[coreboot-gerrit] Change in coreboot[master]: mb/pcengines/alix/romstage.c: clean up the transition to RAM

Michał Żygowski (Code Review) gerrit at coreboot.org
Tue Jul 31 13:59:34 CEST 2018

Michał Żygowski has uploaded this change for review. ( https://review.coreboot.org/27749

Change subject: mb/pcengines/alix/romstage.c: clean up the transition to RAM

mb/pcengines/alix/romstage.c: clean up the transition to RAM

Clean up the code which implied that return does not work in
mainboard_romstage_entry. Doing a wbinvd when CR0 NW and CD bits
are set caused the loss of return adress from the function, because
it behaved like invd. Remove redundant stack self-copying code
and invalidate cache in cache_as_ram.inc as it is sufficient to
switch to RAM.

Change-Id: I21f2341091d49d105026a12022c52d811d71feeb
Signed-off-by: Michał Żygowski <michal.zygowski at 3mdeb.com>
M src/cpu/amd/geode_lx/cache_as_ram.inc
M src/mainboard/pcengines/alix1c/romstage.c
M src/mainboard/pcengines/alix2d/romstage.c
3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://review.coreboot.org:29418/coreboot refs/changes/49/27749/1

diff --git a/src/cpu/amd/geode_lx/cache_as_ram.inc b/src/cpu/amd/geode_lx/cache_as_ram.inc
index 8250d72..1569cc3 100644
--- a/src/cpu/amd/geode_lx/cache_as_ram.inc
+++ b/src/cpu/amd/geode_lx/cache_as_ram.inc
@@ -183,25 +183,11 @@
 	/* Call romstage.c main function */
 	call	mainboard_romstage_entry
-.global done_cache_as_ram_main
+        /* Switch from Cache as RAM to real RAM. */
+        /* Invalidate the cache since there is nothing on the stack */
+        /* Then re-enable the cache */
+        invd
-	/* We now run over the stack-in-cache,
-	 * copying it back to itself to invalidate the cache */
-	push   %edi
-	mov    $(CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_SIZE >> 2),%ecx
-	push   %esi
-	mov    $(CONFIG_DCACHE_RAM_BASE),%edi
-	mov    %edi,%esi
-	cld
-	rep movsl %ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi)
-	pop    %esi
-	pop    %edi
-	/* Clear the cache out to RAM */
-	wbinvd
-	/* re-enable the cache */
 	movl    %cr0, %eax
 	xorl    $(CR0_CD + CR0_NW), %eax        /* clear  the CD and NW bits */
 	movl    %eax, %cr0
diff --git a/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix1c/romstage.c b/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix1c/romstage.c
index 8fe2dc0..e59873f 100644
--- a/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix1c/romstage.c
+++ b/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix1c/romstage.c
@@ -115,35 +115,5 @@
 	sdram_initialize(1, memctrl);
-	/* Switch from Cache as RAM to real RAM.
-	 *
-	 * There are two ways we could think about this.
-	 *
-	 * 1. If we are using the romstage.inc ROMCC way, the stack is
-	 * going to be re-setup in the code following this code.  Just
-	 * wbinvd the stack to clear the cache tags.  We don't care
-	 * where the stack used to be.
-	 *
-	 * 2. This file is built as a normal .c -> .o and linked in
-	 * etc.  The stack might be used to return etc.  That means we
-	 * care about what is in the stack.  If we are smart we set
-	 * the CAR stack to the same location as the rest of
-	 * coreboot. If that is the case we can just do a wbinvd.
-	 * The stack will be written into real RAM that is now setup
-	 * and we continue like nothing happened.  If the stack is
-	 * located somewhere other than where LB would like it, you
-	 * need to write some code to do a copy from cache to RAM
-	 *
-	 * We use method 1 on Norwich and on this board too.
-	 */
-	printk(BIOS_ERR, "POST 02\n");
-	__asm__("wbinvd\n");
-	printk(BIOS_ERR, "Past wbinvd\n");
-	/* We are finding the return does not work on this board. Explicitly
-	 * call the label that is after the call to us. This is gross, but
-	 * sometimes at this level it is the only way out.
-	 */
-	done_cache_as_ram_main();
diff --git a/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix2d/romstage.c b/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix2d/romstage.c
index da3913d..b05140c 100644
--- a/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix2d/romstage.c
+++ b/src/mainboard/pcengines/alix2d/romstage.c
@@ -138,35 +138,5 @@
 	sdram_initialize(1, memctrl);
-	/* Switch from Cache as RAM to real RAM.
-	 *
-	 * There are two ways we could think about this.
-	 *
-	 * 1. If we are using the romstage.inc ROMCC way, the stack is
-	 * going to be re-setup in the code following this code.  Just
-	 * wbinvd the stack to clear the cache tags.  We don't care
-	 * where the stack used to be.
-	 *
-	 * 2. This file is built as a normal .c -> .o and linked in
-	 * etc.  The stack might be used to return etc.  That means we
-	 * care about what is in the stack.  If we are smart we set
-	 * the CAR stack to the same location as the rest of
-	 * coreboot. If that is the case we can just do a wbinvd.
-	 * The stack will be written into real RAM that is now setup
-	 * and we continue like nothing happened.  If the stack is
-	 * located somewhere other than where LB would like it, you
-	 * need to write some code to do a copy from cache to RAM
-	 *
-	 * We use method 1 on Norwich and on this board too.
-	 */
-	printk(BIOS_ERR, "POST 02\n");
-	__asm__("wbinvd\n");
-	printk(BIOS_ERR, "Past wbinvd\n");
-	/* We are finding the return does not work on this board. Explicitly
-	 * call the label that is after the call to us. This is gross, but
-	 * sometimes at this level it is the only way out.
-	 */
-	done_cache_as_ram_main();

To view, visit https://review.coreboot.org/27749
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Gerrit-Project: coreboot
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newchange
Gerrit-Change-Id: I21f2341091d49d105026a12022c52d811d71feeb
Gerrit-Change-Number: 27749
Gerrit-PatchSet: 1
Gerrit-Owner: Michał Żygowski <michal.zygowski at 3mdeb.com>
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