Author: wmb
Date: 2009-12-11 06:29:47 +0100 (Fri, 11 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 1571
OLPC manufacturing tests - Renamed script from smttags.fth to smt.fth .
Copied: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smt.fth (from rev 1567, cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smttags.fth)
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smt.fth (rev 0)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smt.fth 2009-12-11 05:29:47 UTC (rev 1571)
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+\ SMT test script $Revision$
+: wanted-fw$ ( -- $ ) " q3a20" ;
+: nocase-$= ( $1 $2 -- flag )
+ rot tuck <> if ( adr1 adr2 len2 )
+ 3drop false exit ( -- false )
+ then ( adr1 adr2 len2 )
+ caps-comp 0= ( flag )
+: find-firmware-file ( -- name$ )
+ wanted-fw$ " u:\\boot\\%s.rom" sprintf ( name$ )
+ ." Trying " 2dup type cr ( name$ )
+ 2dup $file-exists? if exit then ( name$ )
+ 2drop ( )
+ wanted-fw$ factory-server$ " %s\\%s.rom" sprintf ( name$ )
+ ." Trying " 2dup type cr ( name$ )
+ 2dup $file-exists? if exit then ( name$ )
+ 2drop
+ true abort" Can't find new firmware file"
+: ?update-firmware ( -- )
+ \ Exit if the existing firmware and the wanted firmware are the same
+ fw-version$ wanted-fw$ nocase-$= if exit then
+ ." Updating firmware to version " fw-version$ type cr
+ d# 2000 ms
+ ?enough-power
+ find-firmware-file $get-file reflash
+: mfg-ntp-server ( -- name$ )
+ " NT" find-tag if ?-null else "" then
+' mfg-ntp-server to ntp-servers
+: .instructions ( adr len -- )
+ cr blue-letters type black-letters cr
+: .problem ( adr len -- )
+ red-letters type black-letters cr
+d# 20 buffer: bn-buf \ Buffer for scanned-in board number string
+: board#$ ( -- adr len ) bn-buf count ;
+: accept-to-buf ( buf len -- actual )
+ over 1+ swap accept ( buf actual )
+ tuck swap c! ( actual )
+\ Get a board number from the user, retrying until valid
+\ Usually the number is entered with a barcode scanner
+: get-board# ( -- )
+ ." *****"
+ begin
+ " Please Input Board Number ......" .instructions
+ bn-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
+ d# 14 <> if
+ " Wrong length (must be 14 characters), try again" .problem
+ else
+ bn-buf 1+ c@ [char] Q = if exit then
+ " Must begin with Q, try again" .problem
+ then
+ again
+d# 20 buffer: station#-buf
+: station#$ ( -- adr len ) station#-buf count ; \ e.g. J01
+: get-station# ( -- )
+ ." *****"
+ begin
+ " Please Input Station Number ......" .instructions
+ station#-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
+ d# 3 <> if
+ " Wrong length (must be like J01), try again" .problem
+ else
+ station#-buf 1+ c@ [char] A [char] Z between if exit then
+ " Must begin with A-Z, try again" .problem
+ then
+ again
+d# 20 buffer: opid-buf
+: opid$ ( -- adr len ) opid-buf count ; \ e.g. 12345678
+\ Get and validate an operator ID
+: get-opid ( -- )
+ ." *****"
+ begin
+ " Please Input Operator ID ......" .instructions
+ opid-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
+ d# 8 <> if
+ " Wrong length (must be 8 digits), try again" .problem
+ else
+ opid$ push-decimal $number pop-base if ( )
+ " Must be a number, try again" .problem
+ else ( n )
+ drop exit
+ then
+ then
+ again
+\ Construct the filename used for communicating with the server
+d# 20 buffer: filename-buf
+: smt-filename$ ( -- adr len ) filename-buf count ;
+: set-filename ( -- )
