[flashrom] Programmers

Keith Emery k.emery.nbn at internode.on.net
Sat Aug 29 00:47:51 CEST 2015

Fair enough.  Though I had one more question which as of yet I haven't 
been able to get a straight answer.  Is there any flashrom supported 
programmers that I can just buy?

UEFI freezing or rebooting every 40 minutes.  Usually in the middle of 
these sorts of emails.
Is getting... rather old.  :(

On 29/08/15 07:44, Stefan Tauner wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Aug 2015 03:51:48 +1000
> Keith Emery <k.emery.nbn at internode.on.net> wrote:
>> G'day
>> I read recently you were interested in expanding the list of programmers
>> supported by flashrom.
>> I would recommend supporting those that appear on ebay; as they are
>> cheap and readily available.
>> In Particular the following as it happens to be the one I already own.  :)
>> http://www.ebay.com/itm/XTW100-Programmer-USB-Motherboard-BIOS-SPI-FLASH-24-25-Reader-Burner-/201315807055?hash=item2edf5b6f4f
> Hi,
> of course we are interested in adding support for new programmers but
> this is not how it works. :) If the communication protocol is known,
> then write and send a patch that adds support. If there is no public
> protocol specification someone interested and skilled enough needs to
> reverse engineer how communication with the programmer works first.
> Don't expect anyone but yourself to do this work... in the best case
> you will be pleasantly surprised if someone beats you to it.

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