Author: wmb
Date: 2009-11-29 20:58:20 +0100 (Sun, 29 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 1525
Checked in xmodem-reflash.fth . It can be downloaded serially to
provide a reflash-over-serial capability.
Added: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/xmodem-reflash.fth
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/xmodem-reflash.fth (rev 0)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/xmodem-reflash.fth 2009-11-29 19:58:20 UTC (rev 1525)
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+\ See license at end of file
+purpose: Reflash OLPC Open Firmware using XMODEM serial download for the image
+\ Interface definitions to splice xmodem into Open Firmware
+true value serial-on?
+: serial-off ( -- )
+ serial-on? if
+ fallback-in-ih remove-input
+ fallback-out-ih remove-output
+ false to serial-on?
+ then
+: serial-on ( -- )
+ serial-on? 0= if
+ fallback-in-ih add-input
+ fallback-out-ih add-output
+ true to serial-on?
+ then
+\ alias m-key? ukey?
+alias m-key ukey
+alias m-emit uemit
+: m-init ( -- )
+ h# 07 h# 3fa pc! \ Clear and enable FIFOs
+ h# 80 h# 3fb pc! \ Select baud divisor port
+ h# 00 h# 3f9 pc! \ High divisor for 115200 baud
+ h# 01 h# 3f8 pc! \ Low divisor for 115200 baud
+ h# 3 h# 3fb pc! \ 8n1
+\ : panel-button? ( -- flag ) key? ;
+: panel-button? ( -- flag ) false ; \ We don't want to abort
+: panel-d. ( n -- )
+ #out @ >r
+ push-decimal
+ <# u# u# u# ( bs hold bs hold bs hold ) u#> type
+ pop-base
+ r> #out !
+: panel-msg: create ", does> count type ;
+" Abort" panel-msg: abrt-msg \ Abrt
+" Cancel" panel-msg: can-msg \ CAn
+: crc-msg ; \ " Xmodem-CRC" panel-msg: crc-msg \ crc
+: done-msg ; \ " Done" panel-msg: done-msg \ donE
+" Timeout" panel-msg: timeout-msg \ tout
+" "rr " panel-msg: r0-msg \ Start of packet
+" "rR " panel-msg: r1-msg \ Start of packet big
+" " panel-msg: r2-msg \ Inside try-receive
+" Error" panel-msg: giveup-msg \ Err
+" Loading diags " panel-msg: upld-msg \ UPLd
+" OF" panel-msg: of-msg \ OF
+: bogus-char ( c -- ) ." Bogus: " .x ;
+: ignore-char ( c -- ) ." Ignoring: " .x ;
+: ms>ticks ( ms -- ticks ) ;
+variable timer-init
+: timed-in ( -- true | char false ) \ get a character unless timeout
+ get-msecs timer-init @ + ( time-limit )
+ begin ( time-limit )
+ ukey? if drop ukey false exit then ( time-limit )
+ dup get-msecs - 0< until
+ drop true
+\ ---
+\ CRC-16 table
+base @ hex
+create crc16tab
+ 0000 w, 1021 w, 2042 w, 3063 w, 4084 w, 50a5 w, 60c6 w, 70e7 w,
+ 8108 w, 9129 w, a14a w, b16b w, c18c w, d1ad w, e1ce w, f1ef w,
+ 1231 w, 0210 w, 3273 w, 2252 w, 52b5 w, 4294 w, 72f7 w, 62d6 w,
+ 9339 w, 8318 w, b37b w, a35a w, d3bd w, c39c w, f3ff w, e3de w,
+ 2462 w, 3443 w, 0420 w, 1401 w, 64e6 w, 74c7 w, 44a4 w, 5485 w,
+ a56a w, b54b w, 8528 w, 9509 w, e5ee w, f5cf w, c5ac w, d58d w,
+ 3653 w, 2672 w, 1611 w, 0630 w, 76d7 w, 66f6 w, 5695 w, 46b4 w,
