Author: quozl
Date: Tue Nov 1 06:37:37 2011
New Revision: 2661
OLPC XO-1.75 - wait for data to be available at the accelerometer before reading it. Side effect of doubling test time to five seconds. Removes some positional jitter in roller caused by the low and high bytes being from different samples.
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Tue Nov 1 06:32:03 2011 (r2660)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Tue Nov 1 06:37:37 2011 (r2661)
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
: accelerometer-off ( -- ) h# 07 ctl1! ;
: wext ( b -- n ) dup h# 8000 and if h# ffff0000 or then ;
: acceleration@ ( -- x y z )
+ begin h# 27 acc-reg@ h# 08 and until \ wait for data available
h# 28 acc-reg@ h# 29 acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
h# 2a acc-reg@ h# 2b acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
h# 2c acc-reg@ h# 2d acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
Author: quozl
Date: Tue Nov 1 06:32:03 2011
New Revision: 2660
OLPC XO-1.75 - use fast mode (400 kHz i2c) to communicate with new accelerometer.
Modified: cpu/arm/mmp2/twsi.fth
--- cpu/arm/mmp2/twsi.fth Tue Nov 1 06:29:32 2011 (r2659)
+++ cpu/arm/mmp2/twsi.fth Tue Nov 1 06:32:03 2011 (r2660)
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
h# 1000 constant BBU_TWSI_TimeOut \ TWSI bus timeout loop counter value
-bbu_ICR_IUE bbu_ICR_SCLE or constant iue+scle
+bbu_ICR_IUE bbu_ICR_SCLE or value cr-set \ bits to maintain as set
: init-twsi-channel ( channel# -- )
7 clock-reg io! 3 clock-reg io! \ Set then clear reset bit
1 us
- iue+scle bbu_ICR_UR or cr! \ Reset the unit
- iue+scle cr! \ Release the reset
+ cr-set bbu_ICR_UR or cr! \ Reset the unit
+ cr-set cr! \ Release the reset
0 sar! \ Set host slave address
0 cr! \ Disable interrupts
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
: twsi-run ( extra-flags -- )
- iue+scle or bbu_ICR_TB or cr! ( )
+ cr-set or bbu_ICR_TB or cr! ( )
h# 1000 0 do
cr@ bbu_ICR_TB and 0= if unloop exit then
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
bbu_ICR_START twsi-putbyte ( )
sr@ bbu_ISR_BED and if ( )
bbu_ISR_BED sr! ( )
- iue+scle bbu_ICR_MA or cr! ( )
+ cr-set bbu_ICR_MA or cr! ( )
true abort" TWSI bus error"
then ( )
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
\ If no result data requested, quit now
r@ 0= if ( r: #data-bytes )
r> drop ( )
- iue+scle bbu_ICR_STOP or cr! ( )
+ cr-set bbu_ICR_STOP or cr! ( )
then ( r: #data-bytes )
then ( r: #data-bytes )
@@ -177,10 +177,19 @@
-d# 12,600,000 constant numerator
-: set-bus-speed ( hz -- ) \ Useful range is currently 25,000 .. 100,000
- child-address set-twsi-target
- numerator swap / h# 1ff min h# 7e max lcr!
+: set-bus-standard cr-set h# fffe7fff and to cr-set ;
+: set-bus-fast cr-set h# fffe7fff and h# 8000 or to cr-set ;
+: set-bus-speed ( hz -- ) \ Useful range is 25,000 .. 100,000, or 400,000
+ child-address set-twsi-target
+ dup 1- d# 100,000 < if
+ set-bus-standard
+ d# 12,600,000 swap / h# 1ff min h# 7e max
+ lcr@ h# ffff.ff00 and or lcr!
+ else
+ set-bus-fast
+ lcr@ h# ffff.00ff and h# 0000.1d00 or lcr!
