Author: wmb
Date: 2009-10-01 10:30:21 +0200 (Thu, 01 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 1382
Via - Set up thermal monitor hardware in early startup.
Modified: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/romreset.bth
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/romreset.bth 2009-10-01 05:26:33 UTC (rev 1381)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/romreset.bth 2009-10-01 08:30:21 UTC (rev 1382)
@@ -172,8 +172,10 @@
fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/startmtrrinit.fth
fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/ioinit.fth
-\ XXX need to move startcpuspeed to here
+ fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/starttherm.fth \ Enables thermal monitor
+ fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/startcpuspeed.fth \ Turns up clock rate
\ Cache is now setup normally, backed by memory
\ Setup a small stack for subroutine calls
h# 10.0000 # esp mov
@@ -212,8 +214,6 @@
fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/startmemtop.fth
- fload ${BP}/cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/startcpuspeed.fth
h# 1f port80
char r report
Added: cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/starttherm.fth
--- cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/starttherm.fth (rev 0)
+++ cpu/x86/pc/olpc/via/starttherm.fth 2009-10-01 08:30:21 UTC (rev 1382)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+\ Undocumented:
+\ MSR 1107 bit 20 - Enable APIC ????
+\ MSR 116a bits 1:0 - Enable thermal monitor - MSR is not even mentioned except in code
+\ Error in description of MSR 19d - TM2 clock ratio called out as bits 15:0, should be 15:8
+\ MSR 1152, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 116a, 116b *completely undocumented* - just used in code
+\ (MSR 1167 is briefly mentioned in text, but the reference in text fails to mention the processors
+\ to which it applies (which can sort of be inferred by the code)
+\ MSR 1141 bit 22 alternate sense used in code, listed as reserved in MSR table
+ h# 011.0400 h# 1a0 bitset-msr \ Turn on powersaver (bit 16) and lock it on (bit 20),
+ \ Also turn on Pending Break Enable (bit 10) for APIC wakeup
+ \ The VIA thermal code doesn't turn on bit 10
+ h# 100.0000 h# 1107 bitset-msr \ Enable APIC (from Via thermal code; bit not documented)
+ h# 03 h# 116a bitclr-msr \ Disable monitor
+ h# 1140 rmsr ax ax or 0= if \ If no factory-configured inflection ratio,
+ dx bx mov \ Save high dword in BX
+ h# 198 rmsr
+ h# ff00.0000 # dx and \ Min ratio
+ dx ax mov \ Move to low dword for MSR 1140
+ bx dx mov \ Restore high dword
+ h# 1140 wmsr
+ then
+ \ Check for Overstress VID
+ h# 1140 rmsr
+ h# 7f # ax and 0<> if \ Fused Overstress VID bits - if nonzero, CPU is C7-D+
+ h# 80 h# 1142 bitset-msr \ Turn on down-style iteration
+ else \ CPU is Eden, C7, C7-M, or C7-D
+ h# 1154 rmsr \ Get C5R branding bits
+ 2 # ax shr \ Move bits 5:2 down to 0
+ al ah mov \ Save a copy
+ 2 # ah shr \ Move bits 5:4 down to 0
+ ah al xor \ XOR bits 5:4 with bits 3:2
+ 3 # al and \ Discard other bits
+ 0<> if \ If nonzero, CPU is C7 (1), Eden (2), or C7-D (3)
+ h# 100 h# 1142 bitclr-msr \ Turn off up-style iteration
+ else \ If zero, CPU is C7-M
+ h# 80 h# 1142 bitset-msr \ Turn on down-style iteration
+ then
+ then
+ \ Go to the minimum ratio
+ h# 198 rmsr \ Get performance state info - min.max in %edx, current in %eax
+ dx ax mov \ Get ratios into EAX
+ d# 16 # ax shr \ Select minimum ratio
+ dx dx xor \ MSR.high = 0
+ h# 199 wmsr \ We should be going slow now
+ ax bx mov \ Save a copy of the minimum ratio value. BX: MinFreq.MinVoltage
+ h# 1140 rmsr
+ d# 16 # ax shr
+ h# 3f # ah and \ Inflection ratio in AH -> TM2 clock ratio
+ bl al mov \ Merge in low byte from BL -> TM2 voltage
+ 0= if \ If inflection ratio is 0
+ bx ax mov \ Then use min FID/VID
+ then
+ h# 19d wmsr \ Set TM2 value
+ \ H: Init Model D Thermal Monitor
+ h# 1152 rmsr
+ dx not \ Inverted value is 18d34c60 AOOO.OOOO.OOOO.RRRR.RRRR.RRRT.THHH.????
