor
+headers hex
+Empty string next."
+." "
+." BSlashes: \t\1fea9\abdc\n\1f\\fece"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\c01a"
+." BSlashes: \n\a7\c01a"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\\c0\\1a"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\\c0\\1a"( feedface)"
+." 3 BSlashes, then QOpen. \t\Q\n"(090abcdefeca8e beeffece b020)Zoh. "(1 23 4 567 8 9 0 1 2 3 0 a b c 30)"
+.( Dot-Paren-NoSpace)cr cr
+.( Dot-Paren Space) cr cr
+." QEscapes: "p"b"n"zz"
+." QEscapes: ""Q"nn"rr"tt"ff"ll"bb"!!"^[UpBrack"zz"
+0 is my-self \ Is it keeping line numbers straight?
+" Quote"" Quote" type cr
+s" Ess-Quote"type cr
+." Cross
+Three times."
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+." Can I get a \ backslash?"
+." Like this \\ maybe?"
+." What about "( 1c cd e6 \ The rest of this line should be a comment
+ c7 )?"
+." Is "\ the rest of this line a comment?"
+\ " \ This should do it.
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+." Or a way to get a "\ backslash?"
+\ " \ Or not...
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/StringsGenl.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+\ Test of various formats of strings
+\ Updated Mon, 06 Mar 2006 at 17:39 PST by David L. Paktor
+headers hex
+Empty string next."
+." "
+." BSlashes: \t\1fea9\abdc\n\1f\\fece"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\c01a"
+." BSlashes: \n\a7\c01a"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\\c0\\1a"
+." BSlashes: \t\a7\\c0\\1a"( feedface)"
+." 3 BSlashes, then QOpen. \t\Q\n"(090abcdefeca8e beeffece b020)Zoh. "(1 23 4 567 8 9 0 1 2 3 0 a b c 30)"
+.( Dot-Paren-NoSpace)cr cr
+.( Dot-Paren Space) cr cr
+." QEscapes: "p"b"n"zz"
+." QEscapes: ""Q"nn"rr"tt"ff"ll"bb"!!"^[UpBrack"zz"
+0 is my-self \ Is it keeping line numbers straight?
+" Quote"" Quote" type cr
+s" Ess-Quote"type cr
+." Cross
+Three times."
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+." Can I get a \ backslash?"
+." Like this \\ maybe?"
+." What about "( 1c cd e6 \ The rest of this line should be a comment
+ c7 )?"
+." Is "\ the rest of this line a comment?"
+\ " \ This should do it.
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+." Or a way to get a "\ backslash?"
+\ " \ Or not...
+0 is my-self \ Is it still keeping line numbers straight?
+: glemph!" " glemph!""" evaluate ;
+\ What does the " do?
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TestArgs
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TestArgs (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TestArgs 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Automated Test Arguments file for TokMisc category
+# Valid lines have four comma-separated fields:
+# Test-file base-name
+# Result-file label
+# Extra command-line switches
+# A script-command with arguments (but no commas).
+# Lines that have no label, no switches, and no script
+# do not need any commas.
+# Updated Thu, 06 Jul 2006 at 13:16 PDT by David L. Paktor
+MiscFeatures , , -i
+MiscFeatures , applabq , -i -f NOSUN-ABORT-Quote
+MiscFeatures , noabrtq , -i -f noABort-quote
+MiscFeatures.DOS , , -i
+StrAtEof , , -l
+# Script is to help set up for Batch Test at end...
+StringsGenl , , , cp StringsGenl.fth StringsGenl_cpy1.fth ; cp StringsGenl_cpy1.fth StringsGenl_cpy2.fth
+StringsGenl , nocstesc , -f NOC-STYLe-string-escape
+StringsGenl , nohexrmk , -f noHex-remark-escape
+StringsGenl , noqbsrmk , -f NOSTRING-REMARK-ESCAPE
+OldTkzr/ContErr0 , , -i
+ContErr1 , , -i
+ContErr2 , , -i
+ContErr3 , , -i
+MulDev , , -i
+MulDev_01 , , -i
+MulDev_02 , , -i -T jeeky -T kinky
+FlagSet , , -i
+FlagSet , badclf , -i -f McGillicuddy -f ORoark -f NoFrauBlucher
+TooLargeBufferMulPciFcb , , -l
+BranchOverNewBuffer , , -l
+AbrtQuot , , -i
+AbrtQuot , noabrtq , -i -f NOabort-Quote
+AbrtQuot , applabq , -i -f noSUN-abort-QUOte
+AbrtQuot , noabqthrw , -i -f noABORT-Quote-Throw
+HeadrSettings , alwyshdr , -f always-heADERs
+HeadrSettings , alwyextl , -f alwaYS-External
+HeadrSettings , alwaysboth , -f always-headers -f always-external
+FlagsHelp , , -f HELP
+FlagsHelp , Chg , -f noHex-remark-ESCAPE -f Always-Headers -f help
+FlagsHelp , noChg , -f noLocal-Values -f help
+FlagsHelp , chgNoHlp , -f noHex-remark-escape -f Always-Headers -f noHelp
+FlagsHelp , JustNoHlp , -f noHelp
+FlgReset , Solo
+FlgReset FlgReset_1 FlgReset_2
+FlgReset FlgReset_1 FlgReset_2 , AlwExt , -f Always-External
+AllMacros , , , ExamAllMacs.scr
+# A little more set-up for Batch Test
+UserMacros , , , cp UserMacros.fth UserMacros_cpy1.fth
+BatchTst StringsGenl_cpy1 FlagSet , , -l sub.w.dots/MulDev ../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin ../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth NoBeerAnywhere.fth , if ( "`cmp StringsGenl.fc StringsGenl_cpy1.fc`" != "" ) /bin/ls -l $PWD/StringsGenl.fc $PWD/StringsGenl_cpy1.fc >> BatchTst.Log ; diff StringsGenl.DeTok StringsGenl_cpy1.DeTok >> BatchTst.Log
+BatchTst StringsGenl_cpy2 FlagSet UserMacros_cpy1 , wIncLst , -I '' -I. -I../TokeCommon -P -l sub.w.dots/MulDev OneBeer.fth ZeroLen.bin NoBeerAnywhere.fth , if ( "`cmp StringsGenl.fc StringsGenl_cpy2.fc`" != "" ) /bin/ls -l $PWD/StringsGenl.fc $PWD/StringsGenl_cpy2.fc >> BatchTst.wIncLst.Log ; diff StringsGenl.DeTok StringsGenl_cpy2.DeTok >> BatchTst.wIncLst.Log
+BatchTst , FHelp , -I. -I../TokeCommon -l -f help , if ( "`cmp UserMacros.fc UserMacros_cpy1.fc`" != "" ) /bin/ls -l $PWD/UserMacros.fc $PWD/UserMacros_cpy1.fc >> BatchTst.FHelp.Log ; diff UserMacros.DeTok UserMacros_cpy1.DeTok >> BatchTst.FHelp.Log
+# Script is to clean up the "dross" from the above...
+BatchTst , Help , -I. -I../TokeCommon -l -h , rm *_cpy*
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,2587 @@
+[message] Starting out with six hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBufferMulPciFcb.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBufferMulPciFcb.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/TooLargeBufferMulPciFcb.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+\ Test case of overflowing the output buffer
+\ and multiple PCI Headers and FCode blocks
+\ Body generated by the "Verbal Bottles of Beer" script,
+\ (Argument of 646 just does it.)
+ c020
+ dec1 \ Vendor
+ c0ed \ Device ID
+ 80201 \ Class Code (ISA system timer. Denver Colorado )
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: a-lot-of-beer
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: and-a-lot-more-beer
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+ b020
+ fece \ Vendor
+ d00d \ Device ID
+ 90210 \ Class Code (Unknown. Beverly Hills )
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: What?Still-more-beer?
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+: What-the-hey!More-beer
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+: Keep-the-beer-comin',-Mate!
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+: Let's-have-one-for-Cliffie
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+: And-TWO-for-Norm
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+fload TooLargeBeerBuffer_body.fth
+: What-Does-Carla-Have-To-Say?
+ LET's-have-ONE-for-CLIFfie
+ and-Two-for-nORM
+ WHAT?Still-more-BEER?
+ Keep-the-BEER-Comin',-MATE!
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/UserMacros.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/UserMacros.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/UserMacros.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+\ Test of user-defined macros and other new features,
+\ needed for compatibility with internal sources.
+[macro] lookma .( Look, Ma! No hands! Ooooops! )
+[macro] lookpa .( Hey, Pa! Hands! HaHa! )
+[macro] f[lookout f[ .( Look out, look out look out! ##Crash!# )
+[macro] f[lookquote f[ ." I'll never forget you #Leader of the Pack!#"
+f[lookout ]f
+f[lookquote ]f
+[macro] 4+ 4 +
+[macro] 3+ 3 +
+f[ h# 800 next-fcode ]f
+: surplus
+ 4+
+ 3+
+ 2+
+ 1+
+[message] Now for some fun
+: sourpuss
+ a# CPU
+ al# CPU
+ a# ICUP
+ al# ICUP
+a# CPU constant a#CPU
+al# CPU constant al#CPU
+a# ICUP constant a#ICUP
+al# ICUP constant al#ICUP
+f[ h# 800 next-fcode ]f
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/sub.w.dots/MulDev
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/sub.w.dots/MulDev (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokMisc/sub.w.dots/MulDev 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+\ Test creating multiple device-nodes
+\ Let's contrive this to (almost...) pass the "Original" tokenizer as well,
+\ and display the contrast.
+\ Updated Mon, 30 May 2005 at 19:44 by David L. Paktor
+alias // \
+// Funny kind of comment. What? C-Plus style? Not even a "B"...
+create (sis 6 c, 8 c, 12 c,
+: err-shoot) ( -- 0 ) h# defeca8e .h ;
+: eatit( h# feedface .h cr ;
+: open ( -- success )
+ err-shoot)
+ ." No dice, Cholly." cr
+ eatit(
+ false
+" sis" encode-string " name" property
+: eatit( h# 900df00d .h cr ; \ This should be a new definition
+: open ( -- success )
+ err-shoot) \ This should be an "Unknown Word"
+ ." I'm sorry, Dave. I can't do that." cr
+ eatit( \ This should be the above
+ \ new definition in any case.
+ false
+" boombah" encode-string " name" property
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/BinData.bin
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/BinData.bin (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/BinData.bin 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+?f�E��m��$P@��Ð��������������U��������������E��E����E��}�$ @���$���E����D$�$ @���E����D$�$ @��D$( @�E����$�|�E��D$+ @�E����$�a�E��}�t�}�u�$. @�f�$�J�E��$��E��E��@�� ��t��}�t܋E��D$�E��$���NjE��$�ƋE��$��$��������������Q���=r��� -��)�� ���̋�@�����U1�����u��u�]��D$�4$賃���t
+�$��@@����\$�����\$�4$考��$�Ӑ��������%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@�����������%�@@���%�@@��U1���S���]�����C�1ɺ��C����C�������C,�@�C0�@�C0@����@@�C�Cx�E�CH�@�CL�@�C(�E�CP�@�CT�@�C$0@��Cp@�C`@�C P@�CD@@�$��C|���C4 @�C8 @�C<0@�C@@0@蛸�]��������@@��^����$�!��1����t҉Ӹ������������������%�@@���%�@@��U��MV�uS�]��Q����9�r�[^]Í���U�@��P @���T$�D$�$P @�����Ð����������%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@��U��]Ð����������U��]Ð����������U��]Ð����������U��]Ð�����������%�@@���%�@@����������
\ No newline at end of file
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[message] Starting out with one Bottle of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/NoRead.bin
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/NoRead.bin (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/NoRead.bin 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+?f�E��m��$P@��Ð��������������U��������������E��E����E��}�$ @���$���E����D$�$ @���E����D$�$ @��D$( @�E����$�|�E��D$+ @�E����$�a�E��}�t�}�u�$. @�f�$�J�E��$��E��E��@�� ��t��}�t܋E��D$�E��$���NjE��$�ƋE��$��$��������������Q���=r��� -��)�� ���̋�@�����U1�����u��u�]��D$�4$賃���t
+�$��@@����\$�����\$�4$考��$�Ӑ��������%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@�����������%�@@���%�@@��U1���S���]�����C�1ɺ��C����C�������C,�@�C0�@�C0@����@@�C�Cx�E�CH�@�CL�@�C(�E�CP�@�CT�@�C$0@��Cp@�C`@�C P@�CD@@�$��C|���C4 @�C8 @�C<0@�C@@0@蛸�]��������@@��^����$�!��1����t҉Ӹ������������������%�@@���%�@@��U��MV�uS�]��Q����9�r�[^]Í���U�@��P @���T$�D$�$P @�����Ð����������%�@@���%�@@���%�@@���%�@@��U��]Ð����������U��]Ð����������U��]Ð����������U��]Ð�����������%�@@���%�@@����������
\ No newline at end of file
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fl
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[message] Starting out with one Bottle of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/AbrtWQuotStr.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/AbrtWQuotStr.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/AbrtWQuotStr.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\ Abort-quote with embedded quote in the string.
+\ Updated Tue, 16 May 2006 at 17:57 PDT by David L. Paktor
+: sunny-de-light
+ abort" Oh, this is the Sun-Style abort"" with a "\
+ built-in quote and multi-line! Cool..."
+[flag] noSun-ABORT-Quote
+: apple-pi-alamo
+ if abort" And this is the Apple-Style abort"" with "\
+ also a multi-line and built-in quote. Ho, hum."
+ then
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\ Test case of a C-String-Escape clause that overflows the source-file
+[flag] C-Style-string-escape
+: funky-string
+ ." Normal string" cr
+ ." Funky but ok \ab\\b0\\7\\7\and\c0\\5\\7\\e1\\10\" cr
+ ." Body 1" cr
+fload CStrEscOvflw_body_1.fth
+ ." Body 2" cr
+fload CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth
+ ." Body 3" cr
+fload CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth
+ ." I don't know." cr ." Shortstop!" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\ Body 1 for test of string with c-string-escaped hex byte that ends abruptly.
+\ This ends with no hex value after the last backslash, and a quote
+\ and a new-line.
+." What's on s\e\ \c0\n\db\\a5\\"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\ Body 2 for test of string with c-string-escaped hex byte that ends abruptly.
+\ This ends with no hex value after the last backslash, and a new-line.
+\ Body 3 is made from this by using dd to truncate the new-line.
+\ The c-shell command sequence goes like this:
+\ set len = `cat CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth | wc -c`
+\ @ len--
+\ dd if=CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth of=CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth count=1 bs=$len
+." What's on s\e\ \c0\n\db\\a5\\
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\ Body 2 for test of string with c-string-escaped hex byte that ends abruptly.
+\ This ends with no hex value after the last backslash, and a new-line.
+\ Body 3 is made from this by using dd to truncate the new-line.
+\ The c-shell command sequence goes like this:
+\ set len = `cat CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth | wc -c`
+\ @ len--
+\ dd if=CStrEscOvflw_body_2.fth of=CStrEscOvflw_body_3.fth count=1 bs=$len
+." What's on s\e\ \c0\n\db\\a5\\
\ No newline at end of file
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\ Error-check comment and string over-runs
+\ Updated Wed, 06 Jul 2005 at 18:19 by David L. Paktor
+fload CommOvrRun_01.fth
+fload CommOvrRun_02.fth
+; \ Finish-up colon-def'n started in prev file.
+[message] About to load file w/ no e-o-l
+fload CommOvrRun_03.fth
+[message] Back to the main file.
+fload CommOvrRun_04.fth
+ tokenizer[
+fload CommOvrRun_05.fth
+ ]tokenizer
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+\ First inclusion file for comment and string over-runs Error-check test
+\ Bum string
+[message] Collecting bum string
+" Starts Out okay "( 09 5
+ \ Goes to numbers
+ 12 13 ) And then what? "( 00 07 \ Never concludes for three lines
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+\ Second inclusion file for comment and string over-runs Error-check test
+[message] Stack Diagram w/o conclusion
+: fuddy ( stack diagram
+ ." but where does it end?"
+ ." Does it end?"
+ ." No, it does not..."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_03.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_03.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_03.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+\ Third inclusion file for comment over-runs and string Error-check test
+\ Remark w/out terminating end-of-line here
\ No newline at end of file
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_04.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_04.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_04.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ Fourth inclusion file for comment over-runs and string Error-check test
+[message] String w/o conclusion
+: duddy ( -- stack diagram )
+ ." but where does it end?"
+ ." Does it end?"
+ ." No, it does not...
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_05.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_05.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CommOvrRun_05.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\ Fifth inclusion file for comment over-runs and string Error-check test
+[message] Unconcluded dot-quote
+.( Is everybody having a good time? I don't know if I am...
+3700 constant sig_freq \ Signal Freak-went-sea
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CondlDefn.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CondlDefn.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/CondlDefn.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\ Definitions inside a conditional -- a definite no-no!