+ b75b w, a77a w, 9719 w, 8738 w, f7df w, e7fe w, d79d w, c7bc w,
+ 48c4 w, 58e5 w, 6886 w, 78a7 w, 0840 w, 1861 w, 2802 w, 3823 w,
+ c9cc w, d9ed w, e98e w, f9af w, 8948 w, 9969 w, a90a w, b92b w,
+ 5af5 w, 4ad4 w, 7ab7 w, 6a96 w, 1a71 w, 0a50 w, 3a33 w, 2a12 w,
+ dbfd w, cbdc w, fbbf w, eb9e w, 9b79 w, 8b58 w, bb3b w, ab1a w,
+ 6ca6 w, 7c87 w, 4ce4 w, 5cc5 w, 2c22 w, 3c03 w, 0c60 w, 1c41 w,
+ edae w, fd8f w, cdec w, ddcd w, ad2a w, bd0b w, 8d68 w, 9d49 w,
+ 7e97 w, 6eb6 w, 5ed5 w, 4ef4 w, 3e13 w, 2e32 w, 1e51 w, 0e70 w,
+ ff9f w, efbe w, dfdd w, cffc w, bf1b w, af3a w, 9f59 w, 8f78 w,
+ 9188 w, 81a9 w, b1ca w, a1eb w, d10c w, c12d w, f14e w, e16f w,
+ 1080 w, 00a1 w, 30c2 w, 20e3 w, 5004 w, 4025 w, 7046 w, 6067 w,
+ 83b9 w, 9398 w, a3fb w, b3da w, c33d w, d31c w, e37f w, f35e w,
+ 02b1 w, 1290 w, 22f3 w, 32d2 w, 4235 w, 5214 w, 6277 w, 7256 w,
+ b5ea w, a5cb w, 95a8 w, 8589 w, f56e w, e54f w, d52c w, c50d w,
+ 34e2 w, 24c3 w, 14a0 w, 0481 w, 7466 w, 6447 w, 5424 w, 4405 w,
+ a7db w, b7fa w, 8799 w, 97b8 w, e75f w, f77e w, c71d w, d73c w,
+ 26d3 w, 36f2 w, 0691 w, 16b0 w, 6657 w, 7676 w, 4615 w, 5634 w,
+ d94c w, c96d w, f90e w, e92f w, 99c8 w, 89e9 w, b98a w, a9ab w,
+ 5844 w, 4865 w, 7806 w, 6827 w, 18c0 w, 08e1 w, 3882 w, 28a3 w,
+ cb7d w, db5c w, eb3f w, fb1e w, 8bf9 w, 9bd8 w, abbb w, bb9a w,
+ 4a75 w, 5a54 w, 6a37 w, 7a16 w, 0af1 w, 1ad0 w, 2ab3 w, 3a92 w,
+ fd2e w, ed0f w, dd6c w, cd4d w, bdaa w, ad8b w, 9de8 w, 8dc9 w,
+ 7c26 w, 6c07 w, 5c64 w, 4c45 w, 3ca2 w, 2c83 w, 1ce0 w, 0cc1 w,
+ ef1f w, ff3e w, cf5d w, df7c w, af9b w, bfba w, 8fd9 w, 9ff8 w,
+ 6e17 w, 7e36 w, 4e55 w, 5e74 w, 2e93 w, 3eb2 w, 0ed1 w, 1ef0 w,
+base !
+: updcrc ( crc c -- crc' c )
+ dup rot ( c c crc )
+ wbsplit >r ( c c low r: high )
+ bwjoin ( c low|c r: high )
+ crc16tab r> wa+ w@ ( c low|c table-entry )
+ xor swap ( crc' c )
+: crc-send ( crc adr len -- crc' )
+ bounds ?do i c@ updcrc m-emit loop
+\ Assumes 0<len<64K
+: crc-receive ( crc adr len timeout -- true | crc' false )
+ timer-init !
+ bounds ?do timed-in if drop true unloop exit then i c! loop
+: checksum-send ( sum adr len -- sum' )
+ bounds ?do i c@ dup m-emit + loop
+\ ---
+purpose: X/YMODEM protocol for serial uploads and downloads
+\ Xmodem protocol file transfer to and from memory
+\ Commands:
+\ send ( adr len -- )
+\ receive ( adr maxlen -- adr len )
+\ Interface to the serial line:
+\ m-key? -- flag
+\ Flag is true if a character is available on the serial line
+\ m-key -- char
+\ Gets a character from the serial line
+\ m-emit char --
+\ Puts the character out on the serial line.
+variable buf-start
+variable buf-end
+variable mem-start
+variable mem-end
+: putc ( char -- ) buf-start @ c! 1 buf-start +! ;
+: end-delay ( -- ) d# 200 ms ;
+vocabulary modem
+only forth also modem also modem definitions
+base @ decimal
+\ Common to both sending and receiving
+0 value crc? 0 value big? \ 0 value streaming?
