[flashrom] Gmail's blocking flashrom mails

Svetoslav Trochev svetoslav.trochev at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 06:13:57 CET 2015

Hi Stefan,

Could you please explain a bit more the issue. I have been receiving
flashrom mails just fine ( and I have free gmail account). Once on a while
some of the e-mails would be marked as suspected spam. The most often this
happens on mail originated from East Europe. Are we are talking about those
e-mails, or entirely different issue? The main reason I use GMail as my
public e-mail address is exactly their spam filter. It is by far the most
accurate of Hotmail, Yahoo or almost working e-mail service provided by my
ISPs available to me.

Do you have any other recommendations for e-mail provider?!

Best regards,

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Stefan Tauner <
stefan.tauner at alumni.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writing to you directly because gmail decided to not deliver any
> mails from the flashrom mailing list to you anymore and hence you got
> unsubscribed automatically after a number of bounces. I am wondering if
> this mail is coming through as well because it is addressed to about
> 100 gmail accounts at once... :)
> In any case... I am not administrating the mail server and even if I
> would, I would probably not dance to google's tune anyway. If your
> choice is to let google decide what mails can reach you, then so be it
> and good bye.
> --
> Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner
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