[coreboot] coreboot on Thinkpad T420 : Ctrl and Fn key swap

Angel Pons th3fanbus at gmail.com
Sun Sep 2 12:22:39 CEST 2018

Hello again,

> Flashtool advertises against using it directly from a laptop,
> do you know if it can cause issues with the T420 ? Or if, were
> the bios bricked, I could unbrick it by flashing again externally ?

At the end of the T420 wiki page, it says using flashrom's internal
programmer is possible. The laptop warning does not apply to all laptops
(depends on how hardware is connected), and the T420 is safe to use in this

If you happen to flash a non-booting coreboot, you can use an external
programmer. I am not sure whether the flash chip is powered, though.


Angel Pons
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