+variable #control-z's
+d# 128 constant 128by
+d# 1024 constant 1k
+variable sector#
+variable checksum
+variable #errors 4 constant max#errors variable #naks
+: /sector ( -- n ) big? if 1k else 128by then ;
+\ ASCII control characters
+ 0 constant nul
+ 1 constant soh \ Start of header; 128-byte packets
+ 2 constant stx \ Start of header; 1024-byte packets
+ 4 constant eot
+ 6 constant ack
+d# 21 constant nak
+d# 24 constant can
+: timeout! ( ms -- ) ms>ticks timer-init ! ;
+: timeout: \ name ( milliseconds -- )
+ create ,
+ does> @ timeout!
+d# 3000 timeout: short-timeout d# 6000 timeout: long-timeout
+d# 60,000 timeout: initial-timeout
+: gobble ( -- ) \ eat characters until they stop coming
+ d# 100 timeout! begin timed-in 0= while drop repeat long-timeout
+variable done?
+: rx-abort ( -- ) end-delay 2 done? ! ;
+: tx-abort ( -- ) end-delay 2 done? ! true abort" aborted" ;
+\ It would be nice to use control C, but some operating systems don't pass it
+: ?interrupt ( -- ) \ aborts if user types control Z
+ panel-button? if can m-emit abrt-msg tx-abort then
+\ Receiving
+: receive-setup ( adr maxlen -- )
+ 1 sector# ! #naks off #control-z's off
+: receive-error ( -- ) \ eat rest of packet and send a nak
+ gobble
+ 1 #naks +! #naks @ max#errors > if
+ can m-emit giveup-msg rx-abort
+ then
+ nak m-emit
+: receive-data ( adr len -- error? )
+ 0 -rot bounds ( chk endadr startadr )
+ crc? if ( crc endadr startadr )
+ ?do timed-in throw updcrc i c! loop ( crc )
+ timed-in throw timed-in throw ( crc high low )
+ swap bwjoin <> ( error? )
+ else ( sum endadr startadr )
+ ?do timed-in throw dup i c! + loop ( sum )
+ h# ff and timed-in throw <> ( error? )
+ then ( error? )
+variable got-sector#
+: try-receive ( adr maxlen -- adr maxlen actual-len )
+ ( packet OK return: none )
+ ( retry return: throws -1 )
+ ( done return: throws 1 )
+ ( abort return: throws 2 )
+\ begin
+ timed-in throw
+ case
+ soh of false to big? r0-msg endof \ expected...
+ stx of true to big? r1-msg endof \ expected...
+ -1 of timeout-msg -1 throw endof
+ nul of 1 throw endof \ XXX check this
+ can of can-msg 2 throw endof
+ eot of done-msg ack m-emit 1 throw endof
+ ( default) bogus-char -1 throw
+ endcase ( adr maxlen )
+\ again
+ /sector < if 2 throw then ( adr )
+ timed-in throw ( adr sec# )
+ timed-in throw ( adr sec# ~sec# )
+ h# ff xor over <> throw ( adr sec# )
+ got-sector# ! ( adr )
+ /sector receive-data throw ( )
+ ack m-emit
+ sector# @ panel-d.
+ 1 sector# +! \ Expected sector#
+ #naks off
+ /sector ( actual )
+: !receive-packet ( adr maxlen -- adr maxlen actual-len )
+ r2-msg
+ begin ( adr maxlen )
+ 2dup ['] try-receive catch case ( adr maxlen [ actual 0 | x x n ] )
+ \ The usual case: successful packet reception
+ 0 of ( adr maxlen actual-len ) exit endof
+ ?interrupt
+ \ Retryable error
+ -1 of ( adr maxlen x x ) 2drop receive-error endof
+ \ Handle termination conditions at a higher level
+ ( default: adr maxlen x x n ) throw
+ endcase ( adr maxlen )
+ again
+: (receive) ( adr0 maxlen -- adr0 len )
+ receive-setup ( adr0 maxlen )
+ gobble nak m-emit ( adr0 maxlen )
+ 2dup ( adr0 maxlen adr0 maxlen )
+ begin dup 0> while ( adr0 maxlen adr remlen )
+ ['] !receive-packet catch case
+ 0 of ( adr0 maxlen adr remlen actual-len ) \ Packet ok
+ /string ( adr0 maxlen adr' remlen' )
+ endof
+ 1 of ( adr0 maxlen adr remlen ) \ Normal end of transmission
+ nip - exit ( adr0 len )
+ endof
+ ( default ) can m-emit abrt-msg throw
+ endcase
+ repeat ( adr0 maxlen adr remlen )
+ can m-emit of-msg end-delay ( adr0 maxlen adr remlen )
+ nip - ( adr0 len )
+\ Sending
+modem definitions
+: bail-out ( -- ) can m-emit giveup-msg tx-abort ;
+: wait-ack ( -- proceed? ) \ wait for ack or can
+[ifdef] streaming? \ YMODEM-g
+ streaming? if
+ m-key? if m-key can = if bail-out then then
+ true exit
+ then
+ #errors off
+ begin
+ ?interrupt
+ timed-in if
+ 1 #errors +! #errors @ max#errors > if bail-out then
+ timeout-msg false exit
+ then
+ case
+ ack of #naks off true exit endof
+ can of can-msg tx-abort endof
+ nak of
+ 1 #naks +! #naks @ max#errors > if bail-out then
+ false exit
+ endof
+ \ If we get a C, restart
+ [char] C of sector# @ 1 <> if [char] C bogus-char then endof
+ ( default) dup bogus-char
+ endcase
+ again
+: start-receiver ( -- ) \ wait for nak
+ gobble
+ upld-msg
+ sector# off
+ #naks off false to crc?
