Author: quozl
Date: Fri Mar 15 07:30:04 2013
New Revision: 3611
OLPC - shorten the delay in the lid test, to improve apparent responsiveness.
Modified: dev/olpc/lidtest.fth
--- dev/olpc/lidtest.fth Fri Mar 15 06:22:41 2013 (r3610)
+++ dev/olpc/lidtest.fth Fri Mar 15 07:30:04 2013 (r3611)
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
lid? if ." Please open the lid." cr wait-not-lid ty then
." Please close the lid and then open it." cr
- wait-lid d# 1000 ms wait-not-lid ty
+ wait-lid d# 100 ms wait-not-lid ty
." Please rotate the lid to face away, and close it face up." cr
- wait-ebook d# 1000 ms ty
+ wait-ebook d# 100 ms ty
pltd wait-not-ebook ty
Author: quozl
Date: Wed Mar 13 06:17:36 2013
New Revision: 3606
OLPC XO-4 - touchscreen test, nonlinearity test, add targets, remove guide line, begin recording when target hit, stop recording when next target hit, tune minimum points, span, stride, and threshold. Remove test from menu, access only via select /touchscreen, test-nonlinearity.
Modified: cpu/arm/olpc/nn-touchscreen.fth
--- cpu/arm/olpc/nn-touchscreen.fth Wed Mar 13 06:09:24 2013 (r3605)
+++ cpu/arm/olpc/nn-touchscreen.fth Wed Mar 13 06:17:36 2013 (r3606)
@@ -900,8 +900,6 @@
until drop ( )
-d# 50 value #skip \ Number of initial points to ignore for line
-0 value skipping? \ Current skip count
: ev(
@@ -910,7 +908,6 @@
-1 to remaining
- #skip to skipping?
: )ev
@@ -925,6 +922,10 @@
\ Nonlinearity test
+d# 50 value #skip \ Number of initial points to ignore for line
+0 value skipping? \ Current skip count
+0 value starting?
d# 2000 constant #pts-max
#pts-max /w* value /buf
@@ -932,6 +933,37 @@
0 value ybuf
0 value #pts
+h# 80 value target-size
+: draw-start ( colour -- )
+ 0 screen-h target-size - target-size dup fill-rectangle-noff
+: draw-stop ( colour -- )
+ screen-w target-size - 0 target-size dup fill-rectangle-noff
+: in-start? ( x y -- flag )
+ screen-h target-size - screen-h between
+ swap
+ 0 target-size between
+ and
+ dup if blue draw-start then
+: in-stop? ( x y -- flag )
+ 0 target-size between
+ swap
+ screen-w target-size - screen-w between
+ and
+ dup if blue draw-stop then
+: draw-targets ( -- )
+ green draw-start
+ red draw-stop
: alloc-bufs ( -- )
/buf alloc-mem to xbuf
/buf alloc-mem to ybuf
@@ -1031,8 +1063,13 @@
swap - -rot ( intercept num den )
: do-point ( x y -- )
skipping? ?dup if 1- to skipping? 2drop exit then
+ starting? if
+ 2dup in-start? if false to starting? else 2drop exit then
+ then
+ 2dup in-stop? if 0 to remaining 2drop exit then
2dup add-pt dot
@@ -1105,8 +1142,9 @@
0 value nl-max 0 value nl-loc
-d# 60 value nl-span
-d# 30 value nl-stride
+d# 160 value nl-span
+d# 10 value nl-stride
+d# 40 value nl-threshold
: max-nonlinearity ( intercept num den -- nl )
0 to nl-max ( intercept num den )
0 to nl-loc
@@ -1142,30 +1180,51 @@
magenta color-nl d# 500 ms
+: at-5pm d# 30 d# 27 at-xy ." "(1b)[K" ;
+: .tsmsg-drag
+ at-5pm ." Drag between targets." cr
+: .tsmsg-few
+ at-5pm ." Too few points. Draw the line slowly. " cr
\ 1) Message and retry if slope and intercept not approximately correct
\ slope can be checked with
\ ( num den ) h# 10000 -rot */ LOW HIGH within
\ ( expected slope is negative , so LOW and HIGH are negative )
-\ 2) Establish threshold for nonlinearity and fail if exceeded
\ 3) Perhaps integrate the nonlinearity test with the targets test?
+: ((test-nonlinearity))
+ ['] .tsmsg-drag to .tsmsg
+ begin ev(
+ draw-targets
+ 0 to #pts
+ #skip to skipping?
+ true to starting?
+ ['] do-point ev
+ #pts d# 400 < while
+ .tsmsg-few ['] .tsmsg-few to .tsmsg
+ d# 1000 ms
+ repeat
+: (test-nonlinearity) ( -- nonlinearity )
+ ((test-nonlinearity))
+ linear-least-squares ( intercept num den )
+ 3dup red draw-line ( intercept num den )
+ max-nonlinearity ( nonlinearity )
+ at-5pm dup ." Nonlinearity: " .d cr ( nonlinearity )
+ show-nonlinearity ( nonlinearity )
: test-nonlinearity
+ d# 86400.000 to test-timeout
- begin ev(
- 0 to #pts
- 0 d# 27 at-xy ." Follow the line. Type a key to exit " cr
- screen-h 6 - screen-h negate screen-w blue draw-line
- ['] do-point ev
- #pts d# 500 < while
- 0 d# 27 at-xy ." Too few points. Draw the line slowly" cr
- d# 2000 ms
- repeat
- linear-least-squares ( intercept num den )
- 3dup red draw-line ( intercept num den )
- ." Nonlinearity: " max-nonlinearity .d cr
- show-nonlinearity
+ begin
+ (test-nonlinearity)
+ nl-threshold <=
+ until
@@ -1334,7 +1393,6 @@
: mb-final ( -- error? )
open 0= if true exit then
- d# 86400.000 to test-timeout
['] test-nonlinearity catch ?dup if .error fault then
@@ -1348,7 +1406,7 @@
test-station case
h# 1 of mb-smt exit endof
h# 2 of mb-assy exit endof
- h# 4 of mb-final exit endof
+ h# 4 of mb-smt exit endof
h# 11 of ir-pcb-smt exit endof
h# 12 of ir-pcb-assy exit endof
h# 13 of lg-tooling exit endof