Author: wmb
Date: 2008-11-04 01:57:29 +0100 (Tue, 04 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 993
Added "stream-poll?" and "adaptive-poll?" mouse methods so that
client programs can track the mouse efficiently.
Modified: dev/ps2mouse.fth
--- dev/ps2mouse.fth 2008-11-03 17:32:11 UTC (rev 992)
+++ dev/ps2mouse.fth 2008-11-04 00:57:29 UTC (rev 993)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
: mouse2:1 h# e7 cmd ;
: stream-on h# f4 cmd ;
: stream-off h# f5 cmd ;
-: stream-mode h# ea cmd ;
+: stream-mode h# ea cmd stream-on ;
\ The Apex concentrator refuses to send motion and button events
\ unless stream data is enabled!
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
-\ Translate RML to RML
+\ Translate MRL to RML
create buttons 0 c, 1 c, 4 c, 5 c, 2 c, 3 c, 6 c, 7 c,
\ create Mitsumi \ Comment out this line if you don't support Mitsumi mouse
@@ -128,7 +128,123 @@
: clear-queue ( -- ) begin get-data? while drop repeat ;
: no-event ( -- 0 0 0 ) clear-queue 0 0 0 ;
+0 instance value mouse-byte#
+instance variable mouse-bytes
+0 instance value mouse-timestamp
+2 instance value poll-delay
+: save-byte ( byte -- )
+ mouse-bytes @ 8 lshift or mouse-bytes ! ( )
+ mouse-byte# 1+ to mouse-byte# ( )
+ get-msecs to mouse-timestamp
+ 2 to poll-delay
+: out-of-packet ( -- )
+ 0 to mouse-byte#
+ 0 to mouse-timestamp
+: stream-event ( byte -- false | x y buttons true )
+ mouse-byte# case ( byte )
+ 0 of
+ \ Discard if framing error
+ dup 8 and if save-byte else drop then ( )
+ false exit
+ endof
+ 1 of save-byte false exit then
+ endcase ( byte3 )
+ \ Fall through if already have 2 mouse bytes (this is the third)
+ out-of-packet
+ mouse-bytes @ wbsplit ( byte3-ylow byte2-xlow byte1-stat )
+ dup 7 and buttons + c@ >r ( ylow xlow stat )
+ swap over h# 10 ?negative -rot ( x ylow stat )
+ h# 20 ?negative r> ( x y buttons )
+ true exit
+\ Time-based resynchronization. If we are in the middle of a packet,
+\ but we poll and see no bytes and the interval since the last byte
+\ was longer than the possible time between bytes within a packet,
+\ we discard the queued-up bytes.
+: ?reframe ( -- )
+ mouse-byte# if
+ \ We don't trust time intervals <= ms/tick because the timestamp
+ \ could have happened just before a tick and the next sample
+ \ right after a tick, so the actual elapsed time could be almost
+ \ zero, but the reported time difference would be ms/tick .
+ get-msecs mouse-timestamp - ms/tick - 0 max d# 5 > if
+ out-of-packet
+ then
+ then
+: stream-poll? ( -- false | x y buttons true )
+ begin get-data? while ( byte )
+ \ If we have a packet, retry soon because there is likely to be another
+ \ right on its heels. The packet generation rate is 100/sec, but some
+ \ could be queued up, so we don't wait a full 10 ms
+ stream-event ?dup if exit then
+ repeat ( )
+ ?reframe
+ false
+\ delay-ms is a suggested delay until the next poll. It tells you when
+\ a call to stream-poll? is likely to have something worthwhile to do.
+\ In the middle of an incoming mouse packet, delay-ms will be a couple of
+\ milliseconds, a bit longer than the interval between successive PS/2 bytes.
+\ Just after receiving a packet, it will be a bit more than 10 mS, since
+\ another packet is likely to follow (the standard mouse packet rate is
+\ 100 packets/second). When idle, the delay is 56 milliseconds, just
+\ longer than a worst-case PC tick interval, but short enough that a
+\ human won't notice a delay.
+\ This strikes a good balance between responsive, accurate mouse tracking
+\ and minimal polling overhead.
+: adaptive-poll? ( -- false delay-ms | x y buttons true delay-ms )
+ begin get-data? while ( byte )
+ \ If we have a packet, retry soon because there is likely to be another
+ \ right on its heels. The packet generation rate is 100/sec, but some
+ \ could be queued up, so we don't wait a full 10 ms
+ stream-event ?dup if poll-delay exit then
+ repeat ( )
+ ?reframe
+ false poll-delay ( false delay-ms )
+ dup 2 = if 9 else d# 32 then to poll-delay ( false delay-ms )
+0 [if]
+: adaptive-track ( -- )
+ stream-mode
+ begin
+ adaptive-poll? >r if ( x y stat r: next-poll )
+ (cr . 4 .r 4 .r ( r: next-poll )
+ then ( r: next-poll )
+ r> ms ( )
+ key? until ( )
+ stream-off
+: stream-track ( -- )
+ stream-mode
+ begin
+ stream-poll? if ( x y stat )
+ (cr . 4 .r 4 .r ( )
+ then ( )
+ 5 ms ( )
+ key? until ( )
+ stream-off
: poll ( -- x y buttons )