+\ Updated Fri, 28 Jul 2006 at 10:12 PDT by David L. Paktor
+false value de-bug
+de-bug if h# 273 constant ugh-muck-a-luck-a
+ 3 0 do i constant bug-off
+ i 4 * constant bug-bug
+ ugh-muck-a-luck-a bug-bug bug-off * - .
+ loop
+ d# 273 constant ugh-muck-a-luck-a
+: shakshuka
+ de-bug if ." Bugging me" then
+ bug-bug
+ ugh-muck-a-luck-a
+ o# 273 constant ugh-muck-a-luck-a
+ de-bug if : ugh-muck-b-luck-b then
+ bug-off * - .
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ControlMismatch.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ControlMismatch.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ControlMismatch.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+\ Control-Structures Mismatch Error-Detection test.
+\ Updated Wed, 16 Nov 2005 at 09:46 PST by David L. Paktor
+begin 1- dup while 4 c, repeat
+: anawanna
+ 123
+ else \ This used to cause a "Fatal"
+ 456
+ then
+: granada
+ 789 begin
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 1011 begin 2 1 0 3 2swap swap rot
+ else 3 1 0 2 2swap -rot
+ loop 2 3 0 1
+: obknoxin
+ 678 begin
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 910 begin 2 1 0 3
+ else 3 1 0 2 2512
+ loop 2 3 0 1
+: tixon
+ 987 0 do 0 1 2 3
+ 654 begin 3 2 1 0
+ 0ace
+ else 3 0 1 2
+ 0feed
+ then
+ repeat
+: spew-agnu
+ 5417
+ then
+: bunk
+ 543 if
+ 345 else
+ 789
+: junk
+ h# ace
+ then
+: clunk
+ 0=
+ begin 1- ?dup if
+ endcase
+ then
+ until
+: skunk
+ endof
+tokenizer[ tokenizer[ ]tokenizer ]tokenizer
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevImbal.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevImbal.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevImbal.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+\ Test an imbalanced control statement before a device-node change
+alias rc! rb!
+[message] Top-Level (root) device-node
+create achin 12 c, 13 c, 14 c,
+: breakin achin 3 bounds do i c@ . loop ;
+: creakin 0 if breakin then ;
+: deacon achin creakin drop breakin ;
+[message] Control structure starts here
+3 0 do
+ i ." loop number" .
+[message] Forgot the "loop" here.
+[message] Subsidiary (child) device-node
+create eek! 18 c, 17 c, 80 c, 79 c,
+: freek eek! 4 bounds ?do i c@ . 1 +loop ;
+: greek -1 if freek then ;
+[message] About to access method from parent node
+: hierareek
+ eek!
+ freek
+ achin
+ greek
+: ikey hierareek freek greek ;
+[message] about to end child node
+[message] But first a bogus incomplete control structure
+false if
+ ." This should not be happening"
+[message] "Forgot" the then here...
+[message] We can access methods from the root node now
+: jeeky
+ achin
+ 3 type
+[message] Proved our point I think.
+[message] Another bogo-crol
+ begin ." What the hey?" 0 while
+ ." Forgot it again..."
+[message] Missing repeat...
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+\ Test scope of "aliased" name in device-node
+\ along w/ excess of "finish-device"
+\ Updated Mon, 31 Oct 2005 at 13:19 PST by David L. Paktor
+[flag] Local-Values
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Should an alias to a core-function be local to the device-node
+\ in which it was made, or global to the whole tokenization?
+\ After talking w/ Jim L., answer is: Global.
+\ An alias to a core-function goes into the core vocab.
+\ But! When new-device or finish-device is used inside a
+\ colon-definition, it should not change the tok'z'n-time vocab...
+alias foop dup \ Here's a classic case
+alias pelf my-self \ Here's another
+\ And here are two just to screw you up!
+alias >> lshift
+alias << rshift
+: troop ." Dup to my-self" foop to pelf ;
+alias snoop troop
+: croup foop snoop ;
+: make-rope-name ( slip-number -- )
+ { _slip }
+ " roper_" encode-string
+ _slip (.) encode-string encode+ name
+: slip-prop ( slip-number -- )
+ { _slip }
+ _slip not d# 24 >>
+ _slip d# 16 >> +
+ _slip not 1 << h# 0ff and 8 >> +
+ _slip +
+ encode-int " slipknot" property
+create achin \ Table of slip-numbers for each device
+ 12 c, 13 c, 14 c,
+ 56 c, 43 c, 50 c, 54 c,
+0 c, \ 0-byte is list-terminator
+: make-name-and-prop ( slip-number -- )
+ foop
+ make-rope-name
+ slip-prop
+: tie-one-on ( slip-number -- )
+ new-device make-name-and-prop
+[message] Define a method that creates subsidiaries...
+: spawn-offspring ( -- )
+ achin
+ begin ( addr )
+ dup c@ ?dup while ( addr slip )
+ tie-one-on
+ finish-device
+ 1+ \ Bump to next entry
+ repeat drop
+: more-offs ( -- addr count )
+ " "( \ Another table of offsprings' slip-numbers
+ )YUMA"( \ Some of them are letters
+ 85 92 13 \ Some are not
+ )" \ That is all
+: tap-it-out ( n -- n+1 )
+ finish-device
+ 1+
+: spawn-more
+ 0 more-offs bounds do
+ new-device i c@
+ make-name-and-prop
+ tap-it-out
+ loop
+ encode-int " num-offs" property
+[message] Subsidiary (child) device-node
+create eek! 18 c, 17 c, 80 c, 79 c,
+: freek eek! 4 bounds ?do i c@ . 1 +loop ;
+: greek -1 if freek then ;
+[message] About to access method from parent node
+: hierareek
+ eek!
+ freek
+ achin
+ greek
+: ikey hierareek freek greek ;
+\ Does (Should) the new device know about its parent's aliases?
+: bad-refs
+ croup
+ foop
+ snoop
+ foop
+ to pelf
+[message] end child node
+[message] Access methods from the root node again
+: refs-good-again
+ croup
+ foop
+ snoop
+ foop
+ to pelf
+[message] An extra finish-device
+[message] Are we still here?
+: spoof
+ bad-refs
+ foop
+ refs-good-again
+\ That is all...
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DevNodAli_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+\ Test scope of "aliased" name in device-node
+\ along w/ excess of "finish-device"
+\ DevNodAli_01.fth -- slight variant relative to DevNodAli.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 15:36 PST by David L. Paktor
+[flag] Local-Values
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Should an alias to a core-function be local to the device-node
+\ in which it was made, or global to the whole tokenization?
+\ After talking w/ Jim L., answer is: Global.
+\ An alias to a core-function goes into the core vocab.
+\ But! When new-device or finish-device is used inside a
+\ colon-definition, it should not change the tok'z'n-time vocab...
+\ I gave some further thought to the question of
+\ the scope of a alias to a core-function.
+\ A true FORTH-based tokenizer would place an alias-created definition
+\ into the "current" vocabulary, regardless of where the target of
+\ the alias was found. I now believe we should do the same, also.
+\ If the user intends to define an alias with global scope, then
+\ that intention should be expressed explicitly.
+\ Like this:
+ alias foop dup \ Here's a classic case
+ alias pelf my-self \ Here's another
+ \ And here are two just to screw you up!
+ alias >> lshift
+ alias << rshift
+: troop ." Dup to my-self" foop to pelf ;
+alias snoop troop
+: croup foop snoop ;
+: make-rope-name ( slip-number -- )
+ { _slip }
+ " roper_" encode-string
+ _slip (.) encode-string encode+ name
+: slip-prop ( slip-number -- )
+ { _slip }
+ _slip not d# 24 >>
+ _slip d# 16 >> +
+ _slip not 1 << h# 0ff and 8 >> +
+ _slip +
+ encode-int " slipknot" property
+create achin \ Table of slip-numbers for each device
+ 12 c, 13 c, 14 c,
+ 56 c, 43 c, 50 c, 54 c,
+0 c, \ 0-byte is list-terminator
+: make-name-and-prop ( slip-number -- )
+ foop
+ make-rope-name
+ slip-prop
+: tie-one-on ( slip-number -- )
+ new-device make-name-and-prop
+[message] Define a method that creates subsidiaries...
+: spawn-offspring ( -- )
+ achin
+ begin ( addr )
+ dup c@ ?dup while ( addr slip )
+ tie-one-on
+ finish-device
+ 1+ \ Bump to next entry
+ repeat drop
+: more-offs ( -- addr count )
+ " "( \ Another table of offsprings' slip-numbers
+ )YUMA"( \ Some of them are letters
+ 85 92 13 \ Some are not
+ )" \ That is all
+: tap-it-out ( n -- n+1 )
+ finish-device
+ 1+
+: spawn-more
+ 0 more-offs bounds do
+ new-device i c@
+ make-name-and-prop
+ tap-it-out
+ loop
+ encode-int " num-offs" property
+[message] Subsidiary (child) device-node
+create eek! 18 c, 17 c, 80 c, 79 c,
+: freek eek! 4 bounds ?do i c@ . 1 +loop ;
+: greek -1 if freek then ;
+[message] About to access method from parent node
+: hierareek
+ eek!
+ freek
+ achin
+ greek
+: ikey hierareek freek greek ;
+\ Does (Should) the new device know about its parent's aliases?
+: bad-refs
+ croup
+ foop
+ snoop
+ foop
+ to pelf
+[message] end child node
+[message] Access methods from the root node again
+: refs-good-again
+ croup
+ foop
+ snoop
+ foop
+ to pelf
+[message] An extra finish-device
+[message] Are we still here?
+: spoof
+ bad-refs
+ foop
+ refs-good-again
+\ That is all...
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DupNams.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DupNams.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/DupNams.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+\ Let's make a batch of duplicate definitions in various scopes...
+\ Updated Fri, 02 Jun 2006 at 09:48 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias foop dup
+[macro] croop foop message" Using FOOP "
+alias dup croop
+\ Stubs.
+\ These should be global.
+\ But, then, we _are_ injecting errors for this test....
+[macro] _{local} noop #message" I got yer ""Local"" right here, chum!"
+alias {pop-locals} 3drop
+f[ h# a5519e constant {push-locals} ]f
+alias flop drop
+[macro] floop flop message" Using FLOOP "
+alias drop floop
+f[ false constant o'ryan ]f
+: noop ." Op? No!" ;
+[macro] zoop noop message" I Care."
+: poop h# defeca8e ;
+ new-device
+ : zoop ." Nothing like the other zoop" croop ;
+ : croop ." Sort of like F-Troop with a higher GPA..."
+ foop
+ ;
+ : foop ." Shop bop-a-looma, a-lop bam boom!" ;
+ : floop ." Oh, Jiggly!" ;
+ : boop { _harpo | _cheeko }
+ f[ 127 constant _harpo ]f
+ poop -> _cheeko
+ f[ _cheeko constant a__gent ]f
+ ;
+ alias droop drop
+ alias drupe 2drop
+ boop f[ true constant o'ryan ]f
+ foop 03 constant 3
+ new-device
+ : moop
+ _harpo
+ droop
+ drupe
+ ;
+ alias shoop encode-int
+ f[
+ 7a63 constant octal
+ boop
+ char-height
+ eval
+ moop
+ shoop
+ ]f
+ finish-device
+ finish-device
+\ Let's just stick in an extra...
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ExpPath.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ExpPath.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ExpPath.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ Test FLOADing and ENCODing-a-File with embedded Env't V'bles in pathnames
+\ Let's not add any requirements on the environment. We'll expect the
+\ existence of a sibling-directory called TokeCommon
+\ and the non-existence of anything with "NonExist" in its name.
+\ Constructs like :h don't work because the path-string
+\ gets interpreted by Bourne Shell syntax.
+." ${PWD:h}/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth"
+fload ${PWD:h}/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
+\ This works.
+." ${PWD}/../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth"
+fload ${PWD}/../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
+\ \ Fuggedabout these...
+\ ." $PWD:h/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth"
+\ fload $PWD:h/TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
+\ fload $PWD:h/TokeCommon/NonExist.fth
+\ ." ../../$PWD:h:t/TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
+\ encode-file ../../$PWD:h:t/TokeCommon/BinData.bin
+\ ." ../../$PWD:h:t/TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin"
+\ encode-file ../../$PWD:h:t/TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
+\ Intended not to work
+fload $PWD/../NonExist/NonExist.fth
+[message] Fload an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
+fload ${PWD}/../TokeCommon/MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth
+[message] Fload a Zero-Length file (extension doesn't matter...)
+fload ${PWD}/../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
+[message] FLoad with intentional syntax error
+fload ${PWD/../TokeCommon/OneBeer.fth
+\ This works.
+." $PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
+encode-file $PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
+" $PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin" property
+\ Intended not to work
+[message] Encode a NonExistent file
+encode-file $PWD/../NonExist/NonExist.bin
+[message] Encode an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
+encode-file $PWD/../TokeCommon/NoRead.bin
+[message] Encode with intentional syntax error
+encode-file ${PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
+[message] Is this a syntax error? On some O/S'es but not others...
+." $PWD}/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin"
+encode-file $PWD}/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
+[message] Encode a Zero length data file
+." $PWD/../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin"
+encode-file $PWD/../TokeCommon/ZeroLen.bin
+." That is all..."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/FCShdrErrs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/FCShdrErrs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/FCShdrErrs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\ Basic FCODE Start Errors test.
+\ Updated Thu, 08 Sep 2005 at 17:27 by David L. Paktor
+." What is this?"
+ : bogo " This is a test." ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/Frinstnce.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/Frinstnce.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/Frinstnce.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+\ Erorrrs involving "instance"
+\ Updated Thu, 19 Jan 2006 at 15:14 PST by David L. Paktor
+: goombah dup swap drop ;
+: foosbat over swap nip ;
+: casball dup dup rot rot drop drop ;
+ variable chump
+ : what-the-heck ." What now?" ;
+ : how-now? ." Now what?" ;
+ 0 value sclump
+ 237 buffer: mugwump
+ 880 buffer: nimnump
+ " madmirable_" count
+ dup nimnump c!
+ dup constant nimbasesiz
+ 0 do dup i + c@ nimnump 1+ i + c! loop
+ drop
+ [macro] (u.h) base @ hex swap (u.) rot base !
+ [macro] nimnumprop numnim nimnump count encode-string " nimnum" property
+ : numnim
+ nimnump nimbasesiz +
+ my-address (u.h)
+ dup >r
+ 0 do
+ 2dup i + c@ swap i + c!
+ loop 2drop
+ r> nimbasesiz + nimnump c!
+ ;
+ : gummink
+ dup
+ instance
+ numnim
+ ;
+ instance
+: prumpick
+ dup
+ instance
+ gummink
+ nimnumprop
+true instance value hardware-store
+: knacknick
+ nimnumprop
+ instance
+instance knacknick
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\ Test the Global-Scope directive and a few of its effects.
+\ Updated Wed, 14 Dec 2005 at 09:59 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ Inject a few erorrs...
+[ifexists] coconuts
+ [message] Why a duck?
+alias [testdict] [ifexists]
+[testdict] coconuts
+ [message] Boy, can you get stucco!
+ [message] Why a fence?
+\ Bypass warning about Instance without altering LocalValuesSupport file
+alias generic-instance instance
+overload [macro] instance f[ noop .( Shminstance!) f] noop
+\ This isn't right. The "bypass" only has scope in the top-level device-node
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Replace normal meaning of Instance
+overload alias instance generic-instance
+: $CAT ( _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 -- _max _str1 _len1' )
+ { _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 }
+ _len1 _max < if \ there is room
+ _str2 _str1 _len1 + _len2 _max _len1 - min move
+ then
+ _max _str1 _len1 _len2 + _max min \ always leave total length
+instance variable fussel [message] Expected error; scope is still global.
+h# 3afe fussel !
+h# 5afe instance value dumont [message] Device scope in effect. SB Legit.
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ }
+ d# 64 _groucho dup count dup -> _zeppo
+ _harpo dup count $cat
+ dup -> _karl
+ rot _karl = if type exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: garbanzo
+ ." Should be unrecognized." cr
+ ducksoup
+new-device [message] Missing a finish-device
+: fazooule!
+ ." Lima enter tain you..." cr
+ ducksoup
+ garbanzo
+h# deadc0de instance value quaack [message] Instance should be legit here.
+: frijoles
+ ." Holy ... beans?" cr
+ fazooule!
+ garbanzo
+ ducksoup
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\ Test the Global-Scope directive and a few of its effects.
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 15:36 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ GlobScopErrTst_01.fth -- very slight variant on GlobScopErrTst.fth
+[ifexists] coconuts
+ [message] Why a duck?
+alias [testdict] [ifexists]
+[testdict] coconuts
+ [message] Boy, can you get stucco!
+ [message] Why a fence?
