Andrea wrote:
Dear OFW developers,
I've found that inside
it seem there is the Forth code to program an LPC Flash.
I try to use it (like on OLPC) but I have the following undefines:
./build neptune.rom --- ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/neptune/devices.fth is newer than the target file fw.img --- Rebuilding fw.img --- Cmd: /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/x86forth /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/build/basefw.dic ../fw.bth
${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:57: ?file ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:68: /flash ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:70: flash-buf ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:74: get-file ? --- Saving fw.dic ... --- Saving fw.img ... --- fw.img is newer than the target file neptune.rom --- Rebuilding neptune.rom --- Cmd: /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/forth /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/../build/builder.dic ../neptune.bth --- Saving as neptune.rom - Direct ROM format
As far as I understand this are dependency that are declared inside:
(due the fact that on OLPC LPC flash is an SPI flash connected via KB3700, correct me if I'm wrong)
Can this lpcflash.fth device be used for a "standard" LPC flash too? or it's only some kind of "wrapper" for the OLPC's SPI flash?
It can be used for standard LPC FLASH. The shared functions are related to the "user interface" task of first getting an image file into memory. Those functions could be factored out into a separate file for sharing without having to load the SPI FLASH module, but might as well be reimplemented, because the details of the OLPC image integrity checks don't necessarily apply to other platforms.
?file - complains if a file hasn't been loaded yet /flash - constant returning the size of the FLASH chip flash-buf - address of a buffer to hold the image prior to flashing get-file - read image file from disk or whatever and perform integrity checks
Thanks in advance and best regards,