+ initial-timeout
+ begin
+ timed-in if timeout-msg tx-abort exit then
+ case
+ can of can-msg tx-abort endof
+ nak of true endof
+ [char] C of true to crc? crc-msg true endof
+[ifdef] streaming?
+ [char] G of true to streaming? true to crc? true endof
+ nul of false endof \ Startup transients generate nulls
+ ( default) dup ignore-char false swap
+ endcase
+ until
+ gobble long-timeout
+: pad ( -- b ) control Z sector# @ 0<> and ;
+\ Send without confirmation
+: send-packet ( adr len big? -- )
+ if 1k stx else 128by soh then ( adr len /sec start )
+ m-emit ( adr len /sec )
+ \ Sector number
+ sector# @ dup m-emit h# ff xor m-emit ( adr len /sec )
+ over - 0 2swap ( #pad 0 adr len )
+ crc? if ( #pad 0 adr len )
+ crc-send ( #pad crc )
+ swap 0 ?do pad updcrc m-emit loop ( crc' )
+ 0 updcrc updcrc drop ( crc' )
+ wbsplit m-emit m-emit ( )
+ else ( #pad 0 adr len )
+ checksum-send ( #pad sum )
+ swap 0 ?do pad dup m-emit + loop ( sum' )
+ m-emit ( )
+ then ( )
+\ Send until delivery confirmed
+: deliver-packet ( adr len big? -- )
+ sector# @ panel-d.
+ begin 3dup send-packet wait-ack until
+ 3drop
+: end-data ( -- )
+ begin eot m-emit wait-ack until \ End the protocol
+ done-msg end-delay
+: sx ( adr len -- )
+ m-init
+ start-receiver ( adr len )
+ begin dup 0> while ( adr len )
+ 1 sector# +! ( adr len )
+ 2dup /sector min ( adr len adr /this )
+ tuck big? deliver-packet ( adr len /this )
+ /string ( adr' len' )
+ repeat ( adr len )
+ 2drop ( )
+ end-data
+\ Info format:
+\ <filename>NUL<decimal_size>[[ <decimal_modtime>] <octal_permsissions.]NUL...
+: send-file ( adr len name$ -- )
+ m-init
+ start-receiver
+ here place ( adr len )
+ " "(00)" here $cat ( adr len )
+ push-decimal dup (.) pop-base ( adr len len$ )
+ here $cat here count ( adr len batch$ )
+ false deliver-packet ( adr len )
+ sx
+: sb-end ( -- ) start-receiver " "(00)" false deliver-packet end-delay ;
+: sb ( adr len name$ -- ) send-file sb-end ;
+forth definitions
+alias sx sx
+: xmodem-receive ( adr maxlen -- adr len )
+ serial-off cursor-off
+ ['] (receive) catch ( adr maxlen throw-code )
+ serial-on cursor-on ( adr maxlen throw-code )
+ abort" XMODEM reception aborted"
+: xmodem-reflash ( -- )
+ ?enough-power
+ ." Send the firmware image using the XMODEM (Checksum) protocol" cr
+ flash-buf /flash xmodem-receive nip ( actual-len )
+ ?image-valid true to file-loaded?
+ reflash
+.( Type 'xmodem-reflash' to begin XMODEM reception) cr
+only forth also definitions
+base !
+\ Copyright (c) 2009 FirmWorks
+\ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+\ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+\ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+\ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+\ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+\ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+\ the following conditions:
+\ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+\ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.