+\ Bypass Instance warning: Not right; only has scope in top-level dev-node
+alias generic-instance instance
+overload [macro] instance f[ noop .( Shminstance!) f] noop
+\ This will only work if user-macros always have "global" scope
+\ I think they should follow the common rules for scope; this should fail
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Replace normal meaning of Instance
+overload alias instance generic-instance
+: $CAT ( _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 -- _max _str1 _len1' )
+ { _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 }
+ _len1 _max < if \ there is room
+ _str2 _str1 _len1 + _len2 _max _len1 - min move
+ then
+ _max _str1 _len1 _len2 + _max min \ always leave total length
+instance variable fussel [message] Expected error; scope is still global.
+h# 3afe fussel !
+h# 5afe instance value dumont [message] Top Device-node scope. S.b. Legit.
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ }
+ d# 64 _groucho dup count dup -> _zeppo
+ _harpo dup count $cat
+ dup -> _karl
+ rot _karl = if type exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: garbanzo
+ ." Should be unrecognized." cr
+ ducksoup
+new-device [message] Missing a finish-device
+: fazooule!
+ ." Lima enter tain you..." cr
+ ducksoup
+ garbanzo
+h# deadc0de instance value quaack [message] Should be worng "Instance" here.
+: frijoles
+ ." Holy ... beans?" cr
+ fazooule!
+ garbanzo
+ ducksoup
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\ Test the Global-Scope directive and a few of its effects.
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 16:06 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ GlobScopErrTst_02.fth -- Right variant relative to GlobScopErrTst.fth
+[ifexists] coconuts
+ [message] Why a duck?
+alias [testdict] [ifexists]
+[testdict] coconuts
+ [message] Boy, can you get stucco!
+ [message] Why a fence?
+\ Bypass warning about Instance without altering LocalValuesSupport file
+alias generic-instance instance
+overload [macro] instance f[ noop .( Shminstance!) f] noop
+\ This is right. The "bypass" has Global scope
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Replace normal meaning of Instance, also in Global scope.
+overload alias instance generic-instance
+: $CAT ( _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 -- _max _str1 _len1' )
+ { _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 }
+ _len1 _max < if \ there is room
+ _str2 _str1 _len1 + _len2 _max _len1 - min move
+ then
+ _max _str1 _len1 _len2 + _max min \ always leave total length
+instance variable fussel [message] Expected error; scope is still global.
+h# 3afe fussel !
+h# 5afe instance value dumont [message] Device scope in effect. SB Legit.
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ }
+ d# 64 _groucho dup count dup -> _zeppo
+ _harpo dup count $cat
+ dup -> _karl
+ rot _karl = if type exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: garbanzo
+ ." Should be unrecognized." cr
+ ducksoup
+new-device [message] Missing a finish-device
+: fazooule!
+ ." Lima enter tain you..." cr
+ ducksoup
+ garbanzo
+h# deadc0de instance value quaack [message] Instance should be legit here.
+: frijoles
+ ." Holy ... beans?" cr
+ fazooule!
+ garbanzo
+ ducksoup
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_03.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_03.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/GlobScopErrTst_03.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+\ Test the Global-Scope directive and a few of its effects.
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 18:02 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ GlobScopErrTst_03.fth -- Change "bypass" strategy from GlobScopErrTst_01.fth
+[ifexists] coconuts
+ [message] Why a duck?
+alias [testdict] [ifexists]
+[testdict] coconuts
+ [message] Boy, can you get stucco!
+ [message] Why a fence?
+\ Bypass warning about Instance without altering LocalValuesSupport file
+alias generic-instance instance
+[macro] bypass-instance f[ noop .( Shminstance!) f] noop
+overload alias instance bypass-instance
+\ This is because user-macros always have "global" scope
+\ This test is to force it into in the top-level device-node
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Replace normal meaning of Instance
+overload alias instance generic-instance
+: $CAT ( _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 -- _max _str1 _len1' )
+ { _max _str1 _len1 _str2 _len2 }
+ _len1 _max < if \ there is room
+ _str2 _str1 _len1 + _len2 _max _len1 - min move
+ then
+ _max _str1 _len1 _len2 + _max min \ always leave total length
+instance variable fussel [message] Expected error; scope is still global.
+h# 3afe fussel !
+h# 5afe instance value dumont [message] Device scope in effect. SB Legit.
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ }
+ d# 64 _groucho dup count dup -> _zeppo
+ _harpo dup count $cat
+ dup -> _karl
+ rot _karl = if type exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: garbanzo
+ ." Should be unrecognized." cr
+ ducksoup
+new-device [message] Missing a finish-device
+: fazooule!
+ ." Lima enter tain you..." cr
+ ducksoup
+ garbanzo
+h# deadc0de instance value quaack f[ ." "nInstance should be legit here." ]f
+: frijoles
+ ." Holy ... beans?" cr
+ fazooule!
+ garbanzo
+ ducksoup
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/InclLst.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/InclLst.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/InclLst.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\ Test FLOADing and ENCODing-a-File with an Include-List
+\ We'll expect the Include-List to include the sibling-directory
+\ called TokeCommon and the non-existence of anything with
+\ "NonExist" in its name.
+\ This works.
+." OneBeer.fth"
+fload OneBeer.fth
+\ Intended not to work
+[message] Fload a NonExistent file
+fload NonExist.fth
+[message] Fload an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
+fload MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth
+[message] Fload a Zero-Length file (extension doesn't matter...)
+fload ZeroLen.bin
+\ This works.
+." BinData.bin"
+encode-file BinData.bin
+" BinData.bin" property
+\ Intended not to work
+[message] Encode a NonExistent file
+encode-file NonExist.bin
+[message] Encode an Unreadable file (No read Permissions)
+encode-file NoRead.bin
+[message] Encode with intentional syntax error
+encode-file ${PWD/../TokeCommon/BinData.bin
+[message] Encode a Zero length data file
+." ZeroLen.bin"
+encode-file ZeroLen.bin
+." That is all..."
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LargeTextNoQte.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LargeTextNoQte.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LargeTextNoQte.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+\ We tested what happens when a quote or message or string is
+\ not terminated until many lines later, but what happens
+\ when it is not terminated at all and the text until the
+\ end of file exceeds the allowable buffer size?
+\ FLOAD this file into a master, to test the overall effect.
+\ The master must define a Macro or Alias called test-token
+\ which will supply the action for the variant in question.
+\ Updated Tue, 09 May 2006 at 09:13 PDT by David L. Paktor
+test-token \ Okay, kids, here we go!
+ Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ ten Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ nine Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ nine Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ eight Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ eight Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ seven Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ seven Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ six Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ six Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ five Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ five Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ four Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ four Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ three Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ three Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ two Bottles of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall, cr
+ two Bottles of Beer!, cr
+ Take one down and pass it around, cr
+ one Bottle of Beer on the wall. cr
+ Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall, cr
+ one Bottle of Beer!, cr
+ Take it down and pass it around... cr
+ How dry I am! How dry I am! cr
+ No body knows how dry I am. cr
+ How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm. cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LitNums.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LitNums.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LitNums.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\ Test whether d# 0 tokenizes the same as without the d#
+\ It's a named constant, you know, needn't be a literal...
+: lit-test ( -- )
+ d# 0 0 = if ." Zero" then
+ d# 10 10 = if ." Ten" then
+ d# 3 3 = if ." Three" then
+ d# 2 2 = if ." Two" then
+ d# 1 1 = if ." One" then
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\ Pointer-overrun: unterminated Locals Declaration
+\ Updated Fri, 08 Jul 2005 at 11:55 by David L. Paktor
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+fload LocOvrRun_01.fth
+\ Supply the lost semicolon:
+fload LocOvrRun_02.fth
+\ Supply another lost semicolon:
+fload LocOvrRun_03.fth
+[message] Back to main file
+\ Supply yet another lost semicolon:
+fload LocOvrRun_04.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+\ First Local-overrun test
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ \ Look Ma, no close-curly brace!
+ ( Unterminated comment
+ } \ Even if there were a close-curly brace,
+ \ the unterminated comment masks it.
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\ Second Local-overrun test
+: miracle ( n3 n2 n1 -- m3 m2 m1 )
+ { _curly \ Curly braces is why we think of these guys
+ _larry
+ _moe
+ ; \ Initted/un-initted separator present
+ _shemp
+ _besser
+ _joe
+ \ How many Three Stooges were there in all?
+ \ six! }
+ ." Nyuk! " _curly .h cr
+ ." Why, you... " _moe .d cr
+ ." Ouch! " _larry .
+ _curly _moe + -> _shemp
+ _larry _moe + -> _besser
+ _besser _curly + -> _joe
+ _joe _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _moe _larry 8 faber type free-mem
+ _curly _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _larry _shemp
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_03.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_03.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_03.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+\ Third Local-overrun test. Unterminated locals decl'n w/ no separator
+: coconuts ( m1 m2 -- m3 m4 m5 )
+ {
+ q
+ _gummo
+ _karl
+ 2dup < if swap then
+ 2dup / -> _gummo
+ 2dup - -> _karl
+ * -> q
+ _karl _gummo q
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_04.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_04.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocOvrRun_04.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+\ Fourth Local-overrun test. Unterminated Mis-placed locals decl'n
+: cluckpoop ( n1 n2 n3 n4 flag? -- m1 m2 )
+ if ." Freedonia's going to war!" cr then
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ _zeppo \ Not again...
+ ; \ What is that?
+ }
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: horse-feathers ( n1 n2 n3 n4 flag? -- m1 m2 )
+ if ." I'm against it!" cr then
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? )
+ _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ \ No terminating close-curly-brace
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ LocalTest.fth
+\ Updated Wed, 25 Jan 2006 at 14:33 PST by David L. Paktor
+ \ Optionally omitting inclusion of LocalValuesSupport
+ \ Correct inclusion is in TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest.fth
+[ifdef] dont_omit_support
+ fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+h# deaf constant dean
+: faber ( n3 n2 n1 -- alloc-addr size $addr,len )
+ { _otter _weasel _skunk ; _muskrat _mole }
+ \ _otter is initialized with the value of n3
+ \ _weasel is initialized with the value of n2
+ \ _skunk is initialized with the value of n1
+ \ _muskrat and _mole are uninitialized
+ \ Use n1 to determine an amount of memory to allocate, and
+ \ stuff the address into _mole
+ _skunk 40 * -> _muskrat
+ _muskrat alloc-mem -> _mole
+123 456 789 3dup
+ to _otter
+ _otter
+ constant
+ seegammanoo
+ dean constant wenkroy
+ ]f
+ _weasel .h type
+ _otter .d type
+ _mole _muskrat _mole count
+ ]f
+: miracle ( n3 n2 n1 -- m3 m2 m1 )
+ { _curly _larry _moe | _shemp _besser _joe }
+ ." Nyuk! " _curly .h cr
+ ." Why, you... " _moe .d cr
+ ." Ouch! " _larry .
+ _curly _moe + -> _shemp
+ _larry _moe + -> _besser
+ _besser _curly + -> _joe
+ _joe _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _moe _larry 8 faber type free-mem
+ _curly _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _larry _shemp
+: ordinary ( -- )
+ 123 456 789 miracle
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/LocalTest1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+\ LocalTest1.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 12 Jan 2006 at 13:35 PST by David L. Paktor
+ \ Deliberately omitting inclusion of LocalValuesSupport
+ \ Correct inclusion is in TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest.fth
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 -- m1 m2 )
+ { _harpo _chico _groucho | _zeppo _karl }
+ _groucho _harpo * -> _zeppo dup
+ _chico _zeppo + -> _karl dup
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: coconuts ( m1 m2 -- m3 m4 m5 )
+ { ; q _gummo _karl }
+ 2dup < if swap then
+ 2dup / -> _gummo
+ 2dup - -> _karl
+ * -> q
+ _karl _gummo q
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MacTest.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MacTest.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MacTest.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\ MacTest.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 17 Mar 2005 at 19:24 by David L. Paktor
+: veber ( n3 n2 n1 -- alloc-addr size $addr,len )
+ 3dup (.) type
+ .d
+ ?dup if exit then
+ spaces
+: ordinary ( -- )
+ 123 456 789 veber
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MiscFeatErrs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MiscFeatErrs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MiscFeatErrs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+\ Obvious pun intended...
+\ Updated Fri, 14 Jul 2006 at 12:50 PDT by David L. Paktor
+[flag] Local-Values
+f[ ." This is a test" ]f
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+[char] G emit
+control G emit
+control [ emit
+: bell
+ char G dup
+ control G dup emit 3drop
+ f[
+ [macro] bell #message" Beep"^G-Beep"^G Yu Rass!"
+ ]f
+ recursive
+: factl ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1
+ control G to bell
+ else dup 1- factl *
+ then
+ global-definitions
+ [macro] bell f[ bell ]f
+ [macro] swell bell
+ device-definitions
+[macro] yell bell
+: factl ( n -- n! )
+ ?dup 0= if 1 factl
+ control G to bell
+ else dup 1- recurse *
+ then
+: bell recursive ( n -- Sigma[n..1] )
+ ?dup if dup 1- bell +
+ else 0 to bell
+ then
+: cussed
+ i
+ j
+: mussed 10 0 do i . loop ;
+: sussed 3 0 do 10 0 do i . j . loop loop ;
+: trussed ( a b c -- )
+ { _a _b _c | _d _e }
+ 10 0 do i .
+ _a _b + i * dup -> d
+ _c * to _e
+ j . loop
+: DMA-ALLOC ( n -- vaddr ) " dma-alloc" $call-parent ;
+: HOOBARTH ( n -- vaddr ) " hoobarth" $call-parent ;
+: MY-END0 ( -- n ) ['] end0 ;
+: SETUP-HOOBARTH ( ??? -- ??? )
+ h# 40 ['] dma-alloc catch if
+ ." Fooey!"
+ then
+ h# 50 ['] hoobarth catch if
+ ." Ptooey!"
+ then
+ ['] roll
+ ['] my-end0
+ ['] bogus-case
+ overload alias end0 my-end0
+: another-end0 ['] end0 ;
+: hells
+ bells
+ factl
+ yell
+ swell
+ 7 to swell
+variable naught
+defer do-nothing
+30 value thirty
+40 buffer: forty
+50 constant fifty
+create three 0 , 0 , 0 ,
+4 field >four
+constant /four
+f['] do-nothing get-token
+f['] noop set-token
+f['] MooGooGaiPan
+#message Just when you thought it couldn't get any wierder...
+: peril
+ ['] noop is do-nothing
+ overload 0 to my-self
+ 100 is thirty
+ 5 is naught
+ 60 to fifty
+ 9 to three
+ 5 is >four
+ 90 to forty
+ 90 to ninety
+ 90 to noop
+ 27
+ ['] 3drop to do-nothing
+ ['] ninety to do-nothing
+: thirty ( new-val -- )
+ dup to thirty
+ \ Should alias inside a colon be allowed?
+ alias .dec
+ .d
+ ." Dirty" .dec
+: droop ( -- )
+ twenty
+ tokenizer[
+ \ Alias inside a colon should generate a warning.
+ alias
+ .x
+ .h
+ ]tokenizer
+ 0 ?do i .x loop
+: ploop ( -- )
+ fifty 0 do i drop 2 +loop
+ \ Should doing this inside a colon-def'n be allowed?:
+ tokenizer[ h# 517 constant five-seventeen ]tokenizer
+ five-seventeen
+ 127 to ?leave
+ 503 to (.)
+ ['] 3drop
+ to spaces
+ f['] external
+ to abs
+ d# 36
+ to base
+f[ [ifexists] emit-date
+ [message] About to tokenize Tokenizer's creation-stamp
+ [then]
+ alias fedt emit-date
+ fedt
+." My parent is " my-parent u. cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MulPCI_LapFC.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MulPCI_LapFC.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/MulPCI_LapFC.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+\ Combine Multiple PCI headers with overlapping FCodes.
+\ Updated Wed, 14 Jun 2006 at 12:04 PDT by David L. Paktor
+\ We already have a source with overlapping FCodes in two FCode blocks
+\ We just have to wrap it in multiple PCI headers.
+\ Also, we have to make sure to define NoCrash as a command-line symbol
+\ While we're at it, let's also create another switchable behavior:
+\ If the command-line symbol RangeTwo is defined, it should have
+\ a value in the form of a hex number (We'll tace care of the "hex")
+\ which will, in a roundabout way, become the starting FCode for
+\ the second loading of the common Source.
+\ We'll save the symbol in a roundabout manner that will test whether
+\ a particular means can be used to preserve the current FCode
+\ assignment counter across PCI blocks, especially when there is
+\ an fcode-reset associated with the end of a PCI block.
+\ Oh, and... We'll control whether the fcode-reset is called by another
+\ command-line symbol: If NoReset is defined, we will bypass
+\ issuing the fcode-reset command. (We expect we'll be making it
+\ automatic and implicit at the end of a PCI block, but we're still
+\ testing the premise...)
+h# f2a7 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+h# 1fed \ Vendor
+h# 9009 \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 20109 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+fload TooManyFCodes.fth
+[ifdef] RangeTwo
+ f[
+ [DEFINED] RangeTwo constant SecondRangeFCode
+ ]f
+\ Try it once before and once after...