+ board#$ " %s.txt" sprintf filename-buf place
+: get-info ( -- )
+ get-board#
+ set-filename
+ get-station#
+ get-opid
+\ Upload the result data
+: smt-result ( pass? -- )
+ smt-filename$ open-temp-file
+ if " PASS" else " FAIL" then " RESULT=" put-key+value
+ " PROCESS=FVT" put-key-line
+ " STATION=" put-key-line
+ " OPID=" put-key-line
+ " GUID=" put-key-line
+ board#$ " MB_NUM=" put-key+value
+ " Result" submit-file
+\ Send the board number as the request and return the response data
+: smt-request$ ( -- adr len )
+ smt-filename$ open-temp-file
+ board#$ " MB_NUM=" put-key+value
+ opid$ " OPID=" put-key+value
+ station#$ " STATION=" put-key+value
+ " Request" submit-file
+ " Response" get-response
+: clear-mfg-buf ( -- ) mfg-data-buf /flash-block h# ff fill ;
+: put-ascii-tag ( value$ key$ -- )
+ 2swap dup if add-null then 2swap ( value$' key$ )
+ ($add-tag) ( )
+\ Remove possible trailing carriage return from the line
+: ?remove-cr ( adr len -- adr len' )
+ dup if ( adr len )
+ 2dup + 1- c@ carret = if ( adr len )
+ 1-
+ then
+ then
+: put-tag ( value$ key$ -- )
+ 2swap dup if add-null then 2swap ( value$' key$ )
+ ($add-tag) ( )
+0 0 2value response$
+false value any-tags?
+\ If the server sends us tags in the response file, we put
+\ them in the mfg data
+: write-new-tags ( adr len -- )
+ begin dup while ( adr len )
+ linefeed left-parse-string ( rem$ line$ )
+ ?remove-cr ( rem$ line$ )
+ [char] = left-parse-string ( rem$ value$ key$ )
+ dup 2 = if ( rem$ value$ key$ )
+ true to any-tags? ( rem$ value$ key$ )
+ put-tag ( rem$ )
+ else ( rem$ value$ key$ )
+ 4drop ( rem$ )
+ then ( rem$ )
+ repeat ( adr len )
+ 2drop ( )
+\ Decode the server's response and insert appropriate mfg data tags
+: parse-smt-response ( -- )
+ ." Server responded with: " cr response$ list cr ( )
+ response$ nip 0= if ." Null manufacturing data" cr exit then
+ flash-write-enable
+ clear-mfg-buf ( )
+ response$ write-new-tags ( )
+\ " " " ww" put-ascii-tag ( )
+\ " EN" " SS" put-ascii-tag ( )
+\ " ASSY" " TS" put-ascii-tag ( )
+\ " D3" " SG" put-ascii-tag ( )
+\ board#$ " B#" put-ascii-tag ( )
+ any-tags? if (put-mfg-data) then
+ \ check-tags
+ no-kbc-reboot
+ kbc-on
+: silent-probe-usb ( -- )
+ " /" ['] (probe-usb2) scan-subtree
+ " /" ['] (probe-usb1) scan-subtree
+ report-disk report-net report-keyboard
+: scanner? ( -- flag )
+ " usb-keyboard" expand-alias if 2drop true else false then
+: wait-scanner ( -- )
+ scanner? 0= if
+ " Connect USB barcode scanner" .instructions
+ begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb scanner? until
+ then
+ ;
+: wired-lan? ( -- flag )
+ " /usb/ethernet" locate-device if false else drop true then
+: wait-lan ( -- )
+ wired-lan? 0= if
+ " Connect USB Ethernet Adapter" .instructions
+ begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb wired-lan? until
+ then
+: usb-key? ( -- flag )
+ " /usb/disk" locate-device if false else drop true then
+: wait-usb-key ( -- )
+ usb-key? 0= if
+ " Connect USB memory stick" .instructions
+ begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb usb-key? until
+ then
+: stall ( -- ) begin halt again ;
+: require-int-sd ( -- )
+ " int:0" open-dev ?dup if close-dev exit then
+ " Power off and insert internal SD card" .problem
+ stall
+: wait-connections ( -- )
+ require-int-sd
+ silent-probe-usb
+ wait-scanner
+ wait-lan
+ wait-usb-key
+0 value test-passed?
