Andrea wrote:
Dear OFW Gurus,
I (think I) am stuck in MMU setup on a Geode LX based board.
I've added a second LPC flash on it (IDSEL=1) but cannot access it (eg. to read manufacturer and device ID) due "page fault" error:
ok FFAC0000 rw@ Page Fault ok
While I can access IDSEL=0 flash:
ok FFBC0000 rw@ . ffff \BTW: manuf. and device ID have no mean here (this is not a real LPC flash..) ok
I can access this range of memory when CPU is just out of reset (with a JTAG interface), so hardware should be ok.
Any clue in how to add the required range on MMU map for my platform in OFW? (if this is the source of the fault of course)
TIA and best regards,