+[ifndef] NoReset fcode-reset [else] #message" Not resetting..." [endif]
+pci-header-end [ifndef] NoReset fcode-reset [endif]
+h# ea57 \ Bogus Rev-Level
+ last-image
+h# deaf \ Vendor
+h# 9021 \ Bogus Device ID
+h# 10902 \ Bogus Class Code
+ pci-header
+ ]tokenizer
+[ifdef] RangeTwo
+ f[
+ SecondRangeFCode next-fcode
+ ]f
+fload TooManyFCodes.fth
+pci-header-end [ifndef] NoReset fcode-reset [endif]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ObsoFCodes.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ObsoFCodes.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ObsoFCodes.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\ Test "Obsolete" FCodes messages, corner-cases and suchlike.
+\ Updated Tue, 07 Feb 2006 at 14:54 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ Just a mindless recitation of function-names...
+['] my-params ['] 2dup ['] if
+true to group-code
+true to frame-buffer-busy?
+f['] return-buffer
+f['] unloop
+['] unloop
+['] j
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/OneTwoFive.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/OneTwoFive.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/OneTwoFive.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+1 constant one
+2 constant two
+3 constant three
+4 constant four
+5 constant five
+6 constant six
+7 constant seven
+8 constant eight
+9 constant nine
+10 constant ten
+11 constant eleven
+12 constant twelve
+13 constant thirteen
+14 constant fourteen
+15 constant fifteen
+16 constant sixteen
+17 constant seventeen
+18 constant eighteen
+19 constant nineteen
+20 constant twenty
+21 constant twenty-one
+22 constant twenty-two
+23 constant twenty-three
+24 constant twenty-four
+25 constant twenty-five
+26 constant twenty-six
+27 constant twenty-seven
+28 constant twenty-eight
+29 constant twenty-nine
+30 constant thirty
+31 constant thirty-one
+32 constant thirty-two
+33 constant thirty-three
+34 constant thirty-four
+35 constant thirty-five
+36 constant thirty-six
+37 constant thirty-seven
+38 constant thirty-eight
+39 constant thirty-nine
+40 constant forty
+41 constant forty-one
+42 constant forty-two
+43 constant forty-three
+44 constant forty-four
+45 constant forty-five
+46 constant forty-six
+47 constant forty-seven
+48 constant forty-eight
+49 constant forty-nine
+50 constant fifty
+51 constant fifty-one
+52 constant fifty-two
+53 constant fifty-three
+54 constant fifty-four
+55 constant fifty-five
+56 constant fifty-six
+57 constant fifty-seven
+58 constant fifty-eight
+59 constant fifty-nine
+60 constant sixty
+61 constant sixty-one
+62 constant sixty-two
+63 constant sixty-three
+64 constant sixty-four
+65 constant sixty-five
+66 constant sixty-six
+67 constant sixty-seven
+68 constant sixty-eight
+69 constant sixty-nine
+70 constant seventy
+71 constant seventy-one
+72 constant seventy-two
+73 constant seventy-three
+74 constant seventy-four
+75 constant seventy-five
+76 constant seventy-six
+77 constant seventy-seven
+78 constant seventy-eight
+79 constant seventy-nine
+80 constant eighty
+81 constant eighty-one
+82 constant eighty-two
+83 constant eighty-three
+84 constant eighty-four
+85 constant eighty-five
+86 constant eighty-six
+87 constant eighty-seven
+88 constant eighty-eight
+89 constant eighty-nine
+90 constant ninety
+91 constant ninety-one
+92 constant ninety-two
+93 constant ninety-three
+94 constant ninety-four
+95 constant ninety-five
+96 constant ninety-six
+97 constant ninety-seven
+98 constant ninety-eight
+99 constant ninety-nine
+100 constant one_hundred
+101 constant one_hundred_and_one
+102 constant one_hundred_and_two
+103 constant one_hundred_and_three
+104 constant one_hundred_and_four
+105 constant one_hundred_and_five
+106 constant one_hundred_and_six
+107 constant one_hundred_and_seven
+108 constant one_hundred_and_eight
+109 constant one_hundred_and_nine
+110 constant one_hundred_and_ten
+111 constant one_hundred_and_eleven
+112 constant one_hundred_and_twelve
+113 constant one_hundred_and_thirteen
+114 constant one_hundred_and_fourteen
+115 constant one_hundred_and_fifteen
+116 constant one_hundred_and_sixteen
+117 constant one_hundred_and_seventeen
+118 constant one_hundred_and_eighteen
+119 constant one_hundred_and_nineteen
+120 constant one_hundred_and_twenty
+121 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-one
+122 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-two
+123 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-three
+124 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-four
+125 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-five
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCI_FCShdrErrs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCI_FCShdrErrs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCI_FCShdrErrs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+\ Combination PCI-Headers Errors test.
+\ Updated Thu, 08 Sep 2005 at 17:31 by David L. Paktor
+ c020
+ dec1 \ Vendor
+ c0ed \ Device ID
+ 80201 \ Class Code (ISA system timer. Denver Colorado )
+ ]tokenizer
+ pci-header
+." What is this?" \ Output FCode before the fcode-version2 . S.b. error...
+ : bogo " This is a test." ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCIhdrErrs.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCIhdrErrs.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PCIhdrErrs.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ Basic PCI-Headers Errors test.
+\ Updated Wed, 25 May 2005 at 17:30 by David L. Paktor
+ c020
+ dec1 \ Vendor
+ c0ed \ Device ID
+ 80201 \ Class Code (ISA system timer. Denver Colorado )
+ ]tokenizer
+." What is this?"
+ pci-header
+ : bogo " This is a test." ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PooPsalah.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PooPsalah.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/PooPsalah.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ FLoadable body for various conditional tests, based on the value of
+\ a constant named "poopsalah?" (Okay, so I was running out of ideas...)
+." Begin Nested ""Constant"" Test Test"
+f[ poopsalah? f] [if]
+[message] The TRUE path has wisely been chosen, Poopsalah!
+ ." Is True, level 1"
+ f[ poopsalah? f] [if]
+ " Is True and is True, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is True but is Not True. What?"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of level 2"
+ f[ poopsalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is True and is False. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is True and is Not False, level 2"
+ [then]
+[message] Oy, Poopsalah. You have foolishly chosen the FALSE path.
+ ." Is Not True, level 1"
+ f[ poopsalah? f] [if]
+ " Is Not True but is True. What?"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not True, level 2"
+ [then]
+ ." Middle of Not level 2"
+ f[ poopsalah? 0= f] [if]
+ " Is Not True and is False, level 2"
+ [else]
+ " Is Not True and is Not False. What?"
+ [then]
+\ Missing a [then]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/RetStkDep.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/RetStkDep.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/RetStkDep.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+\ Return-Stack Depth -- well, "depth" is not exactly it;
+\ we're testing detection of imbalance between >R and R> and uses of R@
+\ in between.
+\ From the ANSI Forth Spec:
+\ Return stack
+\ . . . . . .
+\ A program may use the return stack for temporary storage during the
+\ execution of a definition subject to the following restrictions:
+\ A program shall not access values on the return stack (using R@,
+\ R>, 2R@ or 2R>) that it did not place there using >R or 2>R;
+\ A program shall not access from within a do-loop values placed
+\ on the return stack before the loop was entered;
+\ All values placed on the return stack within a do-loop shall
+\ be removed before I, J, LOOP, +LOOP, UNLOOP, or LEAVE is
+\ executed;
+\ All values placed on the return stack within a definition
+\ shall be removed before the definition is terminated
+\ or before EXIT is executed.
+\ Updated Tue, 18 Jul 2006 at 16:09 PDT by David L. Paktor
+[flag] Lower-Case-Token-Names
+\ First, a few primal errors...
+." Primal errors" cr
+d# 127 h# 127 dup r> swap r@ -rot >r swap
+3 0 do r@ loop
+3 0 do r> loop
+3 0 do i >r loop
+create cold-stone 1c c, ec c, 9e c, a3 c, c0 c, 6e c,
+\ Then some legit usages
+: legit_one
+ dup >r
+ 3 0 do i
+ cold-stone over ca+ c@ >r
+ 3 + cold-stone swap ca+ c@ r>
+ loop
+ r>
+\ Now a tricky one:
+: tricky_one
+ dup >r
+ over if ." Showing " r> u.
+ else r> drop ." Don't show"
+ then
+: another_one ( old new -- false | new' true )
+ >r 0= if r> drop false exit then
+ dup * r@ / r> + true
+." Now we start getting bad." cr
+\ The one that started me down this path...
+0 instance value _str
+0 instance value _len
+0 instance value _num
+: PARSE-INTS ( addr len num -- n1 .. nn )
+ to _num
+ to _len
+ to _str
+ _num 0 ?do
+ _len if
+ _str _len [char] , left-parse-string 2swap to _len to _str
+ $number if 0 then
+ else
+ 0
+ then
+ >r loop
+ _num 0 ?do r> loop
+. " If this doesn't scare you, it should:" cr
+: scattered-errors
+ 0 >r
+ _num 0 ?do
+ _str _len [char] , left-parse-string
+ 2swap to _len to _str
+ $number if 0 else r@ 1+ swap >r then
+ >r i u.
+ loop
+ r@ 0 ?do r> i roll loop
+." Now, be very afraid..." cr
+0 instance value where-from
+: frayed-knot
+ where-from 0= if r@ to where-from then
+ r> drop where-from if exit then
+ ." What have I done?" cr
+: krellboyn
+ where-from ?dup if >r 0 to where-from then
+ where-from if exit then
+ ." I didn't mean it!" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SmlOvrRun.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SmlOvrRun.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SmlOvrRun.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ Small over-run test
+: duffy ( -- )
+." No.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+\ For this test, we are going to Split a definition across several files,
+\ and then leave a Control-Structure Imbalance
+\ Updated Fri, 22 Jul 2005 at 12:41 by David L. Paktor
+: firstdefn ( n -- ??? )
+fload SplitImbal_01.fth
+fload SplitImbal_02.fth
+: seconddefn ( n -- ??? )
+fload SplitImbal_01.fth
+fload SplitImbal_01.fth
+fload SplitImbal_02.fth
+\ fload SplitImbal_03.fth
+\ fload SplitImbal_04.fth
+\ fload SplitImbal_05.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ First part of Split Definition test
+\ Definition is under way.
+1 ?do
+ i . ." What have I done?" cr
+ i 0 do j . i . ." What has j done?" cr loop
+ cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_02.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_02.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_02.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\ Second part of Split Definition test
+\ Do-loop is under way.
+ cr cr
+ loop ." Done... cr"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_03.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_04.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SplitImbal_05.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.ErrMsgs.NoI
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.ErrMsgs.NoI (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.ErrMsgs.NoI 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../toke: Command not found.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/SuppLocErrTest4.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+\ SuppLocErrTest4.fth
+\ Updated Fri, 30 Jun2006 at 14:09 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias snatch catch
+d# 32 constant _local-storage-size_
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+overload : catch snatch catch ;
+variable dup
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ }
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: cluckpoop ( n1 n2 n3 n4 flag? -- m1 m2 )
+ if ." Freedonia's going to war!" cr then
+ { \ Declare some locals after the def'n has started
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ _zeppo \ Not again...
+ ; \ What is that?
+ }
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: neighcluck ( n1 n2 n3 n4 flag? -- m1 m2 )
+ { \ Declare some locals
+ _harpo ( the quiet one) _chico
+ _groucho | \ He's funny, right?
+ _zeppo ( who? ) _karl \ Is he part of the act?
+ _zeppo \ Not again...
+ ; \ What is that?
+ _gummo
+ _karl ( Another repeater ) }
+ ." I'm against it!" cr
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+ -> _gummo
+ ." What's yours is mine..." cr
+ dup -> _karl
+: coconuts ( m1 m2 -- m3 m4 m5 )
+ { ; q _gummo _karl }
+ instance \ No,
+ create \ No, no no!
+ 2dup < if swap then
+ 2dup / -> _gummo
+ 2dup - -> _karl
+ * -> q
+ _karl _gummo q
+\ Two sets of Locals Declarations in one definition
+: spaulding
+ ." Hooray for the captain!" cr
+ { _lfn _pjs _how | _got _in }
+ _how _lfn + -> _got
+ 123 -> _in _pjs
+ { _I'll _never _know }
+ _in _pjs _I'll _never _know
+\ Locals Declarations in a structure
+\ Inside an outer structure...
+true if
+ : wire-fence
+ ." Inside a structure?"
+ if
+ { _why _a _duck | _viaduct }
+ _duck _why + _a * -> _viaduct
+ _viaduct 0= if exit then
+ ." Why a duck?"
+ then
+ ." Because water..."
+ \ Scope of Locals should end here but it doesn't.
+ _a _duck _why * + _viaduct = if ." Any takers?" exit then
+ ." Step right up"
+ ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TestArgs
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TestArgs (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TestArgs 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Automated Test Arguments file for TokeErrs category
+# (That's short for "Tokenizer Errors")
+# Valid lines have four comma-separated fields:
+# Test-file base-name
+# Result-file label
+# Extra command-line switches
+# A script-command with arguments (but no commas).
+# Lines that have no label, no switches, and no script
+# do not need any commas.
+# A leading +V in the script-command field will suppress -v
+# Most files in this category need the -i switch
+# Some may have additional variants.
+# Updated Thu, 27 Jul 2006 at 17:55 PDT by David L. Paktor
+MiscFeatErrs , , -i -I. -I..
+LocalTest , NoLvSupp , -i -I. -I.. -f Local-Values
+LocalTest , , -i -f Local-Values -d dont_omit_support -I. -I..
+LocalTest1 , , -f Local-Values -f noLV-Legacy-Message -I. -I..
+ControlMismatch , , -i
+SuppLocErrTest4 , , -i -f Local-Values -l -I. -I..
+testLocDevSupG , , -i -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+testLocDevSupG , SymSiz , -i -f Local-Values -d "_local-storage-size_= d# 120" -I. -I..
+PCIhdrErrs , , -i
+FCShdrErrs , , -i
+PCI_FCShdrErrs , , -i
+CommOvrRun , , -i -l
+LocOvrRun , , -i -f Local-Values -l -I. -I..
+SplitImbal , , -i -l
+TokCondUnconcF , , -i -l
+TokCondUnconcT , , -i -l
+TooLargeCase , , -i -l
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , , -i -l
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , N231 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_N231_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , N232 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_N232_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , N233 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_N233_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , V178 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_V178_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , V179 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_V179_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off16 , V180 , -i -l -d "fld_cmd=fload TooLargeBranch_V180_body.fth"
+TooLargeBranch_off08 , , -i -l
+TooLargeBranch_off08_to_16 , , -i -l
+TooTooLargeBuffer , , -i -l
+UserMacroErrors , , -i
+CStrEscOvflw , , -i -l
+DevImbal , , -i
+DevNodAli , , -i -l -I. -I..
+DevNodAli_01 , , -i -l -I. -I..
+GlobScopErrTst , NoI , -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+GlobScopErrTst , , -i -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+GlobScopErrTst_01 , , -i -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+GlobScopErrTst_02 , , -i -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+GlobScopErrTst_03 , , -i -f Local-Values -I. -I..
+# The script-fields below prepare for the ExpPath and InclLst tests
+Frinstnce , , -i , touch ExpPath.NoV.f{c,l{,.missing}}
+Frinstnce , NoI , , chmod a-rw ../TokeCommon/{MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth,NoRead.bin} ExpPath.NoV.f{c,l{,.missing}}
+# We're now ready for the ExpPath and InclLst tests
+ExpPath , NoV , -i -l , +V rm -f ExpPath.NoV.f{c,l{,.missing}}
+InclLst , , -i -l -P -I .. -I ../TokBrack -I ../TokMisc -I ../TokeCommon -I ../TokoLoco -I ../TokCondl -I ../TokProdCpy -I ../TokeErrs -I /home/dlpaktor/HeyVern/DoYuhThink/ThisIsA/LongEnuffPathName/To/Make/The/Line/Really/Overflow -I . -I /home/dlpaktor/Hey/Vern/This/Path/Just/Fills/Up/TheLine/KnowWhudI/Mean -I ../TokeCommon -f noAbort-quote
+# The following must be the last in the set of ExpPath and InclLst tests
+# The script-field is to reset for next time, and to enable tar-ring the Log
+ExpPath , , -i -l , chmod a+r ../TokeCommon/{MyBeerAndYouCannotHaveIt.fth,NoRead.bin}
+# Done with the ExpPath and InclLst tests
+ToAtEnd , , -i
+ObsoFCodes , , -i
+ObsoFCodes , NoWarn , -f NoObsolete-FCode-Warning
+TooLargePQuote , , -i
+TooLargeParen , , -i
+AbrtWQuotStr , , -i
+# The new "Trace" feature, and handling of duplicate and mis-scoped names...