+: show-result-screen ( -- )
+ restore-scroller
+ clear-screen
+ test-passed? if
+ ." Selftest passed." cr cr cr
+ green-screen
+ else
+ ." Selftest failed." cr cr cr
+ red-screen
+ then
+ d# 2000 ms
+: finish-smt-test ( pass? -- )
+ show-result-screen
+ cifs-connect
+ ." Sending test result " test-passed? smt-result ." Done" cr
+ cifs-disconnect
+ test-passed? if
+ ." Writing tags " parse-smt-response ." Done" cr
+ then
+ any-tag? 0= if
+ cr cr cr
+ " WARNING: Invalid response from shop floor server - no tags." .problem
+ cr cr cr
+ begin halt again
+ then ( )
+ ." Powering off ..." d# 2000 ms
+ power-off
+d# 15 to #mfgtests
+: smt-tests ( -- )
+ 5 #mfgtests + 5 do
+ i set-current-sq
+ refresh
+ d# 1000 ms
+ doit
+ pass? 0= if false to test-passed? finish-smt-test unloop exit then
+ loop
+ true to test-passed? finish-smt-test
+\ This modifies the menu to be non-interactive
+: doit-once ( -- ) do-key smt-tests ;
+patch doit-once do-key menu-interact
+: start-smt-test ( -- )
+ ?update-firmware
+ wait-connections
+ ." Setting clock " ntp-set-clock ." Done" cr
+ get-info
+ ." Connecting to shop floor server " cifs-connect ." Done" cr
+ ." Getting tags " smt-request$ to response$ ." Done" cr
+ cifs-disconnect
+ true to diag-switch?
+ " patch smt-tests play-item mfgtest-menu" evaluate
+ menu
+ false to diag-switch?
+dev /wlan
+: selftest ( -- error? )
+ true to force-open? open false to force-open? ( opened? )
+ if close false else true then ( error? )
+\ Automatically run the sequence
Deleted: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smttags.fth
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smttags.fth 2009-12-11 05:24:29 UTC (rev 1570)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/smttags.fth 2009-12-11 05:29:47 UTC (rev 1571)
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-\ SMT test script $Revision$
-: wanted-fw$ ( -- $ ) " q3a20" ;
-: nocase-$= ( $1 $2 -- flag )
- rot tuck <> if ( adr1 adr2 len2 )
- 3drop false exit ( -- false )
- then ( adr1 adr2 len2 )
- caps-comp 0= ( flag )
-: find-firmware-file ( -- name$ )
- wanted-fw$ " u:\\boot\\%s.rom" sprintf ( name$ )
- ." Trying " 2dup type cr ( name$ )
- 2dup $file-exists? if exit then ( name$ )
- 2drop ( )
- wanted-fw$ factory-server$ " %s\\%s.rom" sprintf ( name$ )
- ." Trying " 2dup type cr ( name$ )
- 2dup $file-exists? if exit then ( name$ )
- 2drop
- true abort" Can't find new firmware file"
-: ?update-firmware ( -- )
- \ Exit if the existing firmware and the wanted firmware are the same
- fw-version$ wanted-fw$ nocase-$= if exit then
- ." Updating firmware to version " fw-version$ type cr
- d# 2000 ms
- ?enough-power
- find-firmware-file $get-file reflash
-: mfg-ntp-server ( -- name$ )
- " NT" find-tag if ?-null else "" then
-' mfg-ntp-server to ntp-servers
-: .instructions ( adr len -- )
- cr blue-letters type black-letters cr
-: .problem ( adr len -- )
- red-letters type black-letters cr
