Hello, I was wondering if we could add some distro notes to the website for reference.
Installation on Fedora Core 11 x86_64 -------------------------------------
1. SerialICE builds fine.
2. For Lua you need to: in lua-5.1.4/src/Makefile change this line CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall $(MYCFLAGS) to CFLAGS= -O2 -Wall -fPIC $(MYCFLAGS)
3. bitlib builds fine with change to Lua.
4. For qemu you need to: in qemu-0.11.0/build.sh change this line ./configure --disable-kvm --disable-sdl --enable-serialice \ to ./configure --disable-kvm --disable-sdl --enable-serialice --extra-ldflags=-lm \
Hopefully this will help others.