+DupNams , , -f Local-Values -T croop -T drop -T _harpo -T dup -T noop -T zoop -T foop
+TooManyFCodes , , -i
+TooManyFCodes , NoCrash , -i -d NoCrash
+MulPCI_LapFC , , -i -d NoCrash
+MulPCI_LapFC , RngTwo , -i -d NoCrash -d RangeTwo=0ace
+MulPCI_LapFC , RTwoNoRst , -i -d NoCrash -d RangeTwo=0ace -d NoReset
+MulPCI_LapFC , NoRst , -i -d NoCrash -d NoReset
+RetStkDep , , -i
+CondlDefn , , -i
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ToAtEnd.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ToAtEnd.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/ToAtEnd.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Confirm that I now catch the error where
+\ "to" is the last thing in the input
+\ Updated Mon, 03 Apr 2006 at 16:03 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias poo to
+\ We're also going to throw in a quickie test for how we handle
+\ attempts to create an alias to a Local.
+[flag] Local-Values
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: gnarggghhh! { _gnarly _dood | _hang_ten }
+ alias _cool _gnarly
+ _cool _dood + -> _hang_ten
+ _gnarly
+ _dood
+ _hang_ten
+variable shmoo
+\ What's the world coming to?
+h# 5417 value merde
+h# 4ead poo
+ merde
+h# f09e4ead poo gnarggghhh!
+h# f09e4ead to gnarggghhh!
+h# f09e4ead poo shmoo
+h# f09e4ead poo 1
+merde poo
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcF.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcF.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcF.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\ "False" side of Nested "Constant" Unconcluded Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 08 Mar 2006 at 16:12 PST by David L. Paktor
+f[ false f]
+f[ true f] [if]
+fload TokCondUnconc_01.fth
+\ Missing an [endif]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcT.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcT.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconcT.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\ "True" side of Nested "Constant" Unconcluded Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 08 Mar 2006 at 16:12 PST by David L. Paktor
+f[ true f]
+f[ true f] [if]
+fload TokCondUnconc_01.fth
+\ Missing an [endif]
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconc_01.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconc_01.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TokCondUnconc_01.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+\ Common code (insert obligatory sneeze here)
+\ for Nested "Constant" Unconcluded Conditionals test
+\ Updated Wed, 08 Mar 2006 at 16:12 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ File that FLOADs this has already put TRUE or FALSE on the stack.
+f[ constant poopsalah? f]
+: whatziz
+ ." This is the "
+ f[ poopsalah? [if] f] ." True " f[ [else] f] ." False" f[ [then] f]
+ ." side of the test." cr
+fload PooPsalah.fth
+: whoozis whatziz ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N231_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N231_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N231_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+[message] Starting out with 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N232_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N232_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N232_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+[message] Starting out with 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 232 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N233_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N233_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_N233_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+[message] Starting out with 233 Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, 233 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 233 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 232 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V178_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V178_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V178_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+[message] Starting out with one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V179_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V179_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V179_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+[message] Starting out with one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V180_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V180_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_V180_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+[message] Starting out with one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, forty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." forty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+\ Test case of a branch going over too large a range
+\ Body generated by the "Verbal Bottles of Beer" script,
+\ (Argument of 1 is enough to do it.)
+fcode-version1 \ Eight-bit offsets.
+: too-large-case ( n -- )
+ ." Let's give it a large back-reference too."
+ begin ." We've just begun"
+ ." 1 0 do " cr 1 0 do
+ dup ." if " cr
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. The Big One!" cr
+ fload TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." Loop back and forward" cr loop
+ ." And here we are!"
+ exit
+ ." Well, we needed some way out!"
+ again ." Back to the fuchsia."
+\ Let's make a small jump, just to see what normal looks like
+: control-example
+ ." Here's the beguine"
+ begin
+ dup ." if "
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Short case" cr endof
+ ." No default." cr
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." Way out"
+ exit
+ ." Jump back"
+ again ." Never do this"
+\ Let's make a do-loop that straddles the limit
+\ (I.e., the "outer" branch is just too large,
+\ but the "inner" branch just fits.)
+: straddle-loop
+ ." 1 0 do" cr 1 0 do
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows" cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
+ ." Loop." cr loop
+ ." Here we go!" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[message] Starting out with one Bottle of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_to_16.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_to_16.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off08_to_16.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+\ Test case of a branch going over too large a range
+\ Body generated by the "Verbal Bottles of Beer" script (Arg of 1 does it.)
+\ Test transition from eight-bit offsets to sixteen-bit offsets
+fcode-version1 \ Eight-bit offsets.
+: too-large-case ( n -- )
+ ." Let's give it a large back-reference too."
+ begin ." We've just begun"
+ ." 1 0 do " cr 1 0 do
+ dup ." if " cr
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. The Big One!" cr
+ fload TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth
+ endcase
+ ." then" cr
+ then
+ ." Loop back and forward" cr loop
+ ." And here we are!" cr
+ exit
+ ." Well, we needed some way out!" cr
+ again ." Back to the fuchsia." cr
+\ Let's make a small jump, just to see what normal looks like
+: control-example
+ ." Here's the beguine"
+ begin
+ dup ." if "
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Short case" cr endof
+ ." No default." cr
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." Way out"
+ exit
+ ." Jump back"
+ again ." Never do this"
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: odd-size-case ( n -- )
+ ." With a back-reference."
+ begin ." We've begun"
+ dup ." blah-if "
+ if
+ dup ." blah-case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." A very short case" cr endof
+ ." A big default." cr
+ fload TooLargeBranch_off08_body.fth
+ endcase
+ ." blah-then" cr
+ then
+ ." blah-some way out."
+ exit
+ ." Back again" cr
+ again ." Done. are you happy?" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+\ Test case of a branch going over too large a range
+\ Body generated by script.
+\ (Numeric values, argument of 232 just exceeds the inner branches.)
+\ (Numeric values, argument of N >= 233 exceeds them all.)
+\ (Verbal argument of 179 just exceeds the inner branches.)
+\ (Verbal argument of N >= 180 exceeds them all.)
+\ Command-line definition of 'fld_cmd' should be of the form 'fload <filename>'
+\ and can be used to load variable-sized bodies.
+\ Default will be TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: too-large-case ( n -- )
+ ." Let's give it a large back-reference too."
+ begin ." We've just begun"
+ ." 1 0 do " cr 1 0 do
+ dup ." if " cr
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. The Big One!" cr
+[ifndef] fld_cmd
+ fload TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth
+ [defined] fld_cmd
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." Loop back and forward" cr loop
+ ." And here we are!"
+ exit
+ ." Well, we needed some way out!"
+ again ." Back to the fuchsia."
+\ Let's make a small jump, just to see what normal looks like
+: control-example
+ ." Small non-loop"
+ begin ." Here's the beguine"
+ dup ." if "
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. Normal one!" cr
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." and the way out"
+ exit
+ ." and the jump back"
+ again ." Never do this" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeBranch_off16_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+[message] Starting out with one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred and one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred and one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one hundred Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one hundred Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ninety Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ninety Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventy Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventy Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty-one Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty-one Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twenty Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twenty Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nineteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nineteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eighteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eighteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seventeen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seventeen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, sixteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." sixteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fifteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fifteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, fourteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." fourteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, thirteen Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." thirteen Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, twelve Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." twelve Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eleven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eleven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, ten Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." ten Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, nine Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." nine Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, eight Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." eight Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, seven Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." seven Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, six Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." six Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, five Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." five Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, four Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." four Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, three Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." three Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, two Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." two Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, one Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." one Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Test whether too-large "Case" statement messes up the Tokenizer.
+\ Body generated by script
+: too-large-case ( n -- )
+ ." Let's give it a large back-reference too."
+ begin ." We've just begun"
+ fload TooLargeCase_body.fth
+ ." And here we are!"
+ exit
+ ." Well, we needed some way out!"
+ again ." Back to the fuchsia."
+\ Let's make a small jump, just to see what normal looks like
+: control-example
+ ." Small non-loop"
+ begin ." Here's the beguine"
+ ." and the way out"
+ exit
+ ." and the jump back"
+ again ." Never do this"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeCase_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,1260 @@
+ case
+ 0 of ." Case of 0 " endof
+ 1 of ." Case of 1 " endof
+ 2 of ." Case of 2 " endof
+ 3 of ." Case of 3 " endof
+ 4 of ." Case of 4 " endof
+ 5 of ." Case of 5 " endof
+ 6 of ." Case of 6 " endof
+ 7 of ." Case of 7 " endof
+ 8 of ." Case of 8 " endof
+ 9 of ." Case of 9 " endof
+ 10 of ." Case of 10 " endof
+ 11 of ." Case of 11 " endof
+ 12 of ." Case of 12 " endof
+ 13 of ." Case of 13 " endof
+ 14 of ." Case of 14 " endof
+ 15 of ." Case of 15 " endof
+ 16 of ." Case of 16 " endof
+ 17 of ." Case of 17 " endof
+ 18 of ." Case of 18 " endof
+ 19 of ." Case of 19 " endof
+ 20 of ." Case of 20 " endof
+ 21 of ." Case of 21 " endof
+ 22 of ." Case of 22 " endof
+ 23 of ." Case of 23 " endof
+ 24 of ." Case of 24 " endof
+ 25 of ." Case of 25 " endof
+ 26 of ." Case of 26 " endof
+ 27 of ." Case of 27 " endof
+ 28 of ." Case of 28 " endof
+ 29 of ." Case of 29 " endof
+ 30 of ." Case of 30 " endof
+ 31 of ." Case of 31 " endof
+ 32 of ." Case of 32 " endof
+ 33 of ." Case of 33 " endof
+ 34 of ." Case of 34 " endof
+ 35 of ." Case of 35 " endof
+ 36 of ." Case of 36 " endof
+ 37 of ." Case of 37 " endof
+ 38 of ." Case of 38 " endof
+ 39 of ." Case of 39 " endof
+ 40 of ." Case of 40 " endof
+ 41 of ." Case of 41 " endof
+ 42 of ." Case of 42 " endof
+ 43 of ." Case of 43 " endof
+ 44 of ." Case of 44 " endof
+ 45 of ." Case of 45 " endof
+ 46 of ." Case of 46 " endof
+ 47 of ." Case of 47 " endof
+ 48 of ." Case of 48 " endof
+ 49 of ." Case of 49 " endof
+ 50 of ." Case of 50 " endof
+ 51 of ." Case of 51 " endof
+ 52 of ." Case of 52 " endof
+ 53 of ." Case of 53 " endof
+ 54 of ." Case of 54 " endof
+ 55 of ." Case of 55 " endof
+ 56 of ." Case of 56 " endof
+ 57 of ." Case of 57 " endof
+ 58 of ." Case of 58 " endof
+ 59 of ." Case of 59 " endof
+ 60 of ." Case of 60 " endof
+ 61 of ." Case of 61 " endof
+ 62 of ." Case of 62 " endof
+ 63 of ." Case of 63 " endof
+ 64 of ." Case of 64 " endof
+ 65 of ." Case of 65 " endof
+ 66 of ." Case of 66 " endof
+ 67 of ." Case of 67 " endof
+ 68 of ." Case of 68 " endof
+ 69 of ." Case of 69 " endof
+ 70 of ." Case of 70 " endof
+ 71 of ." Case of 71 " endof
+ 72 of ." Case of 72 " endof
+ 73 of ." Case of 73 " endof
+ 74 of ." Case of 74 " endof
+ 75 of ." Case of 75 " endof
+ 76 of ." Case of 76 " endof
+ 77 of ." Case of 77 " endof
+ 78 of ." Case of 78 " endof
+ 79 of ." Case of 79 " endof
+ 80 of ." Case of 80 " endof
+ 81 of ." Case of 81 " endof
+ 82 of ." Case of 82 " endof
+ 83 of ." Case of 83 " endof
+ 84 of ." Case of 84 " endof
+ 85 of ." Case of 85 " endof
+ 86 of ." Case of 86 " endof
+ 87 of ." Case of 87 " endof
+ 88 of ." Case of 88 " endof
+ 89 of ." Case of 89 " endof
+ 90 of ." Case of 90 " endof
+ 91 of ." Case of 91 " endof
+ 92 of ." Case of 92 " endof
+ 93 of ." Case of 93 " endof
+ 94 of ." Case of 94 " endof
+ 95 of ." Case of 95 " endof
+ 96 of ." Case of 96 " endof
+ 97 of ." Case of 97 " endof
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+ 341 of ." Case of 341 " endof
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+ 969 of ." Case of 969 " endof
+ 970 of ." Case of 970 " endof
+ 971 of ." Case of 971 " endof
+ 972 of ." Case of 972 " endof
+ 973 of ." Case of 973 " endof
+ 974 of ." Case of 974 " endof
+ 975 of ." Case of 975 " endof
+ 976 of ." Case of 976 " endof
+ 977 of ." Case of 977 " endof
+ 978 of ." Case of 978 " endof
+ 979 of ." Case of 979 " endof
+ 980 of ." Case of 980 " endof
+ 981 of ." Case of 981 " endof
+ 982 of ." Case of 982 " endof
+ 983 of ." Case of 983 " endof
+ 984 of ." Case of 984 " endof
+ 985 of ." Case of 985 " endof
+ 986 of ." Case of 986 " endof
+ 987 of ." Case of 987 " endof
+ 988 of ." Case of 988 " endof
+ 989 of ." Case of 989 " endof
+ 990 of ." Case of 990 " endof
+ 991 of ." Case of 991 " endof
+ 992 of ." Case of 992 " endof
+ 993 of ." Case of 993 " endof
+ 994 of ." Case of 994 " endof
+ 995 of ." Case of 995 " endof
+ 996 of ." Case of 996 " endof
+ 997 of ." Case of 997 " endof
+ 998 of ." Case of 998 " endof
+ 999 of ." Case of 999 " endof
+ 1000 of ." Case of 1000 " endof
+ 1001 of ." Case of 1001 " endof
+ 1002 of ." Case of 1002 " endof
+ 1003 of ." Case of 1003 " endof
+ 1004 of ." Case of 1004 " endof
+ 1005 of ." Case of 1005 " endof
+ 1006 of ." Case of 1006 " endof
+ 1007 of ." Case of 1007 " endof
+ 1008 of ." Case of 1008 " endof
+ 1009 of ." Case of 1009 " endof
+ 1010 of ." Case of 1010 " endof
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+ 1020 of ." Case of 1020 " endof
+ 1021 of ." Case of 1021 " endof
+ 1022 of ." Case of 1022 " endof
+ 1023 of ." Case of 1023 " endof
+ 1024 of ." Case of 1024 " endof
+ 1025 of ." Case of 1025 " endof
+ 1026 of ." Case of 1026 " endof
+ 1027 of ." Case of 1027 " endof
+ 1028 of ." Case of 1028 " endof
+ 1029 of ." Case of 1029 " endof
+ 1030 of ." Case of 1030 " endof
+ 1031 of ." Case of 1031 " endof
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+ 1043 of ." Case of 1043 " endof
+ 1044 of ." Case of 1044 " endof
+ 1045 of ." Case of 1045 " endof
+ 1046 of ." Case of 1046 " endof
+ 1047 of ." Case of 1047 " endof
+ 1048 of ." Case of 1048 " endof
+ 1049 of ." Case of 1049 " endof
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+ 1052 of ." Case of 1052 " endof
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+ 1057 of ." Case of 1057 " endof
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+ 1061 of ." Case of 1061 " endof
+ 1062 of ." Case of 1062 " endof
+ 1063 of ." Case of 1063 " endof
+ 1064 of ." Case of 1064 " endof
+ 1065 of ." Case of 1065 " endof
+ 1066 of ." Case of 1066 " endof
+ 1067 of ." Case of 1067 " endof
+ 1068 of ." Case of 1068 " endof
+ 1069 of ." Case of 1069 " endof
+ 1070 of ." Case of 1070 " endof
+ 1071 of ." Case of 1071 " endof
+ 1072 of ." Case of 1072 " endof
+ 1073 of ." Case of 1073 " endof
+ 1074 of ." Case of 1074 " endof
+ 1075 of ." Case of 1075 " endof
+ 1076 of ." Case of 1076 " endof
+ 1077 of ." Case of 1077 " endof
+ 1078 of ." Case of 1078 " endof
+ 1079 of ." Case of 1079 " endof
+ 1080 of ." Case of 1080 " endof
+ 1081 of ." Case of 1081 " endof
+ 1082 of ." Case of 1082 " endof
+ 1083 of ." Case of 1083 " endof
+ 1084 of ." Case of 1084 " endof
+ 1085 of ." Case of 1085 " endof
+ 1086 of ." Case of 1086 " endof
+ 1087 of ." Case of 1087 " endof
+ 1088 of ." Case of 1088 " endof
+ 1089 of ." Case of 1089 " endof
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+ 1091 of ." Case of 1091 " endof
+ 1092 of ." Case of 1092 " endof
+ 1093 of ." Case of 1093 " endof
+ 1094 of ." Case of 1094 " endof
+ 1095 of ." Case of 1095 " endof
+ 1096 of ." Case of 1096 " endof
+ 1097 of ." Case of 1097 " endof
+ 1098 of ." Case of 1098 " endof
+ 1099 of ." Case of 1099 " endof
+ 1100 of ." Case of 1100 " endof
+ 1101 of ." Case of 1101 " endof
+ 1102 of ." Case of 1102 " endof
+ 1103 of ." Case of 1103 " endof
+ 1104 of ." Case of 1104 " endof
+ 1105 of ." Case of 1105 " endof
+ 1106 of ." Case of 1106 " endof
+ 1107 of ." Case of 1107 " endof
+ 1108 of ." Case of 1108 " endof
+ 1109 of ." Case of 1109 " endof
+ 1110 of ." Case of 1110 " endof
+ 1111 of ." Case of 1111 " endof
+ 1112 of ." Case of 1112 " endof
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+ 1117 of ." Case of 1117 " endof
+ 1118 of ." Case of 1118 " endof
+ 1119 of ." Case of 1119 " endof
+ 1120 of ." Case of 1120 " endof
+ 1121 of ." Case of 1121 " endof
+ 1122 of ." Case of 1122 " endof
+ 1123 of ." Case of 1123 " endof
+ 1124 of ." Case of 1124 " endof
+ 1125 of ." Case of 1125 " endof
+ 1126 of ." Case of 1126 " endof
+ 1127 of ." Case of 1127 " endof
+ 1128 of ." Case of 1128 " endof
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+ 1130 of ." Case of 1130 " endof
+ 1131 of ." Case of 1131 " endof
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+ 1150 of ." Case of 1150 " endof
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+ 1159 of ." Case of 1159 " endof
+ 1160 of ." Case of 1160 " endof
+ 1161 of ." Case of 1161 " endof
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+ 1170 of ." Case of 1170 " endof
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+ 1172 of ." Case of 1172 " endof
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+ 1180 of ." Case of 1180 " endof
+ 1181 of ." Case of 1181 " endof
+ 1182 of ." Case of 1182 " endof
+ 1183 of ." Case of 1183 " endof
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+ 1196 of ." Case of 1196 " endof
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+ 1198 of ." Case of 1198 " endof
+ 1199 of ." Case of 1199 " endof
+ 1200 of ." Case of 1200 " endof
+ 1201 of ." Case of 1201 " endof
+ 1202 of ." Case of 1202 " endof
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+ 1209 of ." Case of 1209 " endof
+ 1210 of ." Case of 1210 " endof
+ 1211 of ." Case of 1211 " endof
+ 1212 of ." Case of 1212 " endof
+ 1213 of ." Case of 1213 " endof
+ 1214 of ." Case of 1214 " endof
+ 1215 of ." Case of 1215 " endof
+ 1216 of ." Case of 1216 " endof
+ 1217 of ." Case of 1217 " endof
+ 1218 of ." Case of 1218 " endof
+ 1219 of ." Case of 1219 " endof
+ 1220 of ." Case of 1220 " endof
+ 1221 of ." Case of 1221 " endof
+ 1222 of ." Case of 1222 " endof
+ 1223 of ." Case of 1223 " endof
+ 1224 of ." Case of 1224 " endof
+ 1225 of ." Case of 1225 " endof
+ 1226 of ." Case of 1226 " endof
+ 1227 of ." Case of 1227 " endof
+ 1228 of ." Case of 1228 " endof
+ 1229 of ." Case of 1229 " endof
+ 1230 of ." Case of 1230 " endof
+ 1231 of ." Case of 1231 " endof
+ 1232 of ." Case of 1232 " endof
+ 1233 of ." Case of 1233 " endof
+ 1234 of ." Case of 1234 " endof
+ 1235 of ." Case of 1235 " endof
+ 1236 of ." Case of 1236 " endof
+ 1237 of ." Case of 1237 " endof
+ 1238 of ." Case of 1238 " endof
+ 1239 of ." Case of 1239 " endof
+ 1240 of ." Case of 1240 " endof
+ 1241 of ." Case of 1241 " endof
+ 1242 of ." Case of 1242 " endof
+ 1243 of ." Case of 1243 " endof
+ 1244 of ." Case of 1244 " endof
+ 1245 of ." Case of 1245 " endof
+ 1246 of ." Case of 1246 " endof
+ 1247 of ." Case of 1247 " endof
+ 1248 of ." Case of 1248 " endof
+ 1249 of ." Case of 1249 " endof
+ 1250 of ." Case of 1250 " endof
+ 1251 of ." Case of 1251 " endof
+ 1252 of ." Case of 1252 " endof
+ 1253 of ." Case of 1253 " endof
+ 1254 of ." Case of 1254 " endof
+ 1255 of ." Case of 1255 " endof
+ \ default
+ ." Ran out of cases. Number is " dup .
