On 1/20/10 9:11 PM, Joseph Smith wrote:
/dev/zero -L ./bios SerialICE: Open connection to target hardware... SerialICE: Waiting for handshake with target... target alife! SerialICE: LUA init... SerialICE: Starting LUA script SerialICE: Registering physical memory areas for Cache-As-Ram: Registering physical memory at 0xffd80000 (0x00080000 bytes) Registering physical memory at 0xffbc0000 (0x00040000 bytes) SerialICE: LUA script initialized. VNC server running on `' IO: outb 0080 <= 00 IO: outb 002e <= 55 IO: outb 002e <= 07 IO: outb 002f <= 07 IO: outb 002e <= 30 IO: outb 002f <= 01 IO: outb 002e <= aa IO: inb 0064 => 00 IO: outb 0064 <= 60 IO: outb 0060 <= 45 IO: outb 0080 <= 08 CPU: CPUID eax: 00000000; ecx: 00000000 => 00000002.756e6547.6c65746e.49656e69 CPU: CPUID eax: 00000000; ecx: 6c65746e => 00000002.756e6547.6c65746e.49656e69 Failed to run function SerialICE_msr_read_filter: serialice.lua:474: bad argument #2 to 'band' (number expected, got nil) [root@smitty2 qemu-0.11.0]#
Any ideas?
Yes. Something is severely wrong with your SerialICE. Start from scratch with a fresh checkout and use the Qemu in the tree instead of the patch.