+ then
: decode-unit ( adr len -- low high ) parse-2int ;
: encode-unit ( low high -- adr len ) >r <# u#s drop [char] , hold r> u#s u#> ;
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Tue Nov 1 06:29:32 2011 (r2659)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Tue Nov 1 06:32:03 2011 (r2660)
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
: ctl4! ( b -- ) h# 23 acc-reg! ;
: accelerometer-on ( -- ) h# 47 ctl1! ;
: accelerometer-off ( -- ) h# 07 ctl1! ;
: wext ( b -- n ) dup h# 8000 and if h# ffff0000 or then ;
: acceleration@ ( -- x y z )
h# 28 acc-reg@ h# 29 acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
: open ( -- flag )
my-unit " set-address" $call-parent
bus-speed " set-bus-speed" $call-parent
- ['] accelerometer-on catch 0=
+ ['] accelerometer-on catch 0=
: close ( -- )
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@
average-acceleration@ t- ( dx dy dz )
h# 08 ctl4! ( x y z ) \ High res, Normal mode
error? if accelerometer-off true exit then
@@ -141,22 +140,22 @@
['] accelerometer-on catch if
\ The attempt to talk at the old address failed, so we assume the new chip
\ Support for new LIS3DHTR chip
- d# 100,000 to bus-speed
- d# 50 to min-x d# 50 to min-y d# 50 to min-z
- d# 150 to max-x d# 150 to max-y d# 450 to max-z
+ d# 400,000 to bus-speed
+ d# 50 to min-x d# 50 to min-y d# 50 to min-z
+ d# 150 to max-x d# 150 to max-y d# 450 to max-z
h# 32 6 encode-phys " reg" property
['] lis3dhtr-selftest to lis-selftest
\ Something responded to the old address, so we assume it's the old chip
\ Support for old LIS33DE chip
- d# 25,000 to bus-speed
- d# 20 to min-x d# 20 to min-y d# 20 to min-z
- d# 400 to max-x d# 400 to max-y d# 400 to max-z
+ d# 25,000 to bus-speed
+ d# 20 to min-x d# 20 to min-y d# 20 to min-z
+ d# 400 to max-x d# 400 to max-y d# 400 to max-z
h# 3a 6 encode-phys " reg" property
['] lis33de-selftest to lis-selftest
Author: quozl
Date: Tue Nov 1 06:29:32 2011
New Revision: 2659
OLPC XO-1.75 - split accelerometer debugging code into a separate file.
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Mon Oct 31 10:10:14 2011 (r2658)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Tue Nov 1 06:29:32 2011 (r2659)
@@ -14,259 +14,6 @@
: accelerometer-on ( -- ) h# 47 ctl1! ;
: accelerometer-off ( -- ) h# 07 ctl1! ;
-0 [if]
-select /accelerometer
-: temperature-on ( -- ) h# c0 h# 1f acc-reg! ;
-: bdu ( -- ) h# 23 acc-reg@ h# 80 or h# 23 acc-reg! ;
-: adc1@ ( -- ) h# 08 acc-reg@ h# 09 acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ;
-: adc2@ ( -- ) h# 0a acc-reg@ h# 0b acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ;
-: wait-adc3 begin h# 07 acc-reg@ h# 04 and until ;
-: adc3@ ( -- l h )
- h# 0c acc-reg@ h# 0d acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
-: 1hz ( -- ) h# 20 acc-reg@ h# 0f and h# 10 or h# 20 acc-reg! ;
-: .xr ( n -- ) push-hex 2 .r pop-base space ;
-: .dr ( n -- ) push-decimal 3 .r pop-base space ;
-: .br ( n -- )
- push-binary 0 <# # # # # [char] . hold # # # # #> type pop-base space ;
-: .status-aux h# 07 acc-reg@ .br ;
-: .reg ( register -- value )
- space
- dup .xr ." : " ( register )
- acc-reg@ ( value )
- dup .br
- dup .xr
- dup .dr
-: .ureg ( register -- )
- ." " .reg drop
-: .regs ( -- )
- h# 07 h# 00 do i .ureg cr loop
- ." STATUS_AUX " h# 07 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." 321OR " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." 3OR " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." 2OR " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." 1OR " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." 321DA " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." 3DA " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." 2DA " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." 1DA " then
- drop cr
- ." OUT_1_L " h# 08 .reg cr
- ." OUT_1_H " h# 09 .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." OUT_2_L " h# 0A .reg cr
- ." OUT_2_H " h# 0B .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." OUT_3_L " h# 0C .reg cr
- ." OUT_3_H " h# 0D .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." INT_COUNTER " h# 0E .reg drop cr
- ." WHO_AM_I " h# 0F .reg b# 0011.0011 = if ." ok" else ." bad" then cr
- h# 1f h# 10 do i .ureg cr loop
- ." TEMP_CFG_REG " h# 1F .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." ADC_PD " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." TEMP_EN " then
- dup h# 3f and if ." mbz " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG1 " h# 20 .reg
- dup h# f0 and 4 rshift
- dup h# 00 = if ." [power-down] " then
- dup h# 01 = if ." [1 Hz] " then
- dup h# 02 = if ." [10 Hz] " then
- dup h# 03 = if ." [25 Hz] " then
- dup h# 04 = if ." [50 Hz] " then
- dup h# 05 = if ." [100 Hz] " then
- dup h# 06 = if ." [200 Hz] " then
- dup h# 07 = if ." [400 Hz] " then
- dup h# 08 = if ." [1.6 kHz] " then
- dup h# 09 = if ." [1.25 kHz / 5 kHz] " then
- drop