+ endcase
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePMessage.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePMessage.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePMessage.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\ Test a Paren-Message that is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ A Paren-Message does not have the string-escape sequences.
+\ Enter Tokenizer-escape mode
+\ then define the required test-token as alias to .(
+\ and FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Tue, 09 May 2006 at 10:52 PDT by David L. Paktor
+ f[
+alias test-token .(
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
+ ]f
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePQuote.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePQuote.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargePQuote.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ Test a P-Quote that is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ A P-Quote has the string-escape sequences.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to ."
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Tue, 09 May 2006 at 10:52 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias test-token ."
+: foobar
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeParen.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeParen.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeParen.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ Test a Parenthesis-Comment that is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to (
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Wed, 10 May 2006 at 10:43 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias test-token (
+: foobar
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQAbort.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQAbort.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQAbort.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Test an Abort-Quote whose body is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ Abort-Quote may be dis-allowed. This test allows it.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to abort"
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Wed, 10 May 2006 at 11:41 PDT by David L. Paktor
+\ Align with counterpart...
+alias test-token abort"
+: barfalot
+ true
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
+\ Let's also see how a disallowed abort" is handled when the string is
+\ legit but crosses several lines
+: ohfooey!
+ true
+ #message" The abort"" starts here." abort" This ... "\
+ is another fine mess "\
+ you've gotten me into. "\
+ Or is it a kettle of fish?"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQMessage.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQMessage.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQMessage.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\ Test a Quote-Message that is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ A Quote-Message has the string-escape sequences.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to #message"
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Tue, 09 May 2006 at 10:52 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias test-token #message"
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQNoAbort.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQNoAbort.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeQNoAbort.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+\ Test an Abort-Quote whose body is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ Abort-Quote may be dis-allowed. It is dis-allowed in this test.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to abort"
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Wed, 10 May 2006 at 11:41 PDT by David L. Paktor
+[flag] noABORT-Quote
+alias test-token abort"
+: barfalot
+ true
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
+\ Let's also see how a disallowed abort" is handled when the string is
+\ legit but crosses several lines
+: ohfooey!
+ true
+ #message" The abort"" starts here." abort" This ... "\
+ is another fine mess "\
+ you've gotten me into. "\
+ Or is it a kettle of fish?"
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeSQuote.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeSQuote.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooLargeSQuote.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ Test an Ess-Quote that is not terminated at all and the number
+\ of characters until the end of file exceeds the buffer.
+\ An Ess-Quote does not have the string-escape sequences.
+\ Define the required test-token as alias to S"
+\ then FLOAD the test-body file.
+\ Updated Tue, 09 May 2006 at 10:52 PDT by David L. Paktor
+alias test-token S"
+: foobar
+ fload LargeTextNoQte.fth
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooManyFCodes.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooManyFCodes.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooManyFCodes.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+\ Test overlapping FCode # error checking, and reaching the max allowable.
+\ Updated Wed, 14 Jun 2006 at 12:54 PDT by David L. Paktor
+\ A macro to force showing the current nextfcode
+ [macro] show-next-fcode fcode-push [if] [then] #message" ... and dropped off."
+ [ifnexist] fcode-reset
+ [macro] fcode-reset #message" Faking FCODE-RESET" f[ h# 800 next-fcode ]f
+ [endif]
+ show-next-fcode
+0 constant my_zero
+fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ fcode-push
+#message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+#message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+#message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+ show-next-fcode
+ new-device
+ fcode-reset
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ #message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+ #message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+ #message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+ show-next-fcode
+ finish-device
+ new-device
+ f[ h# 08c0 next-fcode ]f
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ f[ fcode-push constant dev-1-lap ]f
+ #message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+ #message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+ #message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+ show-next-fcode
+ finish-device
+ new-device
+ fcode-pop
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ f[ fcode-push constant dev-2-lap ]f
+ #message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+ #message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+ #message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+ show-next-fcode
+ finish-device
+fcode-push \ Can we do this across FCode Blocks?
+\ And, if we can't, can we preserve it this way?
+f[ constant XFcBlkFcd
+ XFcBlkFcd \ Push it back...
+ ]f
+ new-device
+ f[ dev-1-lap next-fcode ]f
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ fcode-push
+ #message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+ fcode-pop
+ #message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+ finish-device
+ show-next-fcode
+\ Have to redefine these...
+ [macro] show-next-fcode fcode-push [if] [then] #message" ... and dropped off."
+ [ifnexist] fcode-reset
+ [macro] fcode-reset #message" Faking FCODE-RESET" f[ h# 800 next-fcode ]f
+ [endif]
+ \ Confirm that the FCode numbers continue across FCode Blocks
+ show-next-fcode
+ #message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+\ Let's confirm that the reset clears out the lapping messages.
+ new-device
+ \ This is not a reset:
+ f[ h# 800 next-fcode ]f
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ \ This is:
+ fcode-reset
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ finish-device
+\ Can we use what we pushed on the other side of the block?
+f[ constant wanna-pop
+ wanna-pop fcode-pop wanna-pop 0=
+ \ Did it succeed? If not, there's no point...
+ ]f [if]
+ #message" Could not use FCode pushed on other side of block"
+ #message" Try this... " f[ XFcBlkFcd fcode-pop ]f
+ [else] \ It sucked seed!
+ new-device
+ 0 constant my_zero
+ fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ show-next-fcode
+ finish-device
+ [endif]
+\ Final run: Exceed the FCode # limit and crash.
+\ Rather than load all the numbers from the start,
+\ let's get a jump on the FCode # assignments.
+f[ h# f80 next-fcode ]f
+\ Get all but the last few...
+0 constant my_zero
+fload OneTwoFive.fth
+ show-next-fcode
+#message" one_twenty-six" 126 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-six
+ show-next-fcode
+#message" one_twenty-seven" 127 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-seven
+ show-next-fcode
+\ This next one pushes the FCode # over the limit and causes a crash.
+\ Let's leave ourselves a way around that, so we can use this in other ways
+\ Allow a command-line symbol called nocrash to prevent this.
+[ifndef] NoCrash
+ #message" one_twenty-eight" 128 constant one_hundred_and_twenty-eight
+ show-next-fcode
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+\ Test case, not only of a branch going over too, too large a range
+\ but also of overflowing the output buffer
+\ Body generated by the same script used for the too-large branch test,
+\ but with much larger arguments.
+\ (Argument of 924 just does it.)
+fcode-version2 \ Sixteen-bit offsets.
+: too-large-case ( n -- )
+ ." Let's give it a large back-reference too."
+ begin ." We've just begun"
+ ." 1 0 do " cr 1 0 do
+ dup ." if " cr
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. The Big One!" cr
+ fload TooTooLargeBuffer_body.fth
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." Loop back and forward" cr loop
+ ." And here we are!"
+ exit
+ ." Well, we needed some way out!"
+ again ." Back to the fuchsia."
+\ Let's make a small jump, just to see what normal looks like
+: control-example
+ ." Small non-loop"
+ begin ." Here's the beguine"
+ dup ." if "
+ if
+ dup ." case"
+ case
+ 0 of ." Just a short case" cr endof
+ ." default. Normal one!" cr
+ endcase
+ ." then"
+ then
+ ." and the way out"
+ exit
+ ." and the jump back"
+ again ." Never do this" cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer_body.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer_body.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/TooTooLargeBuffer_body.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,3698 @@
+." Oh, 924 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 924 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 923 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 923 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 923 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 922 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 922 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 922 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 921 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 921 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 921 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 920 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 920 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 920 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 919 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 919 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 919 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 918 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 918 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 918 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 917 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 917 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 917 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 916 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 916 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 916 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 915 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 915 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 915 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 914 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 914 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 914 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 913 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 913 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 913 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 912 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 912 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 912 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 911 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 911 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 911 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 910 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 910 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 910 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 909 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 909 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 909 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 908 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 908 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 908 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 907 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 907 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 907 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 906 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 906 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 906 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 905 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 905 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 905 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 904 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 904 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 904 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 903 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 903 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 903 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 902 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 902 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 902 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 901 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 901 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 901 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 900 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 900 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 900 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 899 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 899 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 899 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 898 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 898 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 898 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 897 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 897 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 897 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 896 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 896 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 896 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 895 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 895 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 895 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 894 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 894 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 894 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 893 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 893 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 893 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 892 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 892 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 892 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 891 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 891 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 891 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 890 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 890 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 890 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 889 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 889 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 889 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 888 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 888 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 888 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 887 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 887 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 887 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 886 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 886 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 886 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 885 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 885 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 885 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 884 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 884 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 884 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 883 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 883 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 883 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 882 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 882 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 882 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 881 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 881 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 881 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 880 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 880 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 880 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 879 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 879 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 879 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 878 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 878 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 878 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 877 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 877 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 877 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 876 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 876 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 876 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 875 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 875 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 875 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 874 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 874 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 874 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 873 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 873 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 873 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 872 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 872 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 872 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 871 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 871 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 871 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 870 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 870 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 870 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 869 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 869 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 869 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 868 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 868 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 868 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 867 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 867 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 867 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 866 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 866 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 866 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 865 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 865 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 865 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 864 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 864 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 864 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 863 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 863 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 863 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 862 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 862 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 862 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 861 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 861 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 861 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 860 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 860 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 860 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 859 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 859 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 859 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 858 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 858 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 858 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 857 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 857 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 857 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 856 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 856 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 856 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 855 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 855 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 855 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 854 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 854 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 854 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 853 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 853 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 853 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 852 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 852 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 852 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 851 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 851 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 851 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 850 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 850 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 850 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 849 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 849 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 849 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 848 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 848 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 848 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 847 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 847 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 847 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 846 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 846 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 846 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 845 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 845 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 845 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 844 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 844 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 844 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 843 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 843 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 843 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 842 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 842 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 842 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 841 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 841 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 841 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 840 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 840 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 840 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 839 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 839 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 839 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 838 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 838 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 838 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 837 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 837 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 837 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 836 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 836 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 836 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 835 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 835 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 835 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 834 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 834 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 834 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 833 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 833 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 833 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 832 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 832 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 832 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 831 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 831 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 831 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 830 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 830 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 830 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 829 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 829 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 829 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 828 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 828 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 828 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 827 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 827 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 827 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 826 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 826 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 826 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 825 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 825 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 825 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 824 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 824 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 824 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 823 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 823 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 823 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 822 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 822 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 822 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 821 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 821 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 821 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 820 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 820 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 820 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 819 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 819 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 819 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 818 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 818 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 818 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 817 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 817 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 817 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 816 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 816 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 816 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 815 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 815 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 815 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 814 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 814 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 814 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 813 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 813 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 813 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 812 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 812 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 812 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 811 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 811 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 811 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 810 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 810 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 810 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 809 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 809 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 809 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 808 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 808 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 808 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 807 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 807 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 807 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 806 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 806 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 806 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 805 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 805 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 805 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 804 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 804 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 804 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 803 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 803 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 803 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 802 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 802 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 802 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 801 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 801 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 801 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 800 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 800 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 800 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 799 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 799 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 799 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 798 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 798 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 798 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 797 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 797 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 797 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 796 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 796 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 796 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 795 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 795 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 795 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 794 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 794 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 794 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 793 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 793 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 793 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 792 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 792 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 792 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 791 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 791 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 791 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 790 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 790 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 790 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 789 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 789 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 789 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 788 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 788 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 788 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 787 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 787 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 787 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 786 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 786 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 786 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 785 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 785 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 785 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 784 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 784 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 784 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 783 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 783 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 783 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 782 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 782 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 782 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 781 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 781 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 781 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 780 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 780 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 780 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 779 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 779 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 779 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 778 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 778 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 778 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 777 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 777 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 777 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 776 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 776 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 776 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 775 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 775 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 775 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 774 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 774 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 774 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 773 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 773 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 773 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 772 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 772 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 772 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 771 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 771 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 771 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 770 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 770 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 770 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 769 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 769 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 769 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 768 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 768 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 768 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 767 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 767 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 767 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 766 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 766 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 766 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 765 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 765 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 765 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 764 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 764 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 764 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 763 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 763 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 763 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 762 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 762 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 762 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 761 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 761 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 761 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 760 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 760 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 760 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 759 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 759 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 759 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 758 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 758 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 758 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 757 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 757 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 757 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 756 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 756 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 756 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 755 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 755 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 755 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 754 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 754 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 754 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 753 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 753 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 753 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 752 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 752 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 752 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 751 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 751 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 751 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 750 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 750 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 750 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 749 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 749 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 749 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 748 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 748 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 748 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 747 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 747 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 747 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 746 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 746 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 746 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 745 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 745 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 745 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 744 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 744 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 744 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 743 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 743 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 743 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 742 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 742 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 742 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 741 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 741 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 741 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 740 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 740 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 740 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 739 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 739 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 739 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 738 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 738 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 738 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 737 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 737 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 737 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 736 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 736 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 736 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 735 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 735 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 735 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 734 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 734 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 734 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 733 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 733 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 733 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 732 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 732 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 732 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 731 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 731 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 731 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 730 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 730 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 730 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 729 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 729 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 729 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 728 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 728 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 728 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 727 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 727 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 727 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 726 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 726 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 726 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 725 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 725 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 725 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 724 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 724 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 724 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 723 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 723 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 723 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 722 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 722 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 722 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 721 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 721 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 721 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 720 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 720 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 720 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 719 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 719 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 719 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 718 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 718 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 718 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 717 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 717 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 717 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 716 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 716 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 716 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 715 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 715 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 715 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 714 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 714 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 714 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 713 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 713 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 713 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 712 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 712 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 712 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 711 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 711 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 711 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 710 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 710 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 710 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 709 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 709 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 709 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 708 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 708 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 708 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 707 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 707 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 707 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 706 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 706 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 706 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 705 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 705 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 705 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 704 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 704 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 704 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 703 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 703 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 703 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 702 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 702 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 702 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 701 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 701 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 701 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 700 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 700 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 700 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 699 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 699 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 699 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 698 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 698 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 698 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 697 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 697 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 697 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 696 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 696 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 696 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 695 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 695 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 695 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 694 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 694 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 694 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 693 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 693 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 693 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 692 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 692 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 692 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 691 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 691 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 691 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 690 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 690 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 690 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 689 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 689 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 689 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 688 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 688 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 688 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 687 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 687 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 687 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 686 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 686 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 686 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 685 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 685 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 685 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 684 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 684 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 684 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 683 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 683 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 683 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 682 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 682 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 682 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 681 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 681 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 681 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 680 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 680 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 680 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 679 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 679 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 679 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 678 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 678 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 678 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 677 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 677 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 677 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 676 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 676 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 676 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 675 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 675 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 675 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 674 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 674 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 674 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 673 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 673 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 673 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 672 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 672 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 672 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 671 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 671 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 671 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 670 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 670 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 670 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 669 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 669 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 669 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 668 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 668 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 668 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 667 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 667 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 667 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 666 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 666 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 666 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 665 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 665 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 665 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 664 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 664 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 664 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 663 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 663 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 663 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 662 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 662 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 662 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 661 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 661 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 661 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 660 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 660 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 660 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 659 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 659 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 659 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 658 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 658 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 658 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 657 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 657 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 657 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 656 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 656 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 656 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 655 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 655 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 655 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 654 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 654 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 654 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 653 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 653 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 653 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 652 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 652 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 652 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 651 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 651 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 651 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 650 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 650 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 650 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 649 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 649 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 649 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 648 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 648 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 648 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 647 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 647 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 647 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 646 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 646 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 646 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 645 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 645 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 645 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 644 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 644 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 644 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 643 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 643 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 643 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 642 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 642 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 642 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 641 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 641 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 641 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 640 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 640 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 640 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 639 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 639 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 639 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 638 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 638 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 638 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 637 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 637 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 637 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 636 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 636 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 636 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 635 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 635 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 635 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 634 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 634 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 634 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 633 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 633 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 633 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 632 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 632 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 632 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 631 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 631 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 631 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 630 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 630 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 630 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 629 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 629 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 629 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 628 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 628 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 628 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 627 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 627 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 627 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 626 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 626 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 626 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 625 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 625 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 625 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 624 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 624 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 624 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 623 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 623 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 623 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 622 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 622 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 622 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 621 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 621 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 621 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 620 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 620 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 620 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 619 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 619 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 619 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 618 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 618 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 618 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 617 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 617 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 617 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 616 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 616 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 616 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 615 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 615 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 615 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 614 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 614 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 614 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 613 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 613 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 613 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 612 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 612 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 612 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 611 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 611 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 611 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 610 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 610 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 610 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 609 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 609 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 609 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 608 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 608 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 608 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 607 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 607 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 607 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 606 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 606 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 606 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 605 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 605 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 605 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 604 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 604 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 604 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 603 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 603 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 603 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 602 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 602 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 602 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 601 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 601 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 601 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 600 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 600 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 600 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 599 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 599 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 599 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 598 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 598 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 598 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 597 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 597 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 597 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 596 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 596 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 596 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 595 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 595 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 595 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 594 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 594 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 594 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 593 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 593 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 593 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 592 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 592 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 592 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 591 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 591 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 591 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 590 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 590 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 590 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 589 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 589 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 589 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 588 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 588 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 588 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 587 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 587 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 587 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 586 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 586 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 586 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 585 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 585 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 585 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 584 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 584 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 584 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 583 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 583 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 583 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 582 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 582 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 582 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 581 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 581 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 581 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 580 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 580 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 580 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 579 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 579 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 579 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 578 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 578 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 578 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 577 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 577 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 577 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 576 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 576 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 576 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 575 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 575 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 575 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 574 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 574 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 574 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 573 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 573 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 573 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 572 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 572 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 572 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 571 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 571 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 571 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 570 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 570 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 570 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 569 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 569 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 569 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 568 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 568 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 568 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 567 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 567 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 567 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 566 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 566 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 566 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 565 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 565 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 565 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 564 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 564 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 564 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 563 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 563 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 563 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 562 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 562 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 562 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 561 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 561 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 561 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 560 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 560 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 560 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 559 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 559 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 559 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 558 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 558 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 558 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 557 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 557 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 557 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 556 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 556 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 556 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 555 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 555 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 555 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 554 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 554 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 554 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 553 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 553 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 553 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 552 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 552 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 552 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 551 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 551 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 551 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 550 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 550 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 550 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 549 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 549 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 549 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 548 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 548 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 548 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 547 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 547 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 547 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 546 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 546 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 546 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 545 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 545 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 545 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 544 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 544 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 544 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 543 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 543 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 543 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 542 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 542 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 542 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 541 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 541 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 541 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 540 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 540 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 540 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 539 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 539 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 539 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 538 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 538 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 538 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 537 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 537 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 537 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 536 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 536 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 536 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 535 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 535 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 535 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 534 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 534 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 534 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 533 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 533 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 533 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 532 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 532 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 532 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 531 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 531 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 531 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 