Dear OFW developers,
I've found that inside
it seem there is the Forth code to program an LPC Flash.
I try to use it (like on OLPC) but I have the following undefines:
./build neptune.rom --- ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/neptune/devices.fth is newer than the target file fw.img --- Rebuilding fw.img --- Cmd: /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/x86forth /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/build/basefw.dic ../fw.bth
${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:57: ?file ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:68: /flash ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:70: flash-buf ? ${BP}/dev/geode/lpcflash.fth:74: get-file ? --- Saving fw.dic ... --- Saving fw.img ... --- fw.img is newer than the target file neptune.rom --- Rebuilding neptune.rom --- Cmd: /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/forth /home/shared/devel/neptune/sw/ofw/openfirmware.git/cpu/x86/Linux/../build/builder.dic ../neptune.bth --- Saving as neptune.rom - Direct ROM format
As far as I understand this are dependency that are declared inside:
(due the fact that on OLPC LPC flash is an SPI flash connected via KB3700, correct me if I'm wrong)
Can this lpcflash.fth device be used for a "standard" LPC flash too? or it's only some kind of "wrapper" for the OLPC's SPI flash?
Thanks in advance and best regards,