- dup h# 08 and if ." LPen " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." Zen " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." Yen " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." Xen " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG2 " h# 21 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." HPM1 " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." HPM0 " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." HPCF2 " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." HPCF1 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." FDS " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." HPCLICK " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." HPIS2 " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." HPIS1 " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG3 " h# 22 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." I1_CLICK " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." I1_AOI1 " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." I1_AOI2 " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." I1_DRDY1 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." I1_DRDY2 " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." I1_WTM " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." I1_OVERRUN " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." rsvd " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG4 " h# 23 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." BDU " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." BLE " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." FS1 " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." FS2 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." HR " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." ST1 " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." ST0 " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." SIM " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG5 " h# 24 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." BOOT " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." FIFO_EN " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." LIR_INT1 " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." D4D_INT1 " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." mbz " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." mbz " then
- drop cr
- ." CTRL_REG6 " h# 25 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." I2_CLICKen " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." I2_INT1 " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." mbz " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." BOOT_I1 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." mbz " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." H_LACTIVE " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." rsvd " then
- drop cr
- ." REFERENCE " h# 26 .reg drop cr
- ." STATUS_REG " h# 27 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." ZYXOR " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." ZOR " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." YOR " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." XOR " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." ZYXDA " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." ZDA " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." YDA " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." ZDA " then
- drop cr
- ." OUT_X_L " h# 28 .reg cr
- ." OUT_X_H " h# 29 .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." OUT_Y_L " h# 2a .reg cr
- ." OUT_Y_H " h# 2b .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." OUT_Z_L " h# 2c .reg cr
- ." OUT_Z_H " h# 2d .reg
- bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
- ." FIFO_CTRL_REG" h# 2e .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." FM1 " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." FM0 " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." TR " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." FTH4 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." FTH3 " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." FTH2 " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." FTH1 " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." FTH0 " then
- drop cr
- ." FIFO_SRC_REG " h# 2f .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." WTM " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." OVRN_FIFO " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." EMPTY " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." FSS4 " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." FSS3 " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." FSS2 " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." FSS1 " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." FSS0 " then
- drop cr
- ." INT1_CFG " h# 30 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." AOI " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." 6D " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." ZHIE/ZUPE " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." ZLIE/ZDOWNE " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." YHIE/YUPE " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." YLIE/YDOWNE " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." XHIE/XUPE " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." XLIE/XDOWNE " then
- drop cr
- ." INT1_SRC " h# 31 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." mbz " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." IA " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." ZH " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." ZL " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." YH " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." YL " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." XH " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." XL " then
- drop cr
- ." INT1_THS " h# 32 .reg drop cr
- ." INT1_DURATION" h# 33 .reg drop cr
- h# 38 h# 34 do i .ureg cr loop
- ." CLICK_CFG " h# 38 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." ZD " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." ZS " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." YD " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." YS " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." XD " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." XS " then
- drop cr
- ." CLICK_SRC " h# 39 .reg
- dup h# 80 and if ." rsvd " then