+ \ A: Alternate Sense, O: Offset, R: Resolution, T: Trip=125-T*4, H: High=70+H*5
+ dx bx mov \ BX: 18d34c60
+ 9 # dx shr
+ h# 7ff # dx and \ Resolution - 1a6 (decimal 422)
+ ax ax xor
+ dx ax xchg
+ h# 116b wmsr \ MSR value is 00000000.000001a6
+ bx ax mov \ 18d34c60, from ~MSR1152.hi
+ d# 20 # ax shr
+ h# 7ff # ax and \ Offset - 18d (decimal 397)
+ h# 1168 wmsr \ MSR value is 00000000.0000018d
+ bx cx mov \ BX: 18d34c60
+ 7 # cx shr
+ 3 # cx and \ Value is 0
+ d# 125 # ax mov
+ 2 # cx shl
+ cx ax sub \ Value is 125
+ h# 1166 wmsr \ Thermal trip temperature - (decimal) 125
+ bx dx mov \ Copy of fuse values
+ 4 # dx shr \ [38:36]*5 + 70 = high threshold
+ 7 # dx and \ Value is 6
+ dx cx mov \ Copy of bits [38:36]
+ 2 # cx shl \ Multiply by 4
+ cx dx add \ Add to give *5 (6*5 => 30)
+ d# 70 # dx add \ Result is (decimal) 100
+ dx ax mov
+ dx dx xor
+ h# 1165 wmsr \ High threshold - (decimal) 100
+ 5 # ax sub
+ h# 1164 wmsr \ Low threshold - (decimal) 95
+ h# 1141 rmsr
+ h# 8000.0000 # bx and \ Alternate sense bit
+ 9 # bx shr \ Move into position for MSR 1141 at bit 22
+ h# 0400.0000 invert # ax and \ Clear alt sense bit in MSR value
+ bx ax or \ Merge in new value
+ wrmsr
+ h# 00.0003 h# 116a bitset-msr \ N: Re-enable monitor
+ 1 # ax mov
+ cpuid
+ h# 180 # cx and 0= if \ Enhanced power saver bit (100) or TM2 bit (80)
+ 8 h# 1a0 bitset-msr \ Use TM1
+ else
+ h# 03.0000 h# 1141 bitset-msr \ Enable TM2
+ h# 1140 rmsr
+ h# 7f # ax and 0<> if \ Fused Overstress VID
+ h# 01.0000 h# 1141 bitclr-msr \ Enable TM3
+ else
+ h# 1154 rmsr
+ 2 # ax shr
+ al ah mov
+ 2 # ah shr
+ ah al xor
+ 3 # al and 0= if \ 0 means C7-M
+ h# 01.0000 h# 1141 bitclr-msr \ Enable TM3
+ then
+ then
+ h# 1140 rmsr
+ h# 00f0.0000 # ax and
+ 0<> if \ Parallax support?
+ h# 0000.4000 h# 1141 bitset-msr \ Enable parallax
+ then
+ then
+ h# 1107 rmsr \ Enable catastropic thermal protection
+ h# 40.0000 bitset-hi \ Bit 54
+ wrmsr
Modified: cpu/x86/startmacros.fth
--- cpu/x86/startmacros.fth 2009-10-01 05:26:33 UTC (rev 1381)
+++ cpu/x86/startmacros.fth 2009-10-01 08:30:21 UTC (rev 1382)
@@ -34,15 +34,17 @@
dup last-cx = if
+ \ This optimization is dangerous in the face of conditionals
dup to last-cx
+ forget-msr
[ previous ] # cx mov [ also forth ]
[ previous ]
\ Read/write an MSR to/from %edx,%eax
-: rmsr ( reg# -- ) set-cx h# 0f c, h# 32 c, ;
-: wmsr ( reg# -- ) set-cx h# 0f c, h# 30 c, ;
+: rmsr ( reg# -- ) set-cx rdmsr ;
+: wmsr ( reg# -- ) set-cx wrmsr ;
\ These bit operations can be used between "rmsr" and "wmsr"
@@ -60,8 +62,8 @@
: set-msr ( d.val reg# -- ) -rot # dx mov # ax mov wmsr ;
\ Set or clear bits in an MSR (read-modify-write the register)
-: bitset-msr ( mask reg# -- ) tuck rmsr bitset wmsr ;
-: bitclr-msr ( mask reg# -- ) tuck rmsr bitclr wmsr ;
+: bitset-msr ( mask reg# -- ) rmsr bitset wrmsr ;
+: bitclr-msr ( mask reg# -- ) rmsr bitclr wrmsr ;
\ Some I/O port operations
\ These could be optimized to generate the immediate forms of in and out