530 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 530 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 530 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 529 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 529 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 529 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 528 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 528 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 528 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 527 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 527 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 527 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 526 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 526 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 526 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 525 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 525 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 525 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 524 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 524 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 524 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 523 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 523 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 523 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 522 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 522 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 522 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 521 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 521 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 521 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 520 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 520 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 520 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 519 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 519 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 519 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 518 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 518 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 518 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 517 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 517 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 517 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 516 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 516 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 516 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 515 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 515 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 515 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 514 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 514 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 514 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 513 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 513 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 513 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 512 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 512 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 512 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 511 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 511 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 511 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 510 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 510 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 510 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 509 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 509 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 509 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 508 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 508 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 508 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 507 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 507 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 507 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 506 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 506 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 506 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 505 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 505 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 505 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 504 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 504 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 504 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 503 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 503 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 503 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 502 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 502 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 502 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 501 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 501 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 501 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 500 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 500 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 500 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 499 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 499 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 499 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 498 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 498 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 498 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 497 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 497 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 497 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 496 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 496 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 496 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 495 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 495 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 495 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 494 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 494 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 494 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 493 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 493 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 493 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 492 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 492 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 492 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 491 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 491 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 491 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 490 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 490 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 490 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 489 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 489 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 489 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 488 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 488 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 488 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 487 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 487 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 487 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 486 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 486 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 486 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 485 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 485 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 485 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 484 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 484 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 484 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 483 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 483 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 483 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 482 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 482 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 482 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 481 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 481 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 481 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 480 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 480 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 480 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 479 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 479 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 479 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 478 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 478 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 478 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 477 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 477 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 477 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 476 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 476 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 476 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 475 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 475 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 475 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 474 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 474 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 474 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 473 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 473 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 473 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 472 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 472 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 472 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 471 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 471 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 471 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 470 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 470 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 470 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 469 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 469 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 469 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 468 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 468 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 468 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 467 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 467 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 467 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 466 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 466 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 466 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 465 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 465 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 465 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 464 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 464 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 464 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 463 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 463 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 463 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 462 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 462 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 462 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 461 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 461 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 461 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 460 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 460 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 460 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 459 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 459 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 459 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 458 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 458 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 458 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 457 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 457 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 457 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 456 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 456 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 456 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 455 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 455 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 455 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 454 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 454 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 454 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 453 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 453 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 453 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 452 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 452 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 452 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 451 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 451 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 451 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 450 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 450 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 450 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 449 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 449 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 449 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 448 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 448 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 448 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 447 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 447 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 447 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 446 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 446 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 446 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 445 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 445 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 445 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 444 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 444 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 444 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 443 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 443 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 443 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 442 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 442 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 442 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 441 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 441 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 441 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 440 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 440 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 440 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 439 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 439 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 439 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 438 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 438 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 438 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 437 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 437 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 437 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 436 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 436 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 436 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 435 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 435 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 435 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 434 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 434 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 434 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 433 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 433 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 433 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 432 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 432 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 432 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 431 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 431 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 431 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 430 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 430 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 430 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 429 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 429 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 429 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 428 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 428 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 428 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 427 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 427 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 427 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 426 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 426 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 426 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 425 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 425 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 425 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 424 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 424 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 424 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 423 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 423 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 423 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 422 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 422 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 422 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 421 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 421 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 421 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 420 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 420 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 420 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 419 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 419 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 419 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 418 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 418 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 418 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 417 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 417 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 417 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 416 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 416 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 416 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 415 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 415 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 415 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 414 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 414 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 414 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 413 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 413 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 413 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 412 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 412 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 412 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 411 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 411 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 411 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 410 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 410 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 410 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 409 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 409 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 409 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 408 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 408 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 408 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 407 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 407 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 407 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 406 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 406 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 406 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 405 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 405 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 405 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 404 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 404 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 404 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 403 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 403 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 403 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 402 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 402 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 402 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 401 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 401 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 401 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 400 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 400 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 400 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 399 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 399 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 399 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 398 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 398 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 398 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 397 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 397 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 397 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 396 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 396 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 396 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 395 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 395 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 395 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 394 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 394 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 394 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 393 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 393 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 393 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 392 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 392 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 392 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 391 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 391 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 391 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 390 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 390 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 390 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 389 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 389 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 389 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 388 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 388 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 388 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 387 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 387 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 387 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 386 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 386 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 386 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 385 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 385 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 385 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 384 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 384 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 384 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 383 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 383 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 383 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 382 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 382 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 382 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 381 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 381 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 381 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 380 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 380 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 380 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 379 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 379 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 379 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 378 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 378 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 378 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 377 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 377 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 377 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 376 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 376 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 376 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 375 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 375 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 375 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 374 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 374 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 374 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 373 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 373 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 373 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 372 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 372 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 372 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 371 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 371 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 371 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 370 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 370 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 370 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 369 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 369 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 369 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 368 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 368 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 368 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 367 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 367 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 367 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 366 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 366 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 366 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 365 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 365 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 365 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 364 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 364 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 364 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 363 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 363 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 363 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 362 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 362 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 362 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 361 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 361 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 361 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 360 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 360 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 360 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 359 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 359 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 359 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 358 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 358 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 358 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 357 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 357 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 357 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 356 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 356 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 356 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 355 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 355 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 355 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 354 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 354 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 354 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 353 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 353 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 353 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 352 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 352 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 352 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 351 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 351 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 351 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 350 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 350 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 350 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 349 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 349 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 349 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 348 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 348 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 348 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 347 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 347 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 347 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 346 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 346 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 346 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 345 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 345 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 345 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 344 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 344 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 344 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 343 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 343 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 343 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 342 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 342 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 342 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 341 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 341 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 341 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 340 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 340 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 340 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 339 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 339 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 339 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 338 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 338 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 338 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 337 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 337 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 337 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 336 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 336 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 336 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 335 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 335 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 335 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 334 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 334 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 334 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 333 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 333 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 333 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 332 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 332 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 332 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 331 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 331 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 331 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 330 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 330 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 330 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 329 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 329 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 329 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 328 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 328 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 328 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 327 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 327 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 327 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 326 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 326 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 326 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 325 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 325 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 325 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 324 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 324 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 324 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 323 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 323 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 323 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 322 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 322 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 322 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 321 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 321 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 321 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 320 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 320 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 320 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 319 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 319 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 319 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 318 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 318 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 318 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 317 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 317 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 317 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 316 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 316 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 316 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 315 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 315 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 315 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 314 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 314 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 314 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 313 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 313 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 313 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 312 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 312 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 312 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 311 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 311 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 311 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 310 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 310 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 310 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 309 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 309 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 309 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 308 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 308 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 308 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 307 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 307 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 307 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 306 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 306 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 306 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 305 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 305 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 305 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 304 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 304 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 304 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 303 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 303 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 303 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 302 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 302 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 302 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 301 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 301 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 301 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 300 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 300 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 300 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 299 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 299 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 299 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 298 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 298 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 298 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 297 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 297 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 297 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 296 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 296 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 296 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 295 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 295 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 295 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 294 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 294 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 294 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 293 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 293 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 293 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 292 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 292 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 292 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 291 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 291 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 291 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 290 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 290 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 290 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 289 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 289 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 289 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 288 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 288 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 288 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 287 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 287 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 287 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 286 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 286 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 286 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 285 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 285 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 285 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 284 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 284 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 284 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 283 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 283 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 283 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 282 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 282 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 282 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 281 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 281 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 281 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 280 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 280 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 280 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 279 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 279 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 279 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 278 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 278 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 278 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 277 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 277 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 277 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 276 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 276 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 276 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 275 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 275 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 275 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 274 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 274 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 274 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 273 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 273 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 273 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 272 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 272 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 272 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 271 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 271 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 271 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 270 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 270 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 270 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 269 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 269 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 269 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 268 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 268 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 268 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 267 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 267 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 267 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 266 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 266 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 266 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 265 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 265 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 265 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 264 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 264 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 264 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 263 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 263 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 263 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 262 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 262 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 262 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 261 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 261 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 261 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 260 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 260 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 260 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 259 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 259 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 259 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 258 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 258 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 258 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 257 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 257 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 257 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 256 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 256 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 256 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 255 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 255 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 255 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 254 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 254 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 254 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 253 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 253 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 253 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 252 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 252 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 252 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 251 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 251 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 251 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 250 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 250 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 250 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 249 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 249 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 249 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 248 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 248 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 248 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 247 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 247 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 247 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 246 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 246 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 246 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 245 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 245 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 245 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 244 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 244 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 244 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 243 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 243 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 243 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 242 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 242 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 242 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 241 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 241 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 241 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 240 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 240 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 240 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 239 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 239 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 239 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 238 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 238 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 238 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 237 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 237 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 237 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 236 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 236 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 236 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 235 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 235 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 235 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 234 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 234 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 234 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 233 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 233 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 233 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 232 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 232 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 231 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 231 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 230 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 230 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 229 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 229 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 228 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 228 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 227 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 227 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 226 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 226 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 225 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 225 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 224 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 224 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 223 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 223 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 222 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 222 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 221 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 221 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 220 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 220 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 219 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 219 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 218 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 218 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 217 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 217 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 216 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 216 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 215 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 215 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 214 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 214 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 213 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 213 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 212 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 212 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 211 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 211 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 210 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 210 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 209 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 209 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 208 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 208 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 207 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 207 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 206 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 206 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 205 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 205 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 204 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 204 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 203 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 203 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 202 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 202 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 201 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 201 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 200 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 200 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 199 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 199 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 198 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 198 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 197 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 197 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 196 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 196 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 195 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 195 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 194 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 194 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 193 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 193 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 192 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 192 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 191 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 191 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 190 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 190 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 189 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 189 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 188 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 188 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 187 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 187 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 186 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 186 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 185 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 185 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 184 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 184 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 183 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 183 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 182 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 182 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 181 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 181 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 180 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 180 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 179 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 179 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 178 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 178 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 177 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 177 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 176 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 176 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 175 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 175 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 174 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 174 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 173 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 173 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 172 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 172 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 171 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 171 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 170 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 170 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 169 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 169 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 168 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 168 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 167 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 167 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 166 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 166 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 165 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 165 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 164 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 164 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 163 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 163 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 162 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 162 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 161 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 161 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 160 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 160 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 159 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 159 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 158 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 158 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 157 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 157 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 156 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 156 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 155 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 155 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 154 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 154 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 153 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 153 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 152 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 152 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 151 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 151 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 150 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 150 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 149 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 149 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 148 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 148 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 147 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 147 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 146 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 146 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 145 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 145 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 144 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 144 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 143 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 143 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 142 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 142 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 141 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 141 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 140 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 140 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 139 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 139 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 138 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 138 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 137 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 137 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 136 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 136 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 135 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 135 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 134 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 134 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 133 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 133 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 132 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 132 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 131 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 131 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 130 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 130 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 129 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 129 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 128 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 128 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 127 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 127 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 126 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 126 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 125 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 125 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 124 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 124 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 123 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 123 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 122 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 122 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 121 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 121 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 120 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 120 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 119 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 119 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 118 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 118 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 117 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 117 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 116 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 116 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 115 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 115 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 114 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 114 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 113 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 113 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 112 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 112 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 111 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 111 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 110 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 110 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 109 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 109 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 108 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 108 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 107 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 107 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 106 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 106 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 105 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 105 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 104 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 104 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 103 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 103 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 102 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 102 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 101 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 100 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 100 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 99 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 98 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 98 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 97 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 97 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 96 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 96 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 95 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 95 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 94 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 94 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 93 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 93 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 92 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 92 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 91 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 91 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 90 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 90 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 89 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 89 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 88 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 88 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 87 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 87 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 86 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 86 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 85 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 85 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 84 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 84 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 83 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 83 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 82 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 82 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 81 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 81 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 80 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 80 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 79 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 79 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 78 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 78 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 77 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 77 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 76 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 76 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 75 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 75 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 74 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 74 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 73 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 73 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 72 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 72 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 71 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 71 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 70 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 70 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 69 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 69 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 68 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 68 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 67 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 67 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 66 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 66 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 65 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 65 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 64 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 64 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 63 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 63 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 62 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 62 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 61 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 61 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 60 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 60 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 59 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 59 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 58 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 58 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 57 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 57 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 56 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 56 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 55 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 55 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 54 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 54 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 53 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 53 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 52 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 52 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 51 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 51 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 50 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 50 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 49 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 49 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 48 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 48 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 47 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 47 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 46 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 46 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 45 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 45 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 44 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 44 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 43 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 43 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 42 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 42 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 41 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 41 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 40 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 40 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 39 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 39 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 38 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 38 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 37 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 37 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 36 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 36 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 35 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 35 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 34 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 34 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 33 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 33 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 32 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 32 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 31 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 31 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 30 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 30 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 29 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 29 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 28 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 28 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 27 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 27 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 26 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 26 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 25 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 25 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 24 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 24 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 23 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 23 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 22 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 22 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 21 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 21 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 20 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 20 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 19 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 19 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 18 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 18 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 17 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 17 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 16 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 16 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 15 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 15 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 14 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 14 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 13 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 13 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 12 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 12 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 11 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 11 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 10 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 10 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 9 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 9 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 8 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 8 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 7 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 7 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 6 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 6 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 5 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 5 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 4 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 4 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 3 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 3 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 2 Bottles of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 2 Bottles of Beer!," cr
+." Take one down and pass it around," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall." cr
+." Oh, 1 Bottle of Beer on the wall," cr
+." 1 Bottle of Beer!," cr
+." Take it down and pass it around..." cr
+." How dry I am! How dry I am!" cr
+." No body knows how dry I am." cr
+." How ... Dry I ... Aaaammm." cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/UserMacroErrors.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/UserMacroErrors.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/UserMacroErrors.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\ Test Error-catching for user-defined macros and other new features.