-d# 20 buffer: bn-buf \ Buffer for scanned-in board number string
-: board#$ ( -- adr len ) bn-buf count ;
-: accept-to-buf ( buf len -- actual )
- over 1+ swap accept ( buf actual )
- tuck swap c! ( actual )
-\ Get a board number from the user, retrying until valid
-\ Usually the number is entered with a barcode scanner
-: get-board# ( -- )
- ." *****"
- begin
- " Please Input Board Number ......" .instructions
- bn-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
- d# 14 <> if
- " Wrong length (must be 14 characters), try again" .problem
- else
- bn-buf 1+ c@ [char] Q = if exit then
- " Must begin with Q, try again" .problem
- then
- again
-d# 20 buffer: station#-buf
-: station#$ ( -- adr len ) station#-buf count ; \ e.g. J01
-: get-station# ( -- )
- ." *****"
- begin
- " Please Input Station Number ......" .instructions
- station#-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
- d# 3 <> if
- " Wrong length (must be like J01), try again" .problem
- else
- station#-buf 1+ c@ [char] A [char] Z between if exit then
- " Must begin with A-Z, try again" .problem
- then
- again
-d# 20 buffer: opid-buf
-: opid$ ( -- adr len ) opid-buf count ; \ e.g. 12345678
-\ Get and validate an operator ID
-: get-opid ( -- )
- ." *****"
- begin
- " Please Input Operator ID ......" .instructions
- opid-buf d# 20 accept-to-buf ( n )
- d# 8 <> if
- " Wrong length (must be 8 digits), try again" .problem
- else
- opid$ push-decimal $number pop-base if ( )
- " Must be a number, try again" .problem
- else ( n )
- drop exit
- then
- then
- again
-\ Construct the filename used for communicating with the server
-d# 20 buffer: filename-buf
-: smt-filename$ ( -- adr len ) filename-buf count ;
-: set-filename ( -- )
- board#$ " %s.txt" sprintf filename-buf place
-: get-info ( -- )
- get-board#
- set-filename
- get-station#
- get-opid
-\ Upload the result data
-: smt-result ( pass? -- )
- smt-filename$ open-temp-file
- if " PASS" else " FAIL" then " RESULT=" put-key+value
- " PROCESS=FVT" put-key-line
- " STATION=" put-key-line
- " OPID=" put-key-line
- " GUID=" put-key-line
- board#$ " MB_NUM=" put-key+value
- " Result" submit-file
-\ Send the board number as the request and return the response data
-: smt-request$ ( -- adr len )
- smt-filename$ open-temp-file
- board#$ " MB_NUM=" put-key+value
- opid$ " OPID=" put-key+value
- station#$ " STATION=" put-key+value
- " Request" submit-file
- " Response" get-response
-: clear-mfg-buf ( -- ) mfg-data-buf /flash-block h# ff fill ;
-: put-ascii-tag ( value$ key$ -- )
- 2swap dup if add-null then 2swap ( value$' key$ )
- ($add-tag) ( )
-\ Remove possible trailing carriage return from the line
-: ?remove-cr ( adr len -- adr len' )
- dup if ( adr len )
- 2dup + 1- c@ carret = if ( adr len )
- 1-
- then
- then
-: put-tag ( value$ key$ -- )
- 2swap dup if add-null then 2swap ( value$' key$ )
- ($add-tag) ( )
-0 0 2value response$
-false value any-tags?