- dup h# 40 and if ." IA " then
- dup h# 20 and if ." DCLICK " then
- dup h# 10 and if ." SCLICK " then
- dup h# 08 and if ." Sign " then
- dup h# 04 and if ." Z " then
- dup h# 02 and if ." Y " then
- dup h# 01 and if ." X " then
- drop cr
- ." CLICK_THS " h# 3a .reg drop cr
- ." TIME_LIMIT " h# 3b .reg drop cr
- ." TIME_LATENCY " h# 3c .reg drop cr
- ." TIME_WINDOW " h# 3d .reg drop cr
- h# 3e .ureg cr
- h# 3f .ureg cr
- \ register decode window is 00-7f, then 80-ff is a mirror
-: bext ( b -- n ) dup h# 80 and if h# ffffff00 or then ;
: wext ( b -- n ) dup h# 8000 and if h# ffff0000 or then ;
: acceleration@ ( -- x y z )
h# 28 acc-reg@ h# 29 acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
Added: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.txt
--- /dev/null 00:00:00 1970 (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.txt Tue Nov 1 06:29:32 2011 (r2659)
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+\ accelerometer code for potential future use or debugging
+\ analog to digital converter
+: adc1@ ( -- ) h# 08 acc-reg@ h# 09 acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ;
+: adc2@ ( -- ) h# 0a acc-reg@ h# 0b acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ;
+\ temperature sensor
+: temperature-on ( -- ) h# c0 h# 1f acc-reg! ;
+: temperature@ ( -- l h )
+ begin h# 07 acc-reg@ h# 04 and until
+ h# 0c acc-reg@ h# 0d acc-reg@ bwjoin wext 5 >>a
+\ block data update
+: bdu ( -- ) h# 23 acc-reg@ h# 80 or h# 23 acc-reg! ;
+\ sample rate setting
+: odr! ( n -- ) 4 lshift h# 20 acc-reg@ h# 0f and or h# 20 acc-reg! ;
+: 1hz ( -- ) 1 odr! ;
+: 10hz ( -- ) 2 odr! ;
+: 25hz ( -- ) 3 odr! ;
+: 50hz ( -- ) 4 odr! ; \ power up default
+: 100hz ( -- ) 5 odr! ;
+: 200hz ( -- ) 6 odr! ;
+: 400hz ( -- ) 7 odr! ;
+: 1.6khz ( -- ) 8 odr! ;
+: 5khz ( -- ) 9 odr! ;
+\ sign extend a byte
+: bext ( b -- n ) dup h# 80 and if h# ffffff00 or then ;
+\ register dump
+: .xr ( n -- ) push-hex 2 .r pop-base space ;
+: .dr ( n -- ) push-decimal 3 .r pop-base space ;
+: .br ( n -- )
+ push-binary 0 <# # # # # [char] . hold # # # # #> type pop-base space ;
+: .reg ( register -- value )
+ space
+ dup .xr ." : " ( register )
+ acc-reg@ ( value )
+ dup .br
+ dup .xr
+ dup .dr
+: .ureg ( register -- )
+ ." " .reg drop
+: .regs ( -- )
+ h# 07 h# 00 do i .ureg cr loop
+ ." STATUS_AUX " h# 07 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." 321OR " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." 3OR " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." 2OR " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." 1OR " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." 321DA " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." 3DA " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." 2DA " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." 1DA " then
+ drop cr
+ ." OUT_1_L " h# 08 .reg cr
+ ." OUT_1_H " h# 09 .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." OUT_2_L " h# 0A .reg cr
+ ." OUT_2_H " h# 0B .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." OUT_3_L " h# 0C .reg cr
+ ." OUT_3_H " h# 0D .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." INT_COUNTER " h# 0E .reg drop cr
+ ." WHO_AM_I " h# 0F .reg b# 0011.0011 = if ." ok" else ." bad" then cr
+ h# 1f h# 10 do i .ureg cr loop
+ ." TEMP_CFG_REG " h# 1F .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." ADC_PD " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." TEMP_EN " then
+ dup h# 3f and if ." mbz " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG1 " h# 20 .reg
+ dup h# f0 and 4 rshift
+ dup h# 00 = if ." [power-down] " then
+ dup h# 01 = if ." [1 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 02 = if ." [10 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 03 = if ." [25 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 04 = if ." [50 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 05 = if ." [100 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 06 = if ." [200 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 07 = if ." [400 Hz] " then
+ dup h# 08 = if ." [1.6 kHz] " then
+ dup h# 09 = if ." [1.25 kHz / 5 kHz] " then
+ drop
+ dup h# 08 and if ." LPen " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." Zen " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." Yen " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." Xen " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG2 " h# 21 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." HPM1 " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." HPM0 " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." HPCF2 " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." HPCF1 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." FDS " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." HPCLICK " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." HPIS2 " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." HPIS1 " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG3 " h# 22 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." I1_CLICK " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." I1_AOI1 " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." I1_AOI2 " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." I1_DRDY1 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." I1_DRDY2 " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." I1_WTM " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." I1_OVERRUN " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." rsvd " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG4 " h# 23 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." BDU " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." BLE " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." FS1 " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." FS2 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." HR " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." ST1 " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." ST0 " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." SIM " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG5 " h# 24 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." BOOT " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." FIFO_EN " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." LIR_INT1 " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." D4D_INT1 " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." mbz " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." mbz " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CTRL_REG6 " h# 25 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." I2_CLICKen " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." I2_INT1 " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." mbz " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." BOOT_I1 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." mbz " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." H_LACTIVE " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." rsvd " then
+ drop cr
+ ." REFERENCE " h# 26 .reg drop cr
+ ." STATUS_REG " h# 27 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." ZYXOR " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." ZOR " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." YOR " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." XOR " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." ZYXDA " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." ZDA " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." YDA " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." ZDA " then
+ drop cr
+ ." OUT_X_L " h# 28 .reg cr
+ ." OUT_X_H " h# 29 .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." OUT_Y_L " h# 2a .reg cr
+ ." OUT_Y_H " h# 2b .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." OUT_Z_L " h# 2c .reg cr
+ ." OUT_Z_H " h# 2d .reg
+ bwjoin wext 5 >>a ." ( " .d ." )" cr
+ ." FIFO_CTRL_REG" h# 2e .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." FM1 " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." FM0 " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." TR " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." FTH4 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." FTH3 " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." FTH2 " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." FTH1 " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." FTH0 " then
+ drop cr
+ ." FIFO_SRC_REG " h# 2f .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." WTM " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." OVRN_FIFO " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." EMPTY " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." FSS4 " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." FSS3 " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." FSS2 " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." FSS1 " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." FSS0 " then
+ drop cr
+ ." INT1_CFG " h# 30 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." AOI " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." 6D " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." ZHIE/ZUPE " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." ZLIE/ZDOWNE " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." YHIE/YUPE " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." YLIE/YDOWNE " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." XHIE/XUPE " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." XLIE/XDOWNE " then
+ drop cr
+ ." INT1_SRC " h# 31 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." mbz " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." IA " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." ZH " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." ZL " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." YH " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." YL " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." XH " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." XL " then
+ drop cr
+ ." INT1_THS " h# 32 .reg drop cr
+ ." INT1_DURATION" h# 33 .reg drop cr
+ h# 38 h# 34 do i .ureg cr loop
+ ." CLICK_CFG " h# 38 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." ZD " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." ZS " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." YD " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." YS " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." XD " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." XS " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CLICK_SRC " h# 39 .reg
+ dup h# 80 and if ." rsvd " then
+ dup h# 40 and if ." IA " then
+ dup h# 20 and if ." DCLICK " then
+ dup h# 10 and if ." SCLICK " then
+ dup h# 08 and if ." Sign " then
+ dup h# 04 and if ." Z " then
+ dup h# 02 and if ." Y " then
+ dup h# 01 and if ." X " then
+ drop cr
+ ." CLICK_THS " h# 3a .reg drop cr
+ ." TIME_LIMIT " h# 3b .reg drop cr
+ ." TIME_LATENCY " h# 3c .reg drop cr
+ ." TIME_WINDOW " h# 3d .reg drop cr
+ h# 3e .ureg cr
+ h# 3f .ureg cr
+ \ register decode window is 00-7f, msb determines autoincrement
Author: quozl
Date: Mon Oct 31 10:10:14 2011
New Revision: 2658
OLPC XO-1.75 C1 - accelerometer, use 100 kHz SCL rate now that SDA and SCL pullups are present, continue to use 25 kHz SCL rate for older devices. #11367.