+\ Including: erroneous attempt at recursive macro invocation...
+\ Updated Tue, 17 Jan 2006 at 11:25 PST by David L. Paktor
+[macro] lookma
+[macro] lookpa .( Hey, Pa! Hands! HaHa! )
+[macro] heylookmeover .( What's clover?) \ It's money, honey!
+[macro] lookout .( Look out, look out look out!
+[macro] f[looknoquote f[ ." I forgot
+#message Are you ready?
+alias foop dup
+overload [macro] dup #message" Faking a DUP here" foop
+f[looknoquote ]f
+: whatzit
+ heylookmeover
+ dup
+ to heylookmeover
+ dup
+ to 2+
+ a#
+#message Here comes a little bit of macro recursion.
+[macro] foop #message" It's a call to dup, but which one?" dup
+: now-what?
+ #message Don't try this at home, kids...
+ dup
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\ fload errtestcase1.fth
+: girasffe ( a bd ce -- )
+ begin
+ { fee fie ; fo fum }
+ fee fie + -> fo
+ fee fie - -> fum
+ fum fee <>
+ fum fee = or
+ until
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/errtest2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+\ fload errtestcase2.fth
+: gorilla ( a b c -- ?? )
+ dup if
+ { fee fie ; fo fum }
+ fee fie + -> fo
+ fee fie - -> fum
+ then
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/testLocDevSupG.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/testLocDevSupG.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokeErrs/testLocDevSupG.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\ Test whether the Local-Values Support file will tokeniz ok
+\ with a Global setting -- and an error.
+\ Updated Mon, 23 Jan 2006 at 18:50 PST by David L. Paktor
+h# 30 constant _local-storage-size_
+\ Ooopsie!
+\ That's not the same scope as where LocalValuesSupport.fth will look for it!
+instance variable gumbage
+instance variable guggley
+instance variable burglar
+instance variable hot-dog
+: update " Updated Mon, 23 Jan 2006 at 18:50 PST by David L. Paktor" ;
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+fload LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth
+: downdate ['] update catch ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/GlobalLocalValues.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/GlobalLocalValues.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/GlobalLocalValues.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ Load Locals Support under Global-Definitions. Bypass Instance warning
+\ Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 at 14:47 PST by David L. Paktor
+\ Make sure this option is turned on.
+[flag] Local-Values
+\ Bypass warning about Instance without altering LocalValuesSupport file
+alias generic-instance instance
+[macro] bypass-instance f[ noop .( Bypassed instance!) f]
+overload alias instance bypass-instance
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+\ Replace normal meaning of Instance, still in Global scope.
+overload alias instance generic-instance
+\ Restore Device-Definitions scope.
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+\ SupportedLocalTest.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor
+hex 20 drop
+decimal 32 drop
+octal 40 drop
+o# 40 40 2drop
+d# 32 32 2drop
+h# 20 20 2drop
+d# 32 constant _local-storage-size_
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: faber ( n3 n2 n1 -- alloc-addr size $addr,len )
+ { _otter _weasel _skunk ; _muskrat _mole }
+ \ _otter is initialized with the value of n3
+ \ _weasel is initialized with the value of n2
+ \ _skunk is initialized with the value of n1
+ \ _muskrat and _mole are uninitialized
+ \ Use n1 to determine an amount of memory to allocate, and
+ \ stuff the address into _mole
+ _skunk 40 * -> _muskrat
+ _muskrat alloc-mem -> _mole
+ _weasel .h type
+ _otter .d type
+ _mole _muskrat _mole count
+: miracle ( n3 n2 n1 -- m3 m2 m1 )
+ { _curly _larry _moe | _shemp _besser _joe }
+ ." Nyuk! " _curly .h cr
+ ." Why, you... " _moe .d cr
+ ." Ouch! " _larry .
+ _curly _moe + -> _shemp
+ _larry _moe + -> _besser
+ _besser _curly + -> _joe
+ _joe _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _moe _larry 8 faber type free-mem
+ _curly _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _larry _shemp
+: ordinary ( -- )
+ 123 456 789 miracle
+fload SupportedLocalTest2.fth
+h# ordinary
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ SupportedLocalTest2.fth
+\ Updated Fri, 18 Mar 2005 at 14:47 by David L. Paktor
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { _harpo _chico \
+ _groucho _zeppo }
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico _zeppo +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
+: coconuts ( m1 m2 -- m3 m4 m5 )
+ { ( No initted locals ) ; q \ Try a one-character name
+ _gummo \ The little-known Marx brother
+ _karl \ Was he part of the comedy act, too?
+ }
+ 2dup < if swap then
+ 2dup / -> _gummo
+ 2dup - -> _karl
+ * -> q
+ _karl _gummo q
+: spaulding ( x y -- u v w ){ _lfn _pjs | _ill _never _know }
+ _pjs _lfn - -> _never
+ _never _pjs * -> _ill
+ _ill _lfn / -> _know
+ _ill _never _know
+ ;
+: dumont ( a b -- c )
+ { _dont _ask
+ | _why }
+ _ask _dont / -> _why
+ _why _ask - _dont *
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest3.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest3.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest3.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+\ SupportedLocalTest3.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor
+d# 32 constant _local-storage-size_
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: ducksoup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- m1 m2 )
+ { _harpo _chico _groucho | _zeppo _karl }
+ _groucho _harpo *
+ _chico +
+ _groucho _zeppo = if swap exit then
+ _groucho + swap _zeppo +
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest4.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest4.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/SupportedLocalTest4.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ SupportedLocalTest4.fth
+\ Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor
+hex 20 drop
+decimal 32 drop
+octal 40 drop
+o# 40 40 2drop
+d# 32 32 2drop
+h# 20 20 2drop
+d# 32 constant _local-storage-size_
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: faber ( m4 m3 n2 n1 n0 -- alloc-addr size $addr,len )
+ { _otter \ _otter is initialized with the value of n2
+ _weasel \ _weasel is initialized with the value of n1
+ _skunk \ _skunk is initialized with the value of n0
+ \ It will be used to determine
+ \ an amount of memory to allocate
+ ( Vertical Bar ends the group of Initialized Locals ) | ( m3 and m4 stay on the stack )
+ \ These are uninitialized:
+ _muskrat \ final size of the allocation
+ _mole \ address of the allocated memory
+ }
+ _skunk 40 * -> _muskrat
+ _muskrat alloc-mem -> _mole
+ _weasel .h type
+ _otter .d type
+ _mole _muskrat _mole count
+: miracle ( n3 n2 n1 -- m3 m2 m1 )
+ { _curly _larry _moe | _shemp _besser _joe }
+ ." Nyuk! " _curly .h cr
+ ." Why, you... " _moe .d cr
+ ." Ouch! " _larry .
+ _curly _moe + -> _shemp
+ _larry _moe + -> _besser
+ _besser _curly + -> _joe
+ _joe _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _moe _larry 8 faber type free-mem
+ _curly _besser 8 faber type free-mem
+ _larry _shemp
+: ordinary ( -- )
+ 123 456 789 miracle
+h# ordinary
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/TestArgs
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/TestArgs (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/TestArgs 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Automated Test Arguments file for TokoLoco category
+# (That's short for "Tokenizer Locals")
+# Valid lines have four comma-separated fields:
+# Test-file base-name
+# Result-file label
+# Extra command-line switches
+# A script-command with arguments (but no commas).
+# Lines that have no label, no switches, and no script
+# do not need any commas.
+# All files in this category need the -f Local-Values switch
+# Some will have additional variants.
+# Updated Mon, 20 Mar 2006 at 11:18 PST by David L. Paktor
+testNest , , -f Local-Values -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest , , -f LOCAL-Values -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest3 , , -f Local-VALUES -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest4 , , -f Local-Values -l -I. -I..
+testDevelSupport , , -f local-values -I. -I..
+# Additional variants:
+SupportedLocalTest , nodupwrn , -f Local-VALUES -f NOWarn-if-DUPLicate -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest , nolegacy , -f LoCAL-VALUes -f NoLV-Legacy-Separator -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest , nolgcmsg , -f Local-ValUES -f NOLV-LEGAcy-Message -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest , nolocals , -i -f noLocal-Values -l -I. -I..
+SupportedLocalTest3 , DefLocStgSiz , -f Local-VALUes -d '_loCAL-STORagE-SIZe_=h# 42' -l -I. -I..
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testCatch.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testCatch.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testCatch.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+\ testcase3.fth
+\ Updated Wed 2 Mar 2005 at 09:54 by David L. Paktor
+marker fuggedaboudit
+: foobar ( n3 n2 n1 -- m1 )
+ { _eenie _meany _miney ; _moe }
+ ." Eenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." Meany = " _meany . cr
+ ." Miney = " _miney . cr
+ _meany _miney + _eenie * -> _moe
+ " throw" confirmed? cr throw
+ ." Moe = " _moe . cr
+ _moe
+: goobar ( n3 n2 n1 -- m1 )
+ { _eenie _meany _miney ; _moe }
+ ." GEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." GMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." GMiney = " _miney . cr
+ _meany 2* _eenie 2* _miney 2* foobar 10 + -> _moe
+ ." GEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." GMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." GMiney = " _miney . cr
+ ." GMoe = " _moe . cr
+ _moe
+: loobar ( n3 n2 n1 -- m1 )
+ { _eenie _meany _miney ; _moe }
+ ." LEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." LMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." LMiney = " _miney . cr
+ _miney 2* _meany 2* _eenie 2* goobar 10 + -> _moe
+ ." LEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." LMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." LMiney = " _miney . cr
+ ." LMoe = " _moe . cr
+ _moe
+: hoobar ( n3 n2 n1 -- m1 )
+ { _eenie _meany _miney ; _moe }
+ ." HEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." HMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." HMiney = " _miney . cr
+ _eenie 2* _miney 2* _meany 2* loobar 10 + -> _moe
+ ." HEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." HMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." HMiney = " _miney . cr
+ ." HMoe = " _moe . cr
+ _moe
+: poobar ( n3 n2 n1 -- m1 )
+ { _eenie _meany _miney ; _moe }
+ ." PEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." PMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." PMiney = " _miney . cr
+ _miney 2* _meany 2* _eenie 2*
+ ['] hoobar catch if
+ ." Caught" 3drop false
+ else 10 + -> _moe true
+ then cr
+ ." PEenie = " _eenie . cr
+ ." PMeany = " _meany . cr
+ ." PMiney = " _miney . cr
+ if
+ ." PMoe = " _moe . cr _moe
+ else 0
+ then cr
+: ordinary ( -- )
+ 123 456 789 poobar
+ .s cr
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testDevelSupport.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testDevelSupport.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testDevelSupport.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\ Test whether the Local-Values Support file will tokenize ok.
+\ Updated Sat, 12 Mar 2005 at 23:18 by David L. Paktor
+h# 30 constant _local-storage-size_
+instance variable gumbage
+instance variable guggley
+instance variable burglar
+instance variable hot-dog
+: update " Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor" ;
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+fload LocalValuesDevelSupport.fth
+: downdate ['] update catch ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+\ It seems that fload nesting diddent werk rite.
+\ Let's see just how bad it was...
+\ I fixed assigning FCode numbers, but not nesting
+\ Seemed it diddent nest more than one deep...
+\ Did I fix it?
+\ Yeah. It was an artifact of an error in the test sequence...
+instance variable happy
+instance variable grumpy
+instance variable sleepy
+fload testNest1.fth
+: whatsit0ya ( -- )
+ whatsit1ya
+ ." Happy is " happy @ .
+ ." Grumpy is " grumpy @ .
+ ." Sleepy is " sleepy @ .
+ ['] downdate catch
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest1.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest1.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest1.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+instance variable sneezy
+instance variable bashful
+instance variable dopey
+fload testNest2.fth
+: whatsit1ya ( -- )
+ whatsit2ya
+ ." Sneezy is " sneezy @ .
+ ." Bashful is " bashful @ .
+ ." Dopey is " dopey @ .
+ ['] downdate catch
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest2.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest2.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest2.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+instance variable and_doc
+instance variable crappy
+instance variable dumpy
+fload testNest3.fth
+: whatsit2ya ( -- )
+ whatsit3ya
+ ." And_doc is " and_doc @ .
+ ." Crappy is " crappy @ .
+ ." Dumpy is " dumpy @ .
+ ['] downdate catch
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest3.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest3.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testNest3.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+h# 30 constant _local-storage-size_
+instance variable sleazy
+instance variable cheapy
+instance variable scruffy
+: update " Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor" ;
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: downdate ['] update catch ;
+: whatsit3ya ( -- )
+ ." Sleazy is " sleazy @ .
+ ." Cheapy is " cheapy @ .
+ ." Scruffy is " scruffy @ .
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testSupport.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testSupport.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TokoLoco/testSupport.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+\ Test whether the Local-Values Support file will tokenize ok.
+h# 30 constant _local-storage-size_
+instance variable gumbage
+instance variable guggley
+instance variable burglar
+instance variable hot-dog
+: update " Updated Thu, 29 Sep 2005 at 11:34 PDT by David L. Paktor" ;
+fload LocalValuesSupport.fth
+: downdate ['] update catch ;
Added: fcode-utils/testsuite/TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth
--- fcode-utils/testsuite/TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth (rev 0)
+++ fcode-utils/testsuite/TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth 2006-10-14 20:31:53 UTC (rev 91)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../../LocalValues/TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: fcode-utils/testsuite/TotalLocalValuesSupport.fth
Name: svn:special
+ *