-\ If the server sends us tags in the response file, we put
-\ them in the mfg data
-: write-new-tags ( adr len -- )
- begin dup while ( adr len )
- linefeed left-parse-string ( rem$ line$ )
- ?remove-cr ( rem$ line$ )
- [char] = left-parse-string ( rem$ value$ key$ )
- dup 2 = if ( rem$ value$ key$ )
- true to any-tags? ( rem$ value$ key$ )
- put-tag ( rem$ )
- else ( rem$ value$ key$ )
- 4drop ( rem$ )
- then ( rem$ )
- repeat ( adr len )
- 2drop ( )
-\ Decode the server's response and insert appropriate mfg data tags
-: parse-smt-response ( -- )
- ." Server responded with: " cr response$ list cr ( )
- response$ nip 0= if ." Null manufacturing data" cr exit then
- flash-write-enable
- clear-mfg-buf ( )
- response$ write-new-tags ( )
-\ " " " ww" put-ascii-tag ( )
-\ " EN" " SS" put-ascii-tag ( )
-\ " ASSY" " TS" put-ascii-tag ( )
-\ " D3" " SG" put-ascii-tag ( )
-\ board#$ " B#" put-ascii-tag ( )
- any-tags? if (put-mfg-data) then
- \ check-tags
- no-kbc-reboot
- kbc-on
-: silent-probe-usb ( -- )
- " /" ['] (probe-usb2) scan-subtree
- " /" ['] (probe-usb1) scan-subtree
- report-disk report-net report-keyboard
-: scanner? ( -- flag )
- " usb-keyboard" expand-alias if 2drop true else false then
-: wait-scanner ( -- )
- scanner? 0= if
- " Connect USB barcode scanner" .instructions
- begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb scanner? until
- then
- ;
-: wired-lan? ( -- flag )
- " /usb/ethernet" locate-device if false else drop true then
-: wait-lan ( -- )
- wired-lan? 0= if
- " Connect USB Ethernet Adapter" .instructions
- begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb wired-lan? until
- then
-: usb-key? ( -- flag )
- " /usb/disk" locate-device if false else drop true then
-: wait-usb-key ( -- )
- usb-key? 0= if
- " Connect USB memory stick" .instructions
- begin d# 1000 ms silent-probe-usb usb-key? until
- then
-: stall ( -- ) begin halt again ;
-: require-int-sd ( -- )
- " int:0" open-dev ?dup if close-dev exit then
- " Power off and insert internal SD card" .problem
- stall
-: wait-connections ( -- )
- require-int-sd
- silent-probe-usb
- wait-scanner
- wait-lan
- wait-usb-key
-0 value test-passed?
-: show-result-screen ( -- )
- restore-scroller
- clear-screen
- test-passed? if
- ." Selftest passed." cr cr cr
- green-screen
- else
- ." Selftest failed." cr cr cr
- red-screen
- then
- d# 2000 ms
-: finish-smt-test ( pass? -- )
- show-result-screen
- cifs-connect
- ." Sending test result " test-passed? smt-result ." Done" cr
- cifs-disconnect
- test-passed? if
- ." Writing tags " parse-smt-response ." Done" cr
- then
- any-tag? 0= if
- cr cr cr
- " WARNING: Invalid response from shop floor server - no tags." .problem
- cr cr cr
- begin halt again
- then ( )
- ." Powering off ..." d# 2000 ms
- power-off
-d# 15 to #mfgtests
-: smt-tests ( -- )
- 5 #mfgtests + 5 do
- i set-current-sq
- refresh
- d# 1000 ms
- doit
- pass? 0= if false to test-passed? finish-smt-test unloop exit then
- loop
- true to test-passed? finish-smt-test
-\ This modifies the menu to be non-interactive
-: doit-once ( -- ) do-key smt-tests ;
-patch doit-once do-key menu-interact
-: start-smt-test ( -- )
- ?update-firmware
- wait-connections
- ." Setting clock " ntp-set-clock ." Done" cr
- get-info
- ." Connecting to shop floor server " cifs-connect ." Done" cr
- ." Getting tags " smt-request$ to response$ ." Done" cr
- cifs-disconnect
- true to diag-switch?
- " patch smt-tests play-item mfgtest-menu" evaluate
- menu
- false to diag-switch?
-dev /wlan
-: selftest ( -- error? )
- true to force-open? open false to force-open? ( opened? )
- if close false else true then ( error? )
-\ Automatically run the sequence