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Fri Oct 28 04:46:45 2011 (r2657)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/accelerometer.fth Mon Oct 31 10:10:14 2011 (r2658)
@@ -298,9 +298,10 @@
: delay ( -- ) d# 30 ms ;
+d# 25,000 value bus-speed
: open ( -- flag )
my-unit " set-address" $call-parent
- d# 25,000 " set-bus-speed" $call-parent
+ bus-speed " set-bus-speed" $call-parent
['] accelerometer-on catch 0=
: close ( -- )
@@ -389,10 +390,11 @@
: probe ( -- )
h# 3a 6 " set-address" $call-parent
- d# 25,000 " set-bus-speed" $call-parent
+ d# 25,000 " set-bus-speed" $call-parent \ XO-1.75 B1 lacks pullups SCL SDA
['] accelerometer-on catch if
\ The attempt to talk at the old address failed, so we assume the new chip
\ Support for new LIS3DHTR chip
+ d# 100,000 to bus-speed
d# 50 to min-x d# 50 to min-y d# 50 to min-z
d# 150 to max-x d# 150 to max-y d# 450 to max-z
h# 32 6 encode-phys " reg" property
@@ -401,6 +403,7 @@
\ Something responded to the old address, so we assume it's the old chip
\ Support for old LIS33DE chip
+ d# 25,000 to bus-speed
d# 20 to min-x d# 20 to min-y d# 20 to min-z
d# 400 to max-x d# 400 to max-y d# 400 to max-z
h# 3a 6 encode-phys " reg" property
Author: quozl
Date: Fri Oct 28 04:46:45 2011
New Revision: 2657
OLPC XO-1.75 XO-1.5 - minor file comment fix
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/usb.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/usb.fth Thu Oct 27 03:53:58 2011 (r2656)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/1.75/usb.fth Fri Oct 28 04:46:45 2011 (r2657)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-purpose: USB elaborations for the BIOS loaded OFW
+purpose: Platform-specific USB elaborations
\ See license at end of file
0 0 " d4208000" " /" begin-package \ USB Host Controller
Modified: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/usb.fth
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/usb.fth Thu Oct 27 03:53:58 2011 (r2656)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/usb.fth Fri Oct 28 04:46:45 2011 (r2657)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-purpose: USB elaborations for the BIOS loaded OFW
+purpose: Platform-specific USB elaborations
\ See license at end of file
0 config-int usb-delay \ Milliseconds to wait before set-address
Author: quozl
Date: Tue Oct 25 08:16:34 2011
New Revision: 2654
OLPC XO-1.75, XO-1.5, XO-1 - battery state of charge did not properly show 100%. The cause was that a previous definition of 2.d was being used, which used (.2), truncating any higher digits.
This wasn't a problem until the XO-1.75 EC started using 100% instead of 97% in commit ea52c0c.
Batteries moved from XO-1.75 to XO-1.5 and XO-1 may show 00% in watch-battery or .bat until this fix is released.
Modified: dev/olpc/kb3700/batstat.fth
--- dev/olpc/kb3700/batstat.fth Tue Oct 25 00:57:39 2011 (r2653)
+++ dev/olpc/kb3700/batstat.fth Tue Oct 25 08:16:34 2011 (r2654)
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@
if ." MPPT" then
-\needs 2.d : 2.d ( n -- ) push-decimal <# u# u#s u#> type pop-base ;
-: .% ( n -- ) 2.d ." %" ;
+: .% ( n -- ) push-decimal <# [char] % hold u# u#s u#> type pop-base ;
: .bat ( -- )
bat-status@ ( stat )
." AC:" dup h# 10 and if ." on " else ." off " then ( stat )