[flashrom] Issues

Daniel Raburn dandeaf1987 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 07:50:46 CEST 2013

Hi i have issue for IEC MARIO FISH 2330 CR-48 Insyde BIOS and somehow it
crash and it shutdown.  and i decide to turn on boot... seem it damage
already not able to read my SSD (hard drive) but it able to read my USB
memory but the screen say  Chrome OS is missing or damaged. Please Connect
a recovery device. and i did recovery and it works and install and whatever
is list is done. and it reboot and same issue . Any Suggest?

Also i have backup for flash rom too. you can look on attach file. and
figure out how to force to flash it.

Daniel Raburn

A non-text attachment (backup.bin) has